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梵蒂冈最大规模审判开庭 红衣主教出庭受审

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  • An unprecedented trial began in Italy today, specifically at the Vatican.
  • 一场前所未有的审判今天在意大利开庭,准确地说是在梵蒂冈。
  • One of the defendants is a cardinal. He and nine others are accused of misusing over $400 million in church funds.
  • 被告之一是一名红衣主教。他和其他9人被控滥用超过4亿美元的教会资金。
  • NPR's Sylvia Poggioli is following things from Rome and joins us on the line now. Hey, Sylvia.
  • NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利正在罗马关注相关情况,现在她将和我们连线。你好,西尔维亚。
  • Hi there.
  • 你好。
  • So tell us more about this case. This is highly unusual.
  • 请详细介绍一下这起案件。这非常不同寻常。
  • Yeah, it's really complicated. It involves a botched real estate deal in London where the Vatican ended up losing tens of millions of dollars.
  • 没错,而且相当复杂。这涉及到伦敦一桩失败的房地产交易,该交易致梵蒂冈最终损失数千万美元。
  • It was a warehouse that was to be converted in luxury apartments.
  • 交易中涉及一处将被改造成豪华公寓的仓库。
  • Most of the money came from charity funds known as Peter's Pence that popes usually earmark for the poor.
  • 这笔资金大部分来自教皇通常为穷人设立的慈善基金,称为“奉献金”。
  • Now, the defendants include Italian financiers, former Vatican financial officials.
  • 被告包括意大利金融家、前梵蒂冈财政官员。
  • And the key defendant is Cardinal Angelo Bachu. He was once the No. 3 person in the Vatican.
  • 主要被告是红衣主教安杰洛·贝丘。他曾是梵蒂冈三号人物。
  • He's accused of crimes including embezzlement, abuse of office, money laundering and fraud. And he denies all wrongdoing.
  • 他被控犯有贪污、滥用职权、洗钱和欺诈等罪行。他否认了所有的不当行为。今
  • Today he and his former secretary, who was also a defendant, were the only ones who appeared in court.
  • 天出庭的只有他和他的前秘书,后者也是被告。
  • Bachu, who was wearing a black clergyman suit, told reporters, the pope wanted me to go on trial. I'm obedient. I'm here.
  • 身穿黑色牧师服的贝丘对记者表示,教皇希望我接受审判。我很听话。所以我出席了庭审。
  • But the other defendants all exercise their right to be defended in absentia.
  • 但其他被告均在缺席情况下行使了辩护权。
  • So interesting. Well, tell us what happened today in court.
  • 这值得注意。请介绍一下今天庭审的情况。
  • Well, it was a really long hearing, almost eight hours. Twenty-seven lawyers representing the 10 defendants raised numerous objections.
  • 这场听证会耗时很长,差不多持续了八个多小时。代表10名被告的27名律师提出了大量反对意见。
  • Some claim the Vatican court doesn't have jurisdiction over certain crimes,
  • 一些律师声称梵蒂冈法院对某些罪行没有管辖权,
  • or they complained that they hadn't seen all the evidence or had been given sufficient time to study at all. It's some 28,000 pages.
  • 还律师提出申诉,称他们没有看到所有的证据,或者根本没有得到足够的时间进行研究。反对意见约有2.8万页。
  • Now, what struck me was a kind of legal miscommunication between the defense and the Vatican prosecutors.
  • 令我震惊的是辩方和梵蒂冈检察官之间的一种法律沟通错误。
  • The defense lawyers were citing Italian legal precedents that have nothing to do with the Vatican legal system.
  • 辩护律师引用了与梵蒂冈法律体系无关的意大利法律先例。
  • One lawyer, for example, claimed that recent decisions handed down by Pope Francis, which made this trial possible,
  • 例如,一位律师声称,教皇弗朗西斯最近做出的决定使这一审判成为可能,
  • such as lifting the cardinal's immunity so he could stand trial, have made this according to a so-called sort of special tribunal you might see in an authoritarian regime.
  • 比如取消红衣主教的豁免权,这样该主教就能接受审判,而这一决定的根据是你可能会在独裁政权中看到的所谓的“特别法庭”。
  • The prosecutors responded saying, hey; the Vatican is a separate state. It has a different legal system, and the pope himself is its legislator.
  • 检察官回应称,嘿;梵蒂冈是独立的国家。拥有不同的法律体系,教皇本人就是立法者。
  • So the trial was adjourned to October 5. It's likely to go on for a very long time — many, many months, I'm sure.
  • 因此,审判延期到10月5日。这可能会持续很长一段时间——我肯定会持续很多个月。
  • Many, many months. Now, Sylvia, I mean, there have been allegations of malfeasance for years regarding the Catholic Church.
  • 好几个月。西尔维亚,多年来一直存在涉及天主教会渎职的指控。
  • Do you think that this trial is a sign that they're finally getting quite serious about cracking down on that malfeasance?
  • 你认为这次审判是否是信号,表明他们终于开始认真打击这种渎职行为了?
  • Well, that's what Vatican officials say. This marks a turning point for greater credibility in the Holy See's affairs.
  • 梵蒂冈官员是这样说的。这标志着罗马教廷事务中提高信誉的一个转折点。
  • The fact that a cardinal is on trial for corruption for the first time in, you know, modern history is a sign that nobody's beyond the law. Nobody's untouchable.
  • 红衣主教在现代历史上首次因腐败而受审,这一事实表明没有人能凌驾于法律之上。没有人不可处罚。
  • Pope Francis is definitely determined to clean up Vatican finances after decades of many, many scandals.
  • 在经历了数十年的丑闻后,教皇弗朗西斯肯定会决心清理梵蒂冈的财政。
  • And the head of the Vatican's Secretariat for the Economy said, in economics, we have learned that transparency protects us more than secrecy does.
  • 梵蒂冈经济秘书处的负责人表示,在经济方面,我们了解到透明度比保密更能保护我们。
  • But there's another issue, and that's Pope Francis' the handling of the whole affair.
  • 但还有另一个问题,即教皇弗朗西斯对整个事件的处理。
  • Last September Francis fired the cardinal from his post and required him to renounce all privileges of being a cardinal.
  • 去年9月,弗朗西斯解除了红衣主教贝丘的职务,并要求他放弃作为红衣主教的所有特权。
  • And some here wonder, how will the court judge him? Is an acquittal likely after the pope himself has pretty much handed down a guilty verdict?
  • 这里有些人想知道,法庭将如何审判他?在教皇本人做出有罪判决后,他是否可能被无罪释放?
  • That is NPR's Sylvia Poggioli in Rome. Thank you so much, Sylvia.
  • 以上是NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利从罗马带来的报道。非常感谢你,西尔维亚。
  • Thank you.
  • 谢谢。



An unprecedented trial began in Italy today, specifically at the Vatican. One of the defendants is a cardinal. He and nine others are accused of misusing over $400 million in church funds. NPR's Sylvia Poggioli is following things from Rome and joins us on the line now.
Hey, Sylvia.
CHANG: So tell us more about this case. This is highly unusual.
POGGIOLI: Yeah, it's really complicated. It involves a botched real estate deal in London where the Vatican ended up losing tens of millions of dollars. It was a warehouse that was to be converted in luxury apartments. Most of the money came from charity funds known as Peter's Pence that popes usually earmark for the poor. Now, the defendants include Italian financiers, former Vatican financial officials.
And the key defendant is Cardinal Angelo Bachu. He was once the No. 3 person in the Vatican. He's accused of crimes including embezzlement, abuse of office, money laundering and fraud. And he denies all wrongdoing. Today he and his former secretary, who was also a defendant, were the only ones who appeared in court. Bachu, who was wearing a black clergyman suit, told reporters, the pope wanted me to go on trial. I'm obedient. I'm here. But the other defendants all exercise their right to be defended in absentia.
CHANG: So interesting. Well, tell us what happened today in court.
POGGIOLI: Well, it was a really long hearing, almost eight hours. Twenty-seven lawyers representing the 10 defendants raised numerous objections. Some claim the Vatican court doesn't have jurisdiction over certain crimes, or they complained that they hadn't seen all the evidence or had been given sufficient time to study at all. It's some 28,000 pages.
Now, what struck me was a kind of legal miscommunication between the defense and the Vatican prosecutors. The defense lawyers were citing Italian legal precedents that have nothing to do with the Vatican legal system. One lawyer, for example, claimed that recent decisions handed down by Pope Francis, which made this trial possible, such as lifting the cardinal's immunity so he could stand trial, have made this according to a so-called sort of special tribunal you might see in an authoritarian regime. The prosecutors responded saying, hey; the Vatican is a separate state. It has a different legal system, and the pope himself is its legislator. So the trial was adjourned to October 5. It's likely to go on for a very long time — many, many months, I'm sure.




CHANG: Many, many months. Now, Sylvia, I mean, there have been allegations of malfeasance for years regarding the Catholic Church. Do you think that this trial is a sign that they're finally getting quite serious about cracking down on that malfeasance?
POGGIOLI: Well, that's what Vatican officials say. This marks a turning point for greater credibility in the Holy See's affairs. The fact that a cardinal is on trial for corruption for the first time in, you know, modern history is a sign that nobody's beyond the law. Nobody's untouchable. Pope Francis is definitely determined to clean up Vatican finances after decades of many, many scandals. And the head of the Vatican's Secretariat for the Economy said, in economics, we have learned that transparency protects us more than secrecy does.
But there's another issue, and that's Pope Francis' the handling of the whole affair. Last September Francis fired the cardinal from his post and required him to renounce all privileges of being a cardinal. And some here wonder, how will the court judge him? Is an acquittal likely after the pope himself has pretty much handed down a guilty verdict?
CHANG: That is NPR's Sylvia Poggioli in Rome.
Thank you so much, Sylvia.
POGGIOLI: Thank you.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
luxury ['lʌkʃəri]


n. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

tribunal [trai'bju:nəl]


n. 法官席,法院,法庭

credibility [.kredi'biliti]


n. 可信,确实性,可靠

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力

defendant [di'fendənt]


n. 被告

immunity [i'mju:niti]


n. 免疫,免疫性,免除

cardinal ['kɑ:dinl]


n. 红衣主教,鲜红色,基数,北美红雀

defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守

verdict ['və:dikt]


n. 裁定,定论





