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  • The website has chosen the term 'misinformation' as its word of the year.
  • Dictionary.com网站将“misinformation”一词选为了网站今年的年度词汇。
  • The announcement comes less than two weeks after Oxford Dictionaries chose 'toxic' as its word of the year.
  • 而不到两周前,《牛津词典》将“toxic”(有毒的)一词选为了他们的年度词汇。
  • Many people mix up the meaning of misinformation with the word disinformation.
  • 不少人都会把“misinformation”和“disinformation”这两个词混为一谈。
  • They sometimes use one term in place of the other.
  • 有时,明明该用这个词,他们却用了另一个。
  • defines misinformation as "false information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead."
  • Dictionary.com网站对“misinformation”一词的定义是“被散布的虚假信息,无论是否带有故意误导的意图”。
  • And it describes disinformation as "deliberately misleading or biased information; manipulated narrative or facts; propaganda."
  • 对“disinformation”一词的定义则是“故意误导他人或故意带有偏向性的信息;人为操控的叙事或事实;宣传。”
  • So what's the difference?
  • 那二者究竟有何不同呢?
  • Officials at say it comes down to what the writer or speaker actually means.
  • 该网站官方表示,区别就取决于作者或说话人真实的意图。
  • They say that "when people spread misinformation, they often believe the information they are sharing."
  • 他们称,“当人们散布misinformation的时候,他们通常都认为自己分享的信息是真的。”
  • But disinformation is often shared with the goal of misleading others.
  • 但disinformation通常都是带着故意误导他人的目的被分享出去的。
  • For example, if people share information that they know to be false in a story or a picture, that is disinformation.
  • 打个比方,如果人们知道某个故事或画面中的信息是假的还把它传播出去,那就是disinformation。
  • Jane Solomon is a language expert with
  • 简·所罗门是Dictionary.com网站的一名语言专家。
  • She told VOA that the choice of misinformation, instead of disinformation, was done for a reason.
  • 她告诉VOA,他们选择misinformation而不选misinformation作年度词汇是有原因的。
  • She said, "disinformation is a word that looks outside of ourselves. You can point a finger at someone who is spreading this disinformation."
  • 她说:“disinformation是一个看起来与我们没什么关系的词。比如我们可以指责散布这种信息的人。”
  • As for misinformation, "there is a quality of looking inward and it helps us evaluate our own behavior" to fight against the spread of misinformation.
  • 而misinformation这个词,反对传播这种信息就“有一种内观的特性,有助于我们审视自身的行为举止”。
  • The word misinformation has been used since the late 1500s.
  • “misinformation”这个词15世纪末就有了。
  • But Solomon said the word was chosen this year because it also "ties to a lot of events that are happening in 2018."
  • 但所罗门表示,今年之所以选这个词,是因为它“与2018年发生的许多事件都有关”。
  • In Myanmar, misinformation, like hate speech and propaganda, fueled violence against Rohingya Muslims.
  • 在缅甸,仇恨言论、政治宣传之类的misinformation进一步助长了针对罗兴亚穆斯林族群的暴力行为。
  • And there were riots in Sri Lanka after stories that proved false set the country's Buddhist majority against Muslims.
  • 斯里兰卡也因此发生了骚乱,一些传闻,经后来证明实属虚假的传闻挑起了该国占多数的佛教徒与穆斯林的冲突。
  • The disappearance and reported killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi fueled misinformation about him and his fiancee.
  • 沙特作家贾迈勒·卡舒吉的失踪以及称其已被杀害的报道进一步助长了有关他和他未婚妻的虚假信息。
  • And stories about Brazil's recent presidential election were filled with misinformation, everything from incorrect voting times to false campaign promises.
  • 有关巴西近期的总统选举的报道也充满了从投票时间错误到虚假的竞选承诺等各种虚假信息。
  • Facebook and other social media websites have published misinformation, including images of police arresting immigrants and long lines at voting stations in the United States.
  • Facebook等社交媒体网站也发布过虚假信息,比如警察逮捕移民和美国投票站前排起的长队等图片。
  • They also posted incorrect voting hours and false voting requirements before the November 6 elections.
  • 他们还在11月6日选举前发布了不正确的投票时间和虚假的投票要求。
  • Liz McMillan is head of
  • 丽兹·麦克米兰是Dictionary.com网站的负责人。
  • She noted that the online publisher has chosen words like identity in 2015, xenophobia in 2016, and complicit in 2017.
  • 她指出,该在线出版平台2015年选择了“身份”、2016年选择了“仇外”、2017年选择了“共谋”作为平台的年度词汇。
  • She said, "By arming our users with these words and enabling them to identify misinformation when it is encountered gives us a fighting chance against its influence."
  • 她说:“用这些词汇武装我们的用户,让他们在遇到这样的消息的时候能够看清其本质,好让我们能有一个抵抗这类信息的影响的机会。”
  • I'm Dorothy Gundy.
  • 多萝西·甘迪为您播报。


he website has chosen the term 'misinformation' as its word of the year. The announcement comes less than two weeks after Oxford Dictionaries chose 'toxic' as its word of the year.

Many people mix up the meaning of misinformation with the word disinformation. They sometimes use one term in place of the other. defines misinformation as "false information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead." And it describes disinformation as "deliberately misleading or biased information; manipulated narrative or facts; propaganda."

So what's the difference?

Officials at say it comes down to what the writer or speaker actually means. They say that "when people spread misinformation, they often believe the information they are sharing." But disinformation is often shared with the goal of misleading others. For example, if people share information that they know to be false in a story or a picture, that is disinformation.

Jane Solomon is a language expert with She told VOA that the choice of misinformation, instead of disinformation, was done for a reason. She said, "disinformation is a word that looks outside of ourselves. You can point a finger at someone who is spreading this disinformation."

As for misinformation, "there is a quality of looking inward and it helps us evaluate our own behavior" to fight against the spread of misinformation.


The word misinformation has been used since the late 1500s. But Solomon said the word was chosen this year because it also "ties to a lot of events that are happening in 2018."

In Myanmar, misinformation, like hate speech and propaganda, fueled violence against Rohingya Muslims. And there were riots in Sri Lanka after stories that proved false set the country's Buddhist majority against Muslims.

The disappearance and reported killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi fueled misinformation about him and his fiancée. And stories about Brazil's recent presidential election were filled with misinformation, everything from incorrect voting times to false campaign promises.

Facebook and other social media websites have published misinformation, including images of police arresting immigrants and long lines at voting stations in the United States. They also posted incorrect voting hours and false voting requirements before the November 6 elections.

Liz McMillan is head of She noted that the online publisher has chosen words like identity in 2015, xenophobia in 2016, and complicit in 2017.

She said, "By arming our users with these words and enabling them to identify misinformation when it is encountered gives us a fighting chance against its influence."

I'm Dorothy Gundy.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

voting ['vəutiŋ]


n. 投票 动词vote的现在分词形式

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

announcement [ə'naunsmənt]


n. 通知,发表,宣布

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

toxic ['tɔksik]


adj. 有毒的
n. 有毒物质

mislead [mis'li:d]


vt. 误导,使产生错误印象,欺骗,使误入歧途

propaganda [.prɔpə'gændə,prɔpə'gændə]


n. 宣传,宣传的内容

deliberately [di'libəritli]


adv. 慎重地,故意地

identity [ai'dentiti]


n. 身份,一致,特征





