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  • Cooking up a new role
  • “倔强”的青年演员张晚意
  • “I’m Chen Qiaonian, but now I’m also Qiao Erqiang,” actor Zhang Wanyi said.
  • “我是陈乔年,现在也是乔二强。”演员张晚意说。
  • Zhang, 27, rose to fame for his role as revolutionist Chen Qiaonian, the son of Chen Duxiu, in The Age of Awakening.
  • 27岁的张晚意因在《觉醒年代》中饰演陈独秀之子、革命者陈乔年而成名。
  • Recently, the young actor stepped into the limelight once again for his performance as a chef named Qiao Erqiang in The Bond.
  • 最近,这位青年演员在《乔家的儿女》里饰演厨师乔二强,再次成为人们关注的焦点。
  • The TV series highlights how five siblings build up a strong relationship with each other.
  • 《乔家的儿女》着重展现了五个兄弟姐妹如何彼此扶持、相依为命的故事。
  • As of Sept 8, it has a score of 8 out of 10 on review platform Douban.
  • 截至9月8日,该剧在豆瓣上获得了8分的评分(满分10分)。
  • Zhang believes these two characters he has played have something in common.
  • 张晚意认为自己扮演的这两个角色有一些共同之处。
  • “They are determined and are extremely committed to what they believe in,” Zhang said in an interview with Jiangsu TV.
  • 在接受江苏卫视的采访时,他说道:“陈乔年、乔二强都很坚毅,也都非常执着地追求自己的信仰。”
  • This passion is mirrored in the actor himself. Zhang works to achieve his goals by any means necessary.
  • 角色的激情也反映在演员自己身上。张晚意倾尽全力,一心实现演员梦。
  • He made up his mind to become an actor when he was a Senior 1 student and left his hometown Shiyan, Hubei province, for Beijing to get acting training.
  • 高一时,张晚意就下定决心要成为一名演员,他离开家乡湖北省十堰市,来到北京接受表演训练。
  • In 2013, he was admitted to his dream university, Beijing Film Academy, after taking the national college entrance exam twice.
  • 2013年,在参加了两次高考后,张晚意被自己梦寐以求的大学——北京电影学院录取。
  • In 2016, Zhang got his first role. And over the past five years, Zhang has fully thrown himself into his performances.
  • 2016年,张晚意获得了第一个角色。在过去的五年里,他全身心地投入到表演中。
  • The audience was especially impressed by a scene in The Age of Awakening
  • 《觉醒年代》里有一幕给观众留下了深刻印象:
  • in which Chen slowly turns around with a smile on his blood-covered face before being put to death for his beliefs.
  • 在为信仰就义前,陈乔年缓缓转过身,满脸血污,却面带微笑。
  • To shoot the scene, Zhang wore shackles weighing over 20 kilograms on his feet and dressed only thin rags in cold, rainy weather for five hours.
  • 为了这个场景,张晚意脚戴20多公斤的镣铐,身着破衣烂衫,在寒冷的雨天拍摄了5个小时。“那是我永生难忘的经历。”
  • “It was an experience I won’t forget,” Zhang told The Paper.
  • 在接受澎湃新闻采访时,张晚意说道。
  • With little experience cooking, Zhang spent a great deal of time learning to cook to prepare for his role in The Bond.
  • 虽然张晚意几乎没有下厨经验,但为了准备《乔家的儿女》中乔二强一角,他花费了大量时间学习烹饪。
  • “As a young actor, Zhang has a distinctive characteristic.
  • “晚意作为一个年轻演员,有一个非常独特的气质,
  • There is tenacity and perseverance in his eyes,” said Zhang Yongxin, the director of The Age of Awakening.
  • 他的眼神里带着坚韧和坚定。”《觉醒年代》导演张永新说道。
  • Zhang is grateful for the praise he has received from his fellow actors and the audience.
  • 张晚意对同行和观众的赞许心存感激。“我能在27岁被观众认识并喜欢上,已经十分幸运。”
  • “I’m very lucky to be known by so many people at the age of 27,” Zhang told The Paper. “Acting is my lifelong pursuit. I’ll keep going on.”
  • 他在接受澎湃新闻采访时说,“表演是我会投入一辈子的事业,我会继续努力。”


Cooking up a new role


Im Chen Qiaonian, but now Im also Qiao Erqiang,” actor Zhang Wanyi said.


Zhang, 27, rose to fame for his role as revolutionist Chen Qiaonian, the son of Chen Duxiu, in The Age of Awakening. Recently, the young actor stepped into the limelight once again for his performance as a chef named Qiao Erqiang in The Bond.


The TV series highlights how five siblings build up a strong relationship with each other. As of Sept 8, it has a score of 8 out of 10 on review platform Douban.


Zhang believes these two characters he has played have something in common. “They are determined and are extremely committed to what they believe in,” Zhang said in an interview with Jiangsu TV.



This passion is mirrored in the actor himself. Zhang works to achieve his goals by any means necessary. He made up his mind to become an actor when he was a Senior 1 student and left his hometown Shiyan, Hubei province, for Beijing to get acting training. In 2013, he was admitted to his dream university, Beijing Film Academy, after taking the national college entrance exam twice.


In 2016, Zhang got his first role. And over the past five years, Zhang has fully thrown himself into his performances.


The audience was especially impressed by a scene in The Age of Awakening in which Chen slowly turns around with a smile on his blood-covered face before being put to death for his beliefs. To shoot the scene, Zhang wore shackles weighing over 20 kilograms on his feet and dressed only thin rags in cold, rainy weather for five hours. “It was an experience I wont forget,” Zhang told The Paper.


With little experience cooking, Zhang spent a great deal of time learning to cook to prepare for his role in The Bond.


As a young actor, Zhang has a distinctive characteristic. There is tenacity and perseverance in his eyes,” said Zhang Yongxin, the director of The Age of Awakening.


Zhang is grateful for the praise he has received from his fellow actors and the audience. “Im very lucky to be known by so many people at the age of 27,” Zhang told The Paper. “Acting is my lifelong pursuit. Ill keep going on.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

bond [bɔnd]


n. 债券,结合,粘结剂,粘合剂
vt. 使结

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

distinctive [di'stiŋktiv]


adj. 独特的

academy [ə'kædəmi]


n. 学院,学术,学会

chef [ʃef]


n. 厨师,主厨

tenacity [ti'næsiti]


n. 坚韧,固执,不屈不挠,顽固

passion ['pæʃən]


n. 激情,酷爱

scene [si:n]


n. 场,景,情景

platform ['plætfɔ:m]


n. 平台,站台,月台,讲台,(政党的)政纲





