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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • They have information. I think I'd take it. If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI,
  • 他们有信息。我觉得他们取得了信息。如果说有什么问题的话,我觉得问题出在联邦调查局。
  • if I thought there was something wrong. That was President Trump unleashing the critics with comments
  • 如果我觉得哪里有问题的话。这是特朗普总统对批评者作出的评论,
  • about collecting dirt from foreign adversaries, including Democratic Congressman and 2020 candidate Eric Swalwell
  • 关于从外国对手那里收集丑闻的评论,包括民主党议员和参加2020年大选的埃里克·斯沃韦尔,
  • who has in the past stop short of calling for impeachment, but now, today, he said this.
  • 他曾经不再要求弹劾,但现在,今天,他说了以下这些话。
  • My question is why now? Why are you now calling for impeachment?
  • 我的问题是,为什么是现在?你们为什么现在要求弹劾?
  • Well, if you were even to give them the benefit of the doubt that it was naive campaign,
  • 如果你就当他们认为这是一个幼稚的竞选,
  • he was a businessman running for president, didn't really mean it, it's clear that he means it now.
  • 他是一个参加总统竞选的商人,没有那个意思,很明显他现在是这个意思。
  • And that to me, is a consciousness of guilt, not just for impeachable offenses for what he's doing now in real time
  • 在我看来,这表示他认识到犯罪了,不仅仅表示他现在的所作所为是可引起弹劾的罪行,
  • but now it shows that the conduct during the last election was also one that was done with intent.
  • 而且它表示上次大选的行为也是有目的的。
  • So, I don't think we can wait any longer. Our democracy is at risk.
  • 因此,我认为我们不能再等了。我们的民主岌岌可危。
  • Here now, Trey Gowdy, former House oversight committee chairman and Fox News contributor.
  • 现在连线前美国众议院监督委员会主席、福克斯新闻撰稿人特雷·高迪。
  • Trey, good to see you this evening. What do you make of Eric Swalwell's change of heart on the topic of impeachment?
  • 很高兴今晚见到你,特雷。埃里克·斯沃韦尔对弹劾改变了主意,你怎么看?
  • I'm just trying to process the democracy is at risk, so let's impeach a duly elected president
  • 我正在努力思考他说的“民主岌岌可危”,我们弹劾一个选举产生的合法总统,
  • for over a crime for which he was not indicted. I'm trying to process how all that works together.
  • 因为一件并没有被控诉的罪行而弹劾。我正在努力思考事情是如何发展到这一步的。
  • Here's what I can tell you about Eric. He's not just getting on the impeachment bandwagon, he helped build it.
  • 我来说说埃里克。他不仅是追随弹劾浪潮这么简单,他助力了浪潮的形成。
  • He was on the House intelligence committee. They wanted a cloud over this presidency, and they got one.
  • 他曾是众议院情报委员会的一员。他们想给总统在任期内蒙上一层乌云,他们做到了。
  • But he and Schiff had been leading the impeachment train, whether or not he formally called for it or not,
  • 但他和席夫已经开始引领弹劾列车了,不管他是否正式地拥护它,
  • his actions have indicated that he wanted Trump to not be president since the inauguration.
  • 他的行为表明,自从特朗普宣誓就职后,他一直希望他下台。
  • Well, but do you, you know, go back to what the president said. And we just, you know,
  • 但是,咱们回到总统先生所说的话。我们刚刚
  • we talked to Joaquin Castro who said that he was really appalled by that comment in the Oval Office.
  • 说到杰昆·卡斯特罗,他曾说,在总统办公室里的那番评论让他十分震惊。


They have information. I think I'd take it. If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI, if I thought there was something wrong. That was President Trump unleashing the critics with comments about collecting dirt from foreign adversaries, including Democratic Congressman and 2020 candidate Eric Swalwell who has in the past stop short of calling for impeachment, but now, today, he said this. My question is why now? Why are you now calling for impeachment? Well, if you were even to give them the benefit of the doubt that it was naive campaign, he was a businessman running for president, didn't really mean it, it's clear that he means it now. And that to me, is a consciousness of guilt, not just for impeachable offenses for what he's doing now in real time but now it shows that the conduct during the last election was also one that was done with intent. So, I don't think we can wait any longer. Our democracy is at risk. Here now, Trey Gowdy, former House oversight committee chairman and Fox News contributor.


Trey, good to see you this evening. What do you make of Eric Swalwell's change of heart on the topic of impeachment? I'm just trying to process the democracy is at risk, so let's impeach a duly elected president for over a crime for which he was not indicted. I'm trying to process how all that works together. Here's what I can tell you about Eric. He's not just getting on the impeachment bandwagon, he helped build it. He was on the House intelligence committee. They wanted a cloud over this presidency, and they got one. But he and Schiff had been leading the impeachment train, whether or not he formally called for it or not, his actions have indicated that he wanted Trump to not be president since the inauguration. Well, but do you, you know, go back to what the president said. And we just, you know, we talked to Joaquin Castro who said that he was really appalled by that comment in the Oval Office.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者

guilt [gilt]


n. 罪行,内疚

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

democracy [di'mɔkrəsi]


n. 民主,民主制,民主国家

naive [nɑ'i:v]


adj. 天真的,幼稚的

inauguration [in.ɔ:gju'reiʃən]


n. 就职典礼,落成典礼,开幕仪式

comment ['kɔment]


n. 注释,评论; 闲话
v. 注释,评论

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

conduct [kən'dʌkt]


n. 行为,举动,品行
v. 引导,指挥,管理

intent [in'tent]


n. 意图,目的,意向,含义 adj. 专心的,决心的,





