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贝索斯将卸任亚马逊首席执行官 云服务负责人安迪·雅西将接任

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  • Amazon's Jeff Bezos is stepping down as CEO of the company he founded almost 30 years ago.
  • 亚马逊的杰夫·贝索斯即将辞去他在近30年前所创立公司的首席执行官职务。
  • He will transition to executive chairman. He will focus on new products and early initiatives.
  • 他将转任执行主席。他将专注于新产品和早期计划。
  • In his time at the helm of Amazon,
  • 在他执掌亚马逊期间,
  • it has grown and grown from modest online bookseller to retailing behemoth and one of the most powerful companies in the world.
  • 亚马逊已经从一个普通的在线书商成长为零售巨头和世界上最强大的公司之一。
  • I need to note that Amazon is one of NPR's financial supporters.
  • 我要指出的是,亚马逊是NPR新闻的财政支持者之一。
  • And I want to bring in NPR's Alina Selyukh. Hey, there.
  • 下面我们来连线NPR新闻的艾丽娜·塞柳克。你好。
  • Hello, hello.
  • 你好,你好。
  • So why is he stepping aside? What does Jeff Bezos say?
  • 他为何要辞职?杰夫·贝索斯怎么说?
  • So he's saying that he is shifting to the role of executive chairman.
  • 他表示,他正在向执行主席这一角色转变。
  • So it is accurate to say he's stepping down, but he's not stepping away by any means.
  • 因此,他计划辞职这一说法是准确的,但无论如何他都不会离开。
  • And he has already largely stepped back from day-to-day managing work in favor of big-picture planning.
  • 而且他已经基本上从日常管理工作中退出来,转而支持大局规划。
  • And now, he, you know, he says he wants to focus more on these long-term passion projects,
  • 现在,他说他想将更多精力放在这些长期的激情项目上,
  • like his rocket company, Blue Origin, The Washington Post, which he owns, and philanthropy work.
  • 比如他的火箭公司蓝色起源,他旗下的《华盛顿邮报》,以及慈善事业。
  • Today's timing was earnings. And so Chief Financial Officer Brian Olsavsky had to talk to reporters.
  • 今天的时机涉及盈利。因此,首席财务官布莱恩·奥尔萨夫斯基不得不接受记者采访。
  • And he was asked about this.
  • 有记者问到了这件事。
  • And he basically said Bezos is not going anywhere, it's just a reshuffling of who's doing what.
  • 基本上他说贝索斯不会离开,这只是对职务进行重新安排。
  • Jeff will continue to stay, you know, not only very involved,
  • 杰夫将继续留在公司,不仅会深入参与公司事务,
  • but very — you know, have his fingerprints on a lot of areas of product development and innovation.
  • 而且将专注于产品开发和创新等多个领域。
  • And of course, you know, he remains our largest individual shareholder.
  • 当然,他仍然是亚马逊最大的个人股东。
  • To quote Bezos himself, he wrote to employees today,
  • 贝索斯本人今天在致员工信中写道,
  • quote, "as much as I still tap dance into the office, I am excited about this transition."
  • “虽然我仍然会跳着走进办公室,但我对这种转变感到兴奋。”
  • He later said that being the CEO of Amazon is a deep responsibility and it is quite consuming.
  • 他在信中还表示,作为亚马逊的首席执行官是一项深刻的责任,也是一项相当耗费精力的工作。
  • He's looking forward to expanding into all of these other projects he's got going on.
  • 他期待今后的工作扩展到他正在进行的所有其他项目中。
  • I love that image of Jeff Bezos tap dancing into his office...
  • 我喜欢杰夫·贝索斯跳着走进办公室这一画面……
  • Into the office? Yes.
  • 进办公室?好。
  • ...At Amazon. Who will be tap dancing into the office in his place? Who's going to be the next CEO?
  • ……亚马逊的办公室。谁会代替跳着走进办公室?谁将成为下一任首席执行官?
  • His name is Andy Jassy. He's the head of Amazon's cloud computing division.
  • 接任者是安迪·雅西。他是亚马逊云计算部门的负责人。
  • This is Amazon Web Services, Amazon's biggest cash cow, biggest profit center.
  • 该部门是亚马逊网络服务部门,是亚马逊最大的摇钱树,也是最大的利润中心。
  • And Jassy is the person who shaped that company.
  • 而雅西正是塑造这一切的人。
  • Most famously, this is the cloud business that props up the CIA.
  • 最为知名的是,中央情报局(简称CIA)的云计算服务正是由该部门提供。
  • It is by far the biggest cloud company out there.
  • 可以说,现在亚马逊是目前最大的云计算公司。
  • Jassy is also a big investor in Amazon. He has been there a long time.
  • 雅西也是亚马逊的大投资者。他已在该公司任职很长时间。
  • He's one of Bezos' longest-serving trusted lieutenants.
  • 他是贝索斯任职最长的值得信赖的副手之一。
  • Hmm. And what are going to be the biggest challenges he will face as CEO?
  • 嗯。作为首席执行官,他将面临的最大挑战是什么?
  • Right. The timing is interesting. Next week, Amazon faces the first major big labor battle in the U.S.
  • 好。时机值得关注。下周,亚马逊将面临美国第一场大型劳资大战。
  • On Monday, Amazon workers in Bessemer, Ala., are starting to vote on whether to join a union,
  • 周一,阿拉巴马州贝塞默的亚马逊员工将开始投票,以决定是否加入工会,
  • which could create Amazon's first unionized warehouse in America.
  • 这可能会使亚马逊成立在美国的首个仓库工会。
  • So that's one big thing.
  • 这是件大事。
  • Then, like all tech companies, Amazon is facing scrutiny for its scale, its power.
  • 之后,和所有科技公司一样,亚马逊也面临涉及规模和权力的审查。
  • Just today, actually, Amazon agreed to pay over $60 million to settle charges by the Federal Trade Commission,
  • 事实上,就在今天,亚马逊同意支付超过6000万美元,以解决联邦贸易委员会的指控,
  • which is accusing Amazon of pocketing — essentially pocketing tips that were meant for delivery drivers.
  • 该委员会指控亚马逊私吞送货司机的小费。
  • And, you know, big picture, to your point earlier, Amazon has grown and grown into all of these different aspects of our lives.
  • 另外,从大局来看,你刚才提到,亚马逊在不断发展,现在已经渗透到我们生活的方方面面。
  • It's a company now worth almost $2 trillion.
  • 现在,这家公司的市值已达到近2万亿美元。
  • Wow. It employs 1.3 million people globally.
  • 哇哦。亚马逊在全球拥有130万员工。
  • It's growing very fast. It influences people's lives in so many ways.
  • 其发展进非常快。该公司在很多方面影响着人们的生活。
  • And how does that saying go, right? With great increasing power comes great increasing responsibility.
  • 有句话怎么说来着?能力越大,责任越重。
  • I'm sorry about that.
  • 我对此感到同情(笑)。
  • But the question is, you know, whether the American government or any other government might decide to hold Amazon more accountable for all its influence and power.
  • 但问题是,美国政府或其他任何政府是否会决定让亚马逊对其所有影响力和权力承担更多责任。
  • And the new CEO is the person who will have to address that.
  • 而新任首席执行官是必须解决这个问题的人。
  • NPR's Alina Selyukh, I think quoting from "Spider-Man" there, if I'm...
  • 以上是NPR新闻的艾丽娜·塞柳克带来的报道,我想刚才那句话出自电影《蜘蛛侠》,如果……
  • Indeed.
  • 没错。
  • Not mistaken. Thank you, Alina.
  • 如果我没记错的话。谢谢你的报道,艾丽娜。
  • Thank you.
  • 谢谢。



Amazon's Jeff Bezos is stepping down as CEO of the company he founded almost 30 years ago. He will transition to executive chairman. He will focus on new products and early initiatives. In his time at the helm of Amazon, it has grown and grown from modest online bookseller to retailing behemoth and one of the most powerful companies in the world. I need to note that Amazon is one of NPR's financial supporters. And I want to bring in NPR's Alina Selyukh.
Hey, there.
KELLY: So why is he stepping aside? What does Jeff Bezos say?
SELYUKH: So he's saying that he is shifting to the role of executive chairman. So it is accurate to say he's stepping down, but he's not stepping away by any means. And he has already largely stepped back from day-to-day managing work in favor of big-picture planning. And now, he, you know, he says he wants to focus more on these long-term passion projects, like his rocket company, Blue Origin, The Washington Post, which he owns, and philanthropy work. Today's timing was earnings. And so Chief Financial Officer Brian Olsavsky had to talk to reporters. And he was asked about this. And he basically said Bezos is not going anywhere, it's just a reshuffling of who's doing what.
BRIAN OLSAVSKY: Jeff will continue to stay, you know, not only very involved, but veryyou know, have his fingerprints on a lot of areas of product development and innovation. And of course, you know, he remains our largest individual shareholder.
SELYUKH: To quote Bezos himself, he wrote to employees today, quote, "as much as I still tap dance into the office, I am excited about this transition." He later said that being the CEO of Amazon is a deep responsibility and it is quite consuming. He's looking forward to expanding into all of these other projects he's got going on.
KELLY: I love that image of Jeff Bezos tap dancing into (laughter) his office...
SELYUKH: Into the office? (Laughter) Yes.


KELLY: ...At Amazon. Who will be tap dancing into the office in his place? Who's going to be the next CEO?
SELYUKH: (Laughter) His name is Andy Jassy. He's the head of Amazon's cloud computing division. This is Amazon Web Services, Amazon's biggest cash cow, biggest profit center. And Jassy is the person who shaped that company. Most famously, this is the cloud business that props up the CIA. It is by far the biggest cloud company out there. Jassy is also a big investor in Amazon. He has been there a long time. He's one of Bezos' longest-serving trusted lieutenants.
KELLY: Hmm. And what are going to be the biggest challenges he will face as CEO?
SELYUKH: Right. The timing is interesting. Next week, Amazon faces the first major big labor battle in the U.S. On Monday, Amazon workers in Bessemer, Ala., are starting to vote on whether to join a union, which could create Amazon's first unionized warehouse in America. So that's one big thing. Then, like all tech companies, Amazon is facing scrutiny for its scale, its power. Just today, actually, Amazon agreed to pay over $60 million to settle charges by the Federal Trade Commission, which is accusing Amazon of pocketingessentially pocketing tips that were meant for delivery drivers.
And, you know, big picture, to your point earlier, Amazon has grown and grown into all of these different aspects of our lives. It's a company now worth almost $2 trillion.
SELYUKH: It employs 1.3 million people globally. It's growing very fast. It influences people's lives in so many ways. And how does that saying go, right? With great increasing power comes great increasing responsibility. I'm sorry about that (laughter). But the question is, you know, whether the American government or any other government might decide to hold Amazon more accountable for all its influence and power. And the new CEO is the person who will have to address that.
KELLY: NPR's Alina Selyukh, I think quoting from "Spider-Man" there, if I'm...
SELYUKH: Indeed.
KELLY: ...(Laughter) Not mistaken. Thank you, Alina.
SELYUKH: Thank you.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
scrutiny ['skru:tini]


n. 周密的调查,细看,监视

settle ['setl]


v. 安顿,解决,定居
n. 有背的长凳

cow [kau]


n. 母牛,母兽
vt. 恐吓

expanding [iks'pændiŋ]



transition [træn'ziʃən]


n. 过渡,转变

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

accurate ['ækjurit]


adj. 准确的,精确的

scale [skeil]


n. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围
v. 依比例决

essentially [i'senʃəli]


adv. 本质上,本来





