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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Joining me now, as promised, Austin Police Chief Brian Manley.
  • 现在履行之前的承诺,我们与奥斯汀警察局长布莱恩·曼利连线。
  • Chief Manley, good to have you with us tonight, thank you very much for being here. Good evening. Thank you.
  • 曼利局长,今晚很高兴见到您,非常感谢您能与我连线。晚上好。谢谢。
  • How would you describe how this is going so far? And how are your officers managing with this?
  • 您怎么形容现在的状况?您的警察下属是怎么处理这件事的?
  • So, we are only a week into the change in the ordinances and as with any change we get,
  • 我们刚刚修改法令一周,我们每次做出修改的时候,
  • whether it be from our local governing body or the state legislature,
  • 不论是我们的地方主管部门还是州议会做出的修改,
  • the officers are complying with the new regulations.
  • 警察们都会遵守新规定。
  • We put out training bulletins and again emphasized to the officers what the new requirements of the new ordinances are
  • 我们张贴了培训公告,并向警察们重申新法令的新要求,
  • that we are focused on the behavior that is either dangerous or hazardous, or that is blocking the passageways. Yeah.
  • 要求我们要关注危险行为,或者堵塞通道的行为。是的。
  • Obviously, you know, as you point out, your force and you are newly in charge.
  • 显而易见,你知道的,就像您说的那样,您的权力是新授予的,您是新上任的。
  • You did an excellent job handling the bombing situation in Boston and were promoted to chief there,
  • 波士顿的爆炸案您处理的不错,然后被提拔为这里的局长,
  • but whatever is put in front of your officers is what they will carry out and what they will-- you know--
  • 但您的警察下属面临的是他们将要执行的,以及他们将要--你知道的--
  • will handle and manage as best they can.
  • 将要尽全力处理和管理的。
  • But on the Austin Police Association Facebook page,
  • 但在奥斯汀警察协会的脸书页面上,
  • people are starting to weigh on it and I'd like to get your reaction to some of this.
  • 人们开始在上面留言发表看法,我给您读一些留言,看看您的反应。
  • It says, "Officers and citizens are reporting camps sprouting up all over town.
  • 上面写道:“警察和市民都在报告蔓延全镇的临时居住地。
  • Officers are confused on how to enforce the changes.
  • 警察们感到很迷惑,不知如何执行修改的法令。
  • Department direction is vague at best according to this one individual.
  • 根据这个人的说法,部门的工作方向最多只能说是尚不明确。
  • Hashtag bad, bad decision." Obviously, he's not happy. What do you say to him?
  • #很糟糕,很糟糕的决定。”显而易见的是,他很不高兴。您想对他说些什么?
  • Well, again, social media was an avenue where people can post whatever they like.
  • 我再说一遍,人们可以在社交媒体上发表他们想说的一切。
  • We've put out clear directions to the officers as far as what the new ordinances require.
  • 我们非常明确地告诉警察们新法令规定的工作方向。
  • And I think the big change for us as a community and as a department
  • 而且我认为我们作为一个团队和一个部门,对我们来说,一个较大的变化在于
  • is areas where officers used to have the ability to impact complaints that we would receive being individuals that
  • 在一些地方,警察们曾经有能力打击那些人的控诉,
  • felt like their safety was in jeopardy or didn't feel comfortable in a situation.
  • 那些认为他们的安全状况处于危险之中的人,或是感到不适的人。



Joining me now, as promised, Austin Police Chief Brian Manley. Chief Manley, good to have you with us tonight, thank you very much for being here. Good evening. Thank you. How would you describe how this is going so far? And how are your officers managing with this? So, we are only a week into the change in the ordinances and as with any change we get, whether it be from our local governing body or the state legislature, the officers are complying with the new regulations. We put out training bulletins and again emphasized to the officers what the new requirements of the new ordinances are that we are focused on the behavior that is either dangerous or hazardous, or that is blocking the passageways. Yeah.




Obviously, you know, as you point out, your force and you are newly in charge. You did an excellent job handling the bombing situation in Boston and were promoted to chief there, but whatever is put in front of your officers is what they will carry out and what they will-- you know-- will handle and manage as best they can. But on the Austin Police Association Facebook page, people are starting to weigh on it and I'd like to get your reaction to some of this. It says, "Officers and citizens are reporting camps sprouting up all over town. Officers are confused on how to enforce the changes. Department direction is vague at best according to this one individual. Hashtag bad, bad decision." Obviously, he's not happy. What do you say to him? Well, again, social media was an avenue where people can post whatever they like. We've put out clear directions to the officers as far as what the new ordinances require. And I think the big change for us as a community and as a department is areas where officers used to have the ability to impact complaints that we would receive being individuals that felt like their safety was in jeopardy or didn't feel comfortable in a situation.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

legislature ['ledʒisleitʃə]


n. 立法机关

association [ə.səusi'eiʃən]


n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想

vague [veig]


adj. 模糊的,不明确的,犹豫不决的,茫然的

enforce [in'fɔ:s]


vt. 实施,执行,强制,强迫,加强

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

jeopardy ['dʒepədi]


n. 危险

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策





