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  • An intellectually-impaired indigenous boy was imprisoned naked for days inside Brisbane's adult maximum-security watchhouse.
  • 一名智力受损的土著男孩被赤身裸体地关在布里斯班成人高度戒备拘留所数天。
  • Documents obtained by the ABC show the boy, deemed a suicide risk by police, had only a blanket to cover himself.
  • 澳大利亚广播公司获得的文件显示,这名男孩被警方视为有自杀倾向,
  • A government child safety officer also raised serious concerns about the boy being held down and stripped to be put in a so-called 'anti-suicide smock'.
  • 他只有一条毯子能遮住自已的身体。一名负责儿童安全的政府官员也表达了担心,因为这名男孩被裸体关押,而且被强制穿上“反自杀罩衫”。
  • Queensland's state opposition is calling for an inquiry into the incident.
  • 昆士兰州反对派呼吁对这一事件展开调查。
  • Messaging service WhatsApp is under intense pressure this morning
  • 今天早上,消息服务应用WhatsApp面临着强大的压力,
  • to help in the search for a Belgian backpacker missing in northern New South Wales.
  • 外界要求其为寻找在新南威尔士州北部失踪的一名比利时背包客提供帮助。
  • The father of 18-year old Theo Hayez has begged the Facebook-owned company to let police access the encrypted messages on his son's phone.
  • 失踪者为18岁的西奥·海耶兹,他父亲请求这家脸谱网旗下的公司允许警方访问他儿子手机上的加密信息。
  • The teenager hasn't been seen for three weeks after a night out in Byron Bay.
  • 失踪青年于三周前的一天晚上在拜伦湾外出游玩,之后就不知所踪。
  • Police and SES crews are expected to return to bushland and beaches near the town's light house this morning.
  • 预计警方和应急服务部门将于今天早上重返灯塔附近的丛林和海滩,继续搜寻工作。
  • Egypt's former president Mohamad Morsi has died after collapsing in a courtroom.
  • 埃及前总统穆罕默德·穆尔西在庭审中晕倒后去世。
  • The 67-year old was ousted by the army in a coup in 2013, following mass protests.
  • 穆尔西现年67岁,2013年埃及爆发大规模抗议,随后穆尔西在政变中被军方罢黜。
  • He collapsed in a courtroom cage, after a hearing where he was facing espionage charges.
  • 他因间谍指控出庭受审,但在庭审现场的笼子中晕倒。
  • Two men will appear in a Melbourne court today charged over a serious assault on a senior Victorian police officer.
  • 今天,两名男子将在墨尔本出庭受审,罪名是重伤一名维多利亚州高级警官。
  • Assistant commissioner Chris O'Neill was off duty when he was allegedly punched and kicked near Heyington railway station
  • 休班的助理警务处长克里斯·奥尼尔在海英顿火车站附近遭拳打脚踢,
  • suffering serious head and rib injuries.
  • 致头部和肋骨严重受伤。
  • Police say the assualt was carried out by two brothers who had just been kicked off a train for urinating and vomiting.
  • 警方表示,袭击奥尼尔的是两兄弟,二人刚因在车上小便和呕吐被赶下火车。



An intellectually-impaired indigenous boy was imprisoned naked for days inside Brisbane's adult maximum-security watchhouse. Documents obtained by the ABC show the boy, deemed a suicide risk by police, had only a blanket to cover himself. A government child safety officer also raised serious concerns about the boy being held down and stripped to be put in a so-called 'anti-suicide smock'. Queensland's state opposition is calling for an inquiry into the incident.
Messaging service WhatsApp is under intense pressure to help in the search for a Belgian backpacker missing in northern New South Wales. The father of 18-year old Theo Hayez has begged the Facebook-owned company to let police access the encrypted messages on his son's phone. The teenager hasn't been seen for three weeks after a night out in Byron Bay. Police and SES crews are expected to return to bushland and beaches near the town's light house this morning.
Egypt's former president Mohamad Morsi has died after collapsing in a courtroom. The 67-year old was ousted by the army in a coup in 2013, following mass protests. He collapsed in a courtroom cage, after a hearing where he was facing espionage charges.


Two men will appear in a Melbourne court today charged over a serious assault on a senior Victorian police officer. Assistant commissioner Chris O'Neill was off duty when he was allegedly punched and kicked near Heyington railway station suffering serious head and rib injuries. Police say the assualt was carried out by two brothers who had just been kicked off a train for urinating and vomiting.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
courtroom ['kɔ:tru:m]


n. 法庭,审判室

assault [ə'sɔ:lt]


n. 攻击,突袭
vt. 袭击,突袭

inquiry [in'kwaiəri]


n. 打听,询问,调查,查问

rib [rib]


n. 肋骨,肋状物
vt. 装肋于,用肋状物支

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

coup [ku:]


n. 政变,砰然的一击,妙计,出乎意料的行动

opposition [.ɔpə'ziʃən]


n. 反对,敌对,在野党

stripped [stript]


adj. 剥去的 v. 剥夺(strip的过去分词形式)

incident ['insidənt]


n. 事件,事变,插曲
adj. 难免的,附带


关键字: ABC新闻 埃及 穆尔西




