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联合国安理会推荐古特雷斯连任 抽马克龙耳光的法国男子已被捕

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  • China's consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, rose 1.3 percent year on year in May.
  • 5月份,中国居民消费价格指数同比上涨1.3%,该指数是衡量通货膨胀的主要指标。
  • Meanwhile, the producer price index, which measures industrial profitability, went up 9 percent year on year.
  • 同时,衡量工业盈利能力的生产者价格指数同比上升了9%。
  • The World Bank is predicting the Chinese economy will grow by 8.5 percent in 2021.
  • 世界银行预测,中国经济在2021年将增长8.5%。
  • The projection was made in the World Bank's latest Global Economic Prospects released on Tuesday.
  • 世界银行周二发布的最新《全球经济展望》做出了上述预测。
  • The World Bank says China's ability to contain the pandemic quickly, its policy support, and the recent pickup in global trade have helped support China's strong recovery.
  • 世界银行表示,中国迅速遏制疫情的能力、政策支持以及最近全球贸易的回升都有助于支持中国的强劲复苏。
  • The semiannual report says the global economy is expected to expand by 5.6 percent this year.
  • 这份半年度报告称,今年全球经济预计将增长5.6%。
  • The U.S. Senate has approved a bill that aims to boost U.S. semiconductor production and the development of artificial intelligence and other technology.
  • 美国参议院批准了一项旨在促进美国半导体生产以及人工智能和其他技术发展的法案。
  • "On this vote, the ayes are 68, the nays are 32. The 60 vote threshold having been achieved. The bill is passed."
  • “在这次投票中,68票赞成,32票反对。达到60票的门槛。该法案获得通过。”
  • The centerpiece of the bill is a 50 billion U.S.-dollar emergency allotment to the Commerce Department
  • 该法案的核心是向商务部提供500亿美元的紧急拨款,
  • to stand up semiconductor development and manufacturing through research and incentive programs previously authorized by Congress.
  • 以通过国会先前授权的研究和激励计划,支持半导体开发制造。
  • The bill now heads to the House of Representatives.
  • 该法案现已提交众议院审议。
  • President Joe Biden has applauded the move, saying he looks forward to signing it into law as soon as possible.
  • 乔·拜登总统对此举表示欢迎,称他期待尽快将之签署为法律。
  • More than 800 suspects have been arrested in a global sting operation that involved police raids in 16 nations.
  • 16个国家的警方联合开展突袭行动,逮捕了800多名嫌疑人。
  • The arrests came after criminal gangs divulged plans for moving drug shipments and carrying out killings on a secure messaging system secretly run by the FBI.
  • 此前,犯罪团伙在联邦调查局秘密运行的安全信息传递系统上泄露了转移毒品运输和实施杀戮的计划。
  • Law enforcement agencies also seized 32 tons of various drugs, 250 firearms, 55 luxury cars and more than 148 million US dollars in cash and cryptocurrencies in the raids.
  • 执法机构还在突袭中缴获了32吨各种毒品,250支枪支,55辆豪华汽车和超过1.48亿美元的现金和加密货币。
  • The operation was led by the FBI with the involvement of Europol and other law enforcement agencies in several countries.
  • 该行动由联邦调查局领导,欧洲刑警组织和多个国家的执法机构参与。
  • It began in 2018 when devices with secure-messaging platform ANOM were secretly provided to criminals operating in several countries.
  • 该行动开始于2018年,当时装有安全消息平台ANOM的设备被秘密提供给在多个国家活动的犯罪分子。
  • The United Nations Security Council has endorsed Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for a second term.
  • 联合国安全理事会批准秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯连任。
  • The General Assembly is likely to hold a session on June 18 on Guterres' appointment for another five years starting Jan. 1.
  • 联合国大会可能在6月18日就古特雷斯的任命举行会议,他的任期从明年1月开始,为期5年。
  • Guterres was the only official candidate as no state nominated any contender.
  • 古特雷斯是唯一的官方候选人,没有国家提名任何竞争者。
  • The former Portuguese prime minister became the ninth UN chief in 2017.
  • 这位葡萄牙前总理于2017年成为第九任联合国秘书长。
  • Two individuals have been arrested after French President Emmanuel Macron was slapped during a visit to a small town in southeast France.
  • 法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙在访问法国东南部的一个小镇时被扇耳光,随后有两人被逮捕。
  • A published video shows Macron was walking towards a cheering crowd and greeting a man, who slapped him in the face.
  • 一段公布的视频显示,马克龙走向欢呼的人群并与一名男子打招呼,但后者扇了他一耳光。
  • Macron's office has confirmed the video.
  • 马克龙的办公室证实了这段视频。
  • The president said he had not feared for his safety, and that nothing would stop him carrying out his job.
  • 马克龙表示,他并不担心自已的安全,没有什么能阻止他继续他的工作。
  • The man accused of slapping Macron and the one who allegedly filmed the incident have both been arrested.
  • 被指控扇马克龙耳光的男子和涉嫌拍摄该事件的人均已被逮捕。


China's consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, rose 1.3 percent year on year in May.
Meanwhile, the producer price index, which measures industrial profitability, went up 9 percent year on year.
The World Bank is predicting the Chinese economy will grow by 8.5 percent in 2021.
The projection was made in the World Bank's latest Global Economic Prospects released on Tuesday.
The World Bank says China's ability to contain the pandemic quickly, its policy support, and the recent pickup in global trade have helped support China's strong recovery.
The semiannual report says the global economy is expected to expand by 5.6 percent this year.
The U.S. Senate has approved a bill that aims to boost U.S. semiconductor production and the development of artificial intelligence and other technology.
"On this vote, the ayes are 68, the nays are 32. The 60 vote threshold having been achieved. The bill is passed."
The centerpiece of the bill is a 50 billion U.S.-dollar emergency allotment to the Commerce Department to stand up semiconductor development and manufacturing through research and incentive programs previously authorized by Congress.
The bill now heads to the House of Representatives.
President Joe Biden has applauded the move, saying he looks forward to signing it into law as soon as possible.
More than 800 suspects have been arrested in a global sting operation that involved police raids in 16 nations.
The arrests came after criminal gangs divulged plans for moving drug shipments and carrying out killings on a secure messaging system secretly run by the FBI.
Law enforcement agencies also seized 32 tons of various drugs, 250 firearms, 55 luxury cars and more than 148 million US dollars in cash and cryptocurrencies in the raids.
The operation was led by the FBI with the involvement of Europol and other law enforcement agencies in several countries.
It began in 2018 when devices with secure-messaging platform ANOM were secretly provided to criminals operating in several countries.
The United Nations Security Council has endorsed Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for a second term.
The General Assembly is likely to hold a session on June 18 on Guterres' appointment for another five years starting Jan. 1.
Guterres was the only official candidate as no state nominated any contender.
The former Portuguese prime minister became the ninth UN chief in 2017.

Two individuals have been arrested after French President Emmanuel Macron was slapped during a visit to a small town in southeast France.
A published video shows Macron was walking towards a cheering crowd and greeting a man, who slapped him in the face.
Macron's office has confirmed the video.
The president said he had not feared for his safety, and that nothing would stop him carrying out his job.
The man accused of slapping Macron and the one who allegedly filmed the incident have both been arrested.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
criminal ['kriminl]


adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的
n. 罪犯

incentive [in'sentiv]


adj. 刺激的,鼓励的
n. 刺激,鼓励,动

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

commerce ['kɔmə:s]


n. 商业,贸易

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

contain [kən'tein]


vt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制
vi. 自制

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

artificial [.ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]


adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

platform ['plætfɔ:m]


n. 平台,站台,月台,讲台,(政党的)政纲

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的





