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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Yeah. Ty, you know, what's going on with your mom? How is she doing?
  • 是的。泰,你妈妈怎么样了?
  • She's not well right now. She's in bed, just trying to stay strong and fight.
  • 她现在不太好。她正在卧床抗癌,也在努力变得坚强。
  • Now that she's in her -- she tries not to show it very much, but she's very strong and fighting.
  • 现在她——她努力不表现出来,并非常勇敢地与病魔作斗争。
  • Do you have brothers and sisters at home?
  • 你在家中有兄弟姐妹吗?
  • Yes, I have a baby sister, Serenity, and I have a little brother. Yeah. Not so little brother.
  • 嗯,我有一个小妹,她叫塞雷妮蒂,我还有一个小弟。嗯。也没有那么小。
  • He's a big little brother. Yes. I know that your mom was so moved by this moment,
  • 他是比较大的小弟。嗯。我知道,你的妈妈肯定被此情此景所打动,
  • and Gage, you know, she said such nice things about you for taking the time out to think of her son.
  • 盖奇,你知道的,她夸你还想着她儿子。
  • So, you know, I know there is a GoFundMe page, also, because I heard that your mom lost her job,
  • 那么,我知道有一个网站叫GoFundMe,另外,我听说你妈妈的工作没了,
  • we're gonna put that on the screen, for Tiffany Jordan.
  • 我们在大屏幕上展示出这个页面,为蒂芙尼·乔丹捐款。
  • Gage, you know, is there anything you guys want to do to sort of move this forward?
  • 盖奇,你们有什么方法能推动这一进程吗?
  • You know, just taking the -- you know, just taking the time out of your day when you know somebody is down or that they need help is really big for that person, and for their family, you know,
  • 你知道的,仅仅是抽——你知道的,当你知道某人心情不好并需要帮助时,仅仅是抽时间陪伴他们和他们的家人都能起到不小的作用,你知道的,
  • to know that they have somebody that they can turn to or knowing they can have a little bit of hope is key. And you know,
  • 他们知道还有人可以依靠,他们知道还有一线希望,这很重要。还有,
  • this GoFundMe page as you know, for the rest of the family, so that Ty can keep moving as he goes on throughout college, and so that he can help out his little brother and little sister.
  • 你知道的这个GoFundMe网站,对他的其他家人来说都是很有用的,这样的话,泰就能继续读大学,他也能帮助他的小弟和小妹了。
  • Yeah. Well, you guys are great, and I'm so happy to hear about your friendship.
  • 嗯。你们都很棒,听到你们的美好友谊,我感到很高兴。
  • And that you took the time to -- you know, there's always something going on in the other person's heart, and life,
  • 还有你花时间来——你知道的,在另一个人的心里和生命里,总会有一些事情在发生,
  • and we all have to recognize that, you know, we all have our own things going on. You got to recognize what's going on for the people and you did that.
  • 我们都必须明白这一点,你知道的,我们都有自己的事情。你要明白,其他人都在经历着什么,而你做到了。
  • Ty and Gage, thank you so much. And we wish your mom all the best.
  • 非常感谢泰和盖奇。我们都希望你妈妈早日康复。
  • Thank you very much for being with us tonight.
  • 非常感谢你们今晚能与我连线。
  • That is "The Story" on this Tuesday. Thank you so much. You bet. November 12.
  • 这就是周二“The Story”节目的全部内容。十分感谢。当然。11月12日。



Yeah. Ty, you know, what's going on with your mom? How is she doing? She's not well right now. She's in bed, just trying to stay strong and fight. Now that she's in her -- she tries not to show it very much, but she's very strong and fighting. Do you have brothers and sisters at home? Yes, I have a baby sister, Serenity, and I have a little brother. Yeah. Not so little brother. He's a big little brother. Yes. I know that your mom was so moved by this moment, and Gage, you know, she said such nice things about you for taking the time out to think of her son. So, you know, I know there is a GoFundMe page, also, because I heard that your mom lost her job, we're gonna put that on the screen, for Tiffany Jordan. Gage, you know, is there anything you guys want to do to sort of move this forward?




You know, just taking the -- you know, just taking the time out of your day when you know somebody is down or that they need help is really big for that person, and for their family, you know, to know that they have somebody that they can turn to or knowing they can have a little bit of hope is key. And you know, this GoFundMe page as you know, for the rest of the family, so that Ty can keep moving as he goes on throughout college, and so that he can help out his little brother and little sister. Yeah. Well, you guys are great, and I'm so happy to hear about your friendship. And that you took the time to -- you know, there's always something going on in the other person's heart, and life, and we all have to recognize that, you know, we all have our own things going on. You got to recognize what's going on for the people and you did that. Ty and Gage, thank you so much. And we wish your mom all the best. Thank you very much for being with us tonight. That is "The Story" on this Tuesday. Thank you so much. You bet. November 12.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
serenity [si'reniti]


n. 宁静,沉着

recognize ['rekəgnaiz]


vt. 认出,认可,承认,意识到,表示感激

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩





