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  • U.S. authorities say they've uncovered a plot by Iran to kidnap an Iranian American journalist in New York.
  • 美国有关部门表示,他们侦破了伊朗企图在纽约绑架一名伊朗裔美国记者的阴谋。
  • For more than a year, Iranian agents allegedly pursued a kidnapping plan involving speedboats and a trip to South America.
  • 据称,一年多来,伊朗特工一直在实施一项绑架计划,该计划要借助快艇前往南美洲。
  • It might seem like the plot of a Hollywood thriller, but the FBI in a statement insisted it is not, quote, "some far-fetched tale."
  • 这可能看起来像好莱坞惊悚片的情节,但美国联邦调查局在一份声明中坚称,这不是电影,而是“令人难置信的事件。”
  • NPR justice correspondent Ryan Lucas has more on this story, joins me now.
  • NPR新闻的司法记者瑞安·卢卡斯将和我们连线,就这件事进行详细报道。
  • Ryan, first give us a little more detail on this plot and specifically who was targeted.
  • 瑞安,请首先介绍一下这起阴谋的详细信息,特别是目标人物是谁。
  • Well, according to the indictment,
  • 起诉书显示,
  • four Iranians with links to the country's intelligence services were planning to kidnap, as you said, an Iranian American journalist living in Brooklyn and rendition her back to Iran.
  • 如你所说,四名与伊朗情报部门有联系的伊朗人正计划绑架一名住在布鲁克林的美籍伊朗裔记者,并将她引渡回伊朗。
  • The journalist isn't named in the indictment, but we know that it is Masih Alinejad.
  • 起诉书上没有提到这名记者的名字,但我们知道目标是马西赫·阿利内贾德。
  • She has a huge following on social media, and she has used that to publicize the Iranian government's human rights abuses, its treatment of women,
  • 她在社交媒体上拥有大量追随者,她利用社交媒体宣传伊朗政府侵犯人权、对待妇女的行为,
  • including, notably, the fact that the government in Iran mandates that women wear a headscarf in public.
  • 尤其是伊朗政府要求女性在公共场合必须佩戴头巾的规定。
  • How were they planning to kidnap her?
  • 他们计划如何绑架她?
  • Well, this alleged plot dates back to at least June of 2020, when the Iranians, working from Iran, hired a private investigator in Manhattan to conduct surveillance on Alinejad.
  • 这起阴谋至少可以追溯到2020年6月,当时在伊朗工作的伊朗人在曼哈顿雇佣了一名私家侦探,对阿利内贾德进行监视。
  • The investigator took photographs and videos of Alinejad and her family at their Brooklyn home.
  • 私家侦探拍摄了阿林内贾德及其家人在布鲁克林家中拍摄的照片和视频。
  • The investigator took photos of people who visited the home.
  • 私家侦探还拍摄了访客的照片。
  • The indictment says the Iranian intelligence agents, at their computers in Iran, researched travel routes from Alinejad's home to the Brooklyn waterfront.
  • 起诉书表示,伊朗情报人员在伊朗的电脑上研究了从阿林内贾德家到布鲁克林海滨的交通路线。
  • They researched speedboats and how to travel by ship from New York to Venezuela, which is a country led by an Iran-friendly government.
  • 他们研究了快艇以及如何从纽约乘船前往委内瑞拉,委内瑞拉政府对伊朗持友好态度。
  • What has Alinejad had to say about all of this?
  • 阿林内贾德对此有何表态?
  • She said that the FBI contacted her about eight months ago to warn her.
  • 她说联邦调查局在八个月前联系她,提醒她保持警惕。
  • And at first, she scoffed at the idea, said she gets threats all the time.
  • 一开始,她对这个称她一直遭受威胁的想法嗤之以鼻。
  • But she told CNN her view changed when the FBI showed her evidence.
  • 但她对CNN表示,在联邦调查局向她出示证据后,她的观点改变了。
  • Then when they showed me the photos of my private life with my husband, my stepchildren, my beautiful garden in Brooklyn, I was like, wow.
  • 之后他们向我展示了涉及我私生活的照片,是我和丈夫还有继子女在布鲁克林家中的美丽花园玩闹时被拍到的,我当时想,哇哦。
  • So the government are that close to me? And then I took it serious.
  • 所以政府离我那么近?之后我开始认真对待这件事。
  • She says the FBI moved her from safehouse to safehouse over the past several months to try to keep her safe from this.
  • 她表示,过去几个月,联邦调查局让她从一个安全的地方换到另一个安全的地方,以保证她的安全。
  • How unusual is this?
  • 这有多不寻常?
  • Experts say the Iranian government has a history of doing things like this.
  • 专家表示,伊朗政府以前也这样做过。
  • Here is Karim Sadjadpour from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • 以下是卡内基国际和平基金会的卡里姆·萨贾德波尔所说。
  • There's really no government in the world that targets its critics overseas like the Iranian government.
  • 世界上没有一个政府像伊朗政府那样将批评矛头对准海外。
  • Since 1979, Iran has assassinated at least several dozen of its critics overseas.
  • 自1979年以来,伊朗在海外暗杀了至少数十名批评人士。
  • The most recent case is of an Iranian activist based in France named Ruhollah Zam.
  • 最近的一个案例是一名在法国的伊朗激进分子,名为鲁霍拉·扎姆。
  • He was lured from France to Iraq, where he was seized by Iranian agents, taken back to Iran and executed.
  • 他被从法国引诱到伊拉克,在那里被伊朗特工抓获,带回伊朗并被处决。
  • The indictment unsealed yesterday says that the intelligence network that was targeting Alinejad was also targeting three dissidents in Canada as well as one in Britain,
  • 昨天启封的起诉书显示,针对阿林内贾德的情报网也针对加拿大的三名持不同政见者以及英国的一名持不同政见者,
  • all of which suggest that this is bigger than just this one case.
  • 所有这些都表明这一案件不是个例,行动规模要大得多。
  • And an important note here to end on — the four Iranians charged here are at large and still believed to be in Iran.
  • 最后需要说明的重点是,被指控的四名伊朗人目前在逃,据信仍在伊朗。
  • That's NPR's Ryan Lucas. Thank you.
  • 以上是NPR新闻的瑞安·卢卡带来的报道。谢谢你。
  • Thank you.
  • 谢谢。



U.S. authorities say they've uncovered a plot by Iran to kidnap an Iranian American journalist in New York. For more than a year, Iranian agents allegedly pursued a kidnapping plan involving speedboats and a trip to South America. It might seem like the plot of a Hollywood thriller, but the FBI in a statement insisted it is not, quote, "some far-fetched tale." NPR justice correspondent Ryan Lucas has more on this story, joins me now.
Ryan, first give us a little more detail on this plot and specifically who was targeted.
RYAN LUCAS, BYLINE: Well, according to the indictment, four Iranians with links to the country's intelligence services were planning to kidnap, as you said, an Iranian American journalist living in Brooklyn and rendition her back to Iran. The journalist isn't named in the indictment, but we know that it is Masih Alinejad. She has a huge following on social media, and she has used that to publicize the Iranian government's human rights abuses, its treatment of women, including, notably, the fact that the government in Iran mandates that women wear a headscarf in public.
CORNISH: How were they planning to kidnap her?
LUCAS: Well, this alleged plot dates back to at least June of 2020, when the Iranians, working from Iran, hired a private investigator in Manhattan to conduct surveillance on Alinejad. The investigator took photographs and videos of Alinejad and her family at their Brooklyn home. The investigator took photos of people who visited the home. The indictment says the Iranian intelligence agents, at their computers in Iran, researched travel routes from Alinejad's home to the Brooklyn waterfront. They researched speedboats and how to travel by ship from New York to Venezuela, which is a country led by an Iran-friendly government.




CORNISH: What has Alinejad had to say about all of this?
LUCAS: She said that the FBI contacted her about eight months ago to warn her. And at first, she scoffed at the idea, said she gets threats all the time. But she told CNN her view changed when the FBI showed her evidence.
MASIH ALINEJAD: Then when they showed me the photos of my private life with my husband, my stepchildren, my beautiful garden in Brooklyn, I was like, wow. So the government are that close to me? And then I took it serious.
LUCAS: She says the FBI moved her from safehouse to safehouse over the past several months to try to keep her safe from this.
CORNISH: How unusual is this?
LUCAS: Experts say the Iranian government has a history of doing things like this. Here is Karim Sadjadpour from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
KARIM SADJADPOUR: There's really no government in the world that targets its critics overseas like the Iranian government. Since 1979, Iran has assassinated at least several dozen of its critics overseas.
LUCAS: The most recent case is of an Iranian activist based in France named Ruhollah Zam. He was lured from France to Iraq, where he was seized by Iranian agents, taken back to Iran and executed. The indictment unsealed yesterday says that the intelligence network that was targeting Alinejad was also targeting three dissidents in Canada as well as one in Britain, all of which suggest that this is bigger than just this one case. And an important note here to end on — the four Iranians charged here are at large and still believed to be in Iran.
CORNISH: That's NPR's Ryan Lucas.
Thank you.
LUCAS: Thank you.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
indictment [in'daitmənt]


n. 控告;起诉书

publicize ['pʌblisaiz]


v. 宣传,公布,广告

quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价

byline ['bai.lain]


n. (报刊等的文章开头或结尾)标出作者名字的一行

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

medieval [medi'i:vəl]


adj. 中世纪的

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报

conduct [kən'dʌkt]


n. 行为,举动,品行
v. 引导,指挥,管理

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的


关键字: 讲解 NPR 伊朗 绑架 记者




