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CRI News Report:我国GDP总量突破100万亿 颜丙涛首夺斯诺克大师赛冠军

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  • China's gross domestic product expanded 2.3 percent year on year in 2020 to cross the 100-trillion-yuan mark.
  • 2020年中国国内生产总值同比增长2.3%,突破百万亿元大关。
  • Retail sales fell by over 3 percent compared to the previous year while the total value added of industrial enterprises increased by 2.8 percent.
  • 社会消费品零售额比上年下降3%以上,而工业企业增加值总额增长2.8%。
  • In the fourth quarter alone, the country's economy expanded by 6.5 percent from a year earlier.
  • 仅在第四季度,中国经济就比上年同期增长了6.5%。
  • The Chinese mainland reported 93 new, local COVID-19 cases on Sunday.
  • 中国大陆周日报告了93例新增本土传播新冠肺炎病例。
  • They include 54 in Hebei, 30 in Jilin, 7 in Heilongjiang and 2 in Beijing.
  • 其中河北54例,吉林30例,黑龙江7例,北京2例。
  • Rescue workers at the explosion site at a gold mine in Shandong have confirmed the location of 12 trapped workers.
  • 山东一座金矿发生爆炸,现场救援人员已确认12名被困工人的位置。
  • The status of the remaining 10 remains unclear.
  • 另有10人情况不明。
  • The explosion took place over a week ago in the city of Qixia.
  • 这起爆炸于一周多以前发生在栖霞市。
  • Authorities confirmed yesterday there are survivors trapped underground.
  • 有关部门昨天证实,有幸存者被困在地下。
  • The rescue operation is still ongoing.
  • 救援行动正在行动中。
  • Chinese ace Yan Bingtao has won the snooker Masters title for the first time in his career after beating John Higgins 10-8.
  • 中国杰出选手颜丙涛以10比8击败约翰·希金斯,赢得他职业生涯中首个斯诺克大师赛冠军。
  • The 20-year-old is the youngest player since 1995 to collect the trophy.
  • 这位20岁的球员是自1995年以来获得该奖项最年轻的球员。
  • This year's event is the first Masters final without spectators in attendance, played behind closed doors in Milton Keynes.
  • 今年在米尔顿·凯恩斯举行的大师赛是首届无观众在场的大师赛决赛。
  • Brazilian health regulator Anvisa has approved the urgent use of COVID-19 vaccines made by Sinovac and AstraZeneca,
  • 巴西国家卫生监督局已批准紧急使用中国科兴和阿斯利康公司生产的新冠肺炎疫苗,
  • enabling Latin America's largest nation to begin an immunization program.
  • 使这个拉丁美洲最大的国家得以启动免疫接种项目。
  • "Trust Anvisa. Trust the vaccines that Anvisa certifies. And when they're in reach, go and get vaccinated."
  • “相信巴西国家卫生监督局。相信巴西国家卫生监督局认证的疫苗。能接种的就云接种疫苗吧。”
  • Sao Paulo state has started a vaccination program, beginning with a nurse.
  • 圣保罗州已开始实施疫苗接种计划,护士优先接种。
  • The program by the federal government will begin on Wednesday with priority given to health professionals on the front line against the coronavirus.
  • 联邦政府的接种计划将于周三开始,优先为一线抗疫医务人员接种。
  • About 450 adverse reactions have been reported after India started vaccinating its population over the weekend.
  • 印度从上周末开始为民众接种疫苗,目前已报告了约450起不良反应。
  • Officials say most of the reported symptoms were minor, including fever, headache and nausea.
  • 官方表示,大多数报告的症状都很轻微,包括发烧、头痛和恶心。
  • Three people were hospitalized after being vaccinated. Two of them have been discharged.
  • 有3人在接种疫苗后住院治疗,其中两人已经出院。
  • So far, over 224 thousand people in the country have got the shots.
  • 截至目前,印度全国已有超过22.4万人接种了疫苗。
  • Norwegian officials have adjusted their advice on who gets the COVID-19 vaccine after the deaths of some terminally ill elderly recipients.
  • 一些身患绝症的老年受种者死亡后,挪威官员调整了对新冠肺炎疫苗受种者的建议。
  • The Norwegian Medicines Agency on Sunday reported that 33 people had suffered side effects, 13 of whom died.
  • 挪威药品管理局周日报告称,有33人出现副作用,其中13人死亡。
  • The agency says all the deaths occurred among patients in nursing homes and all were over the age of 80.
  • 该机构表示,所有死亡病例都发生在养老院的患者中,而且年龄都在80岁以上。
  • "But what we did see is that some of these patients had fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
  • “但我们确实看到,其中一些患者出现了发烧、恶心、呕吐、腹泻等症状,
  • and that could have tipped them over with a very severe underlying disease."
  • 这可能使他们病倒,并伴有非常严重的潜在疾病。”
  • More than 30,000 people have received the first shot of either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine in Norway.
  • 挪威目前已有超过3万人接种了第一剂辉瑞或莫德纳疫苗。
  • So far, Norway has reported more than 58,000 COVID-19 cases and over 500 deaths from the disease.
  • 到目前为止,挪威报告了超过5.8万例新冠肺炎病例,超过500例死亡病例。
  • The United Kingdom and the United States have also reported a number of cases involving side effects that have caused death.
  • 英国和美国也报告了一些涉及副作用而导致死亡的病例。
  • Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been detained at a Moscow airport after arriving from Germany.
  • 俄罗斯反对派领袖阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼从德国抵达莫斯科机场后被拘留。
  • Russia's prison service says Navalny was taken into custody for multiple violations of parole and will be held until a court ruling.
  • 俄罗斯监狱部门表示,纳瓦尔尼因多次违反假释规定而被拘押,将被关押至法院裁决。
  • The prison service said that his being outside the country violated terms of a 2014 suspended sentence for embezzlement.
  • 监狱部门表示,他在境外违反了2014年因贪污罪被缓刑的条款。
  • Navalny, who is a harsh Kremlin critic, went to Germany last August where he received medical treatment after an alleged nerve agent attack.
  • 纳瓦尔尼是克里姆林宫的严厉批评者,去年8月,他因疑似神经毒剂攻击而前往德国接受治疗。
  • In September, German Chancellor Angela Merkel claimed Navalny was poisoned with the Soviet-style Novichok nerve agent.
  • 去年9月,德国总理安格拉·默克尔称纳瓦尔尼所中之毒是苏联制诺维乔克神经毒剂。
  • Russian authorities have repeatedly denied the accusation and demanded solid evidence from Germany.
  • 俄罗斯有关部门多次否认这一指控,并要求德国提供确凿证据。
  • US law enforcement officials have been deployed at statehouses across the country in anticipation of potentially violent protests by Trump supporters.
  • 美国执法官员已在全美各州议会进行部署,以防特朗普支持者的潜在暴力抗议。
  • More than a dozen states have activated National Guard troops to help secure capitol buildings.
  • 超过12个州启动国民警卫队,帮助保护国会大厦的安全。


China's gross domestic product expanded 2.3 percent year on year in 2020 to cross the 100-trillion-yuan mark.
Retail sales fell by over 3 percent compared to the previous year while the total value added of industrial enterprises increased by 2.8 percent.
In the fourth quarter alone, the country's economy expanded by 6.5 percent from a year earlier.
The Chinese mainland reported 93 new, local COVID-19 cases on Sunday.
They include 54 in Hebei, 30 in Jilin, 7 in Heilongjiang and 2 in Beijing.
Rescue workers at the explosion site at a gold mine in Shandong have confirmed the location of 12 trapped workers.
The status of the remaining 10 remains unclear.
The explosion took place over a week ago in the city of Qixia.
Authorities confirmed yesterday there are survivors trapped underground.
The rescue operation is still ongoing.
Chinese ace Yan Bingtao has won the snooker Masters title for the first time in his career after beating John Higgins 10-8.
The 20-year-old is the youngest player since 1995 to collect the trophy.
This year's event is the first Masters final without spectators in attendance, played behind closed doors in Milton Keynes.

Brazilian health regulator Anvisa has approved the urgent use of COVID-19 vaccines made by Sinovac and AstraZeneca, enabling Latin America's largest nation to begin an immunization program.
"Trust Anvisa. Trust the vaccines that Anvisa certifies. And when they're in reach, go and get vaccinated."
Sao Paulo state has started a vaccination program, beginning with a nurse.
The program by the federal government will begin on Wednesday with priority given to health professionals on the front line against the coronavirus.
About 450 adverse reactions have been reported after India started vaccinating its population over the weekend.
Officials say most of the reported symptoms were minor, including fever, headache and nausea.
Three people were hospitalized after being vaccinated. Two of them have been discharged.
So far, over 224 thousand people in the country have got the shots.
Norwegian officials have adjusted their advice on who gets the COVID-19 vaccine after the deaths of some terminally ill elderly recipients.
The Norwegian Medicines Agency on Sunday reported that 33 people had suffered side effects, 13 of whom died.
The agency says all the deaths occurred among patients in nursing homes and all were over the age of 80.
"But what we did see is that some of these patients had fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and that could have tipped them over with a very severe underlying disease."
More than 30,000 people have received the first shot of either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine in Norway.
So far, Norway has reported more than 58,000 COVID-19 cases and over 500 deaths from the disease.
The United Kingdom and the United States have also reported a number of cases involving side effects that have caused death.
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been detained at a Moscow airport after arriving from Germany.
Russia's prison service says Navalny was taken into custody for multiple violations of parole and will be held until a court ruling.
The prison service said that his being outside the country violated terms of a 2014 suspended sentence for embezzlement.
Navalny, who is a harsh Kremlin critic, went to Germany last August where he received medical treatment after an alleged nerve agent attack.
In September, German Chancellor Angela Merkel claimed Navalny was poisoned with the Soviet-style Novichok nerve agent.
Russian authorities have repeatedly denied the accusation and demanded solid evidence from Germany.
US law enforcement officials have been deployed at statehouses across the country in anticipation of potentially violent protests by Trump supporters.
More than a dozen states have activated National Guard troops to help secure capitol buildings.

重点单词   查看全部解释    


adj. 不清楚的;不易了解的

vaccination [.væksi'neiʃən]


n. 接种疫苗,种痘



adj. 悬浮的;暂停的,缓期的(宣判)

multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联

trophy ['trəufi]


n. 奖品,战利品

immunization [,imju:nai'zeiʃən, -ni'z-]


n. 免疫

priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地

collect [kə'lekt]


v. 收集,聚集
v. 推论

domestic [də'mestik]


adj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的
n. 家仆,


关键字: 讲解 CRI 疫苗 GDP 斯诺克




