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CRI News Report:中缅油气管道造福缅甸人民

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The China-Myanmar Oil and Gas Pipeline Project, starting from Kyaukpyu in the south of Myanmar to Ruili in China,
  • 中缅油气管道项目南起缅甸皎漂,北至中国瑞丽,
  • includes a nearly 800-kilometer long natural gas pipeline and a 770-km crude oil pipeline.
  • 包括一条长度近800公里的天然气管道和一条770公里的原油管道。
  • Made Island in Kyaukpyu is the starting point of the China-Myanmar crude oil pipeline, where people in the past had to spend their lives without clean drinking water and electricity.
  • 原油管道的起点位于曾经既不通水也不通电的皎漂马德岛。
  • Apart from the pipeline, a reservoir with a capacity of 650-thousand cubic meters, as well as a water-supply system, have also been built on the island.
  • 除了管道之外,该项目还在这个小岛上修建了一座库容65万立方米的水库以及一个供水系统。
  • The facility has given the locals convenient access to drinking water, rather than waiting for rainfall.
  • 这些设施给当地居民提供了饮用水,他们再也不用靠雨水度日。
  • Hong Hanbo, with Made Island Operation Center, says the locals were a priority for them from the beginning.
  • 马德岛项目运营中心的洪瀚波表示,油气管道在进行工程建设的时候,时刻想着惠及当地百姓。
  • "When we were designing the capacity of the reservoir, we also thought about supplying water for the locals.
  • “当时设计水库库容的时候,我们就考虑为当地的居民供水。
  • I think the changes are mainly in two aspects.
  • 我觉得变化有两点:
  • First, the locals can get clean drinking water because the water supplied to them is purified and disinfected.
  • 一个是他们用上了干净清洁的用水,因为我们的水是经过净化消毒处理后供给他们的;
  • Second, because there are a line of water pipes attached to the pipeline,
  • 第二,因为我们管线铺到村上之后有一排水管,
  • some villagers can get drinking water at home by joining a hose."
  • 有的居民自己接个水管之后引到家里了,用水非常方便。”
  • Towns and villages in other states along the route of the Oil and Gas Pipeline Project have also seen significant changes in the past few years.
  • 管道沿线的许多城镇乡村,都和马德岛一样发生了翻天覆地的变化。
  • The village of Thin Ta Ya in Mandalay State, which is over 500 km away from Made Island, used to get by without electricity.
  • 距离马德岛500多公里的曼德勒省丁德雅村以前没有电力供应。
  • With the help of the Oil and Gas Pipeline Project, the villagers will soon experience a different life through electricity.
  • 在管道项目的帮助下,村民们即将迎来期盼已久的电力供应。
  • Kyaw Shwe is the chair of the Electricity Supply Committee set up by the villagers.
  • 觉瑞是村民们自发组织成立的电力委员会的主席。
  • "In late May, 2018, the workers with the project transported the equipment to our village.
  • “去年5月下旬,工人们把设备运到了我们村,
  • Almost all the villagers were very excited, cheering for being able to have electricity supply soon.
  • 村民们看到之后都感到十分惊喜,都在欢呼村里即将能过上有电的生活了,大家非常高兴。
  • Of course, when people who didn't know what was going on came to ask me,
  • 也有一些不清楚情况的人,他们会来问我,我
  • I would tell them it is the brightness that the Oil and Gas Pipeline Project sends us
  • 给他们介绍说这是天然气管道项目为我们村送来的光明,
  • and the Project will further promote the development of other projects in our village."
  • 同时项目还会持续推动我们村其他项目的发展。”
  • A primary school in the village of Zi Pwa in Magway State, just a few kilometers away from the oil and gas pipeline, is also one of the beneficiaries.
  • 马圭省的希巴村小学也是项目收益者之一,该小学距离管道只有几公里远。
  • The students will soon be taking classes in a bright classroom inside a brand new building,
  • 学生们很快就可以就能坐在明亮的教室里上课了,
  • which has been financed through the Oil and Gas Pipeline Project.
  • 而这些都是油气管道项目资助的。
  • Tin San is a teacher at the school.
  • 丁珊是那所学校的一名老师。
  • "There are over 80 students in our school but the previous classroom was too small to accommodate them,
  • “我们学校一共有80多名学生,原先的教室容不下这么多人,
  • so some of them had to have classes outside.
  • 所以有一些学生只能在教室外边听课,
  • The children simply couldn't do it when it was raining.
  • 下雨的时候,这些孩子就没有办法正常学习了。
  • Luckily, the person in charge of the Oil and Gas Pipeline came to ask about our problems
  • 当时,油气管道项目在我们村里施工,项目的负责人来学校了解情况,
  • and decided to help us build a new teaching building after getting to know what a hard time the children were having."
  • 体会到了孩子们学习的艰苦,所以才有了现在的新教学楼。”
  • The China-Myanmar Oil and Gas Pipeline Project includes 242 aid projects in Myanmar,
  • 中缅油气管道项目包括社会援助项目242项,
  • with other areas of support including education, medical care, road construction and telecommunication.
  • 涵盖教育、医疗、供水、供电、道路、通信等方面。
  • Donations have also been made to regions hit by natural disasters.
  • 此外还有一些针对自然灾害类的捐赠。
  • Initiated in 2010, the oil pipeline was put into operation in April of 2017.
  • 中缅油气管道项目于2010年开工建设,2017年4月正式投入运营。
  • For CRI, I'm Zhou Fang.
  • CRI新闻,周芳(音译)报道。


The China-Myanmar Oil and Gas Pipeline Project, starting from Kyaukpyu in the south of Myanmar to Ruili in China, includes a nearly 800-kilometer long natural gas pipeline and a 770-km crude oil pipeline.
Made Island in Kyaukpyu is the starting point of the China-Myanmar crude oil pipeline, where people in the past had to spend their lives without clean drinking water and electricity.
Apart from the pipeline, a reservoir with a capacity of 650-thousand cubic meters, as well as a water-supply system, have also been built on the island.
The facility has given the locals convenient access to drinking water, rather than waiting for rainfall.
Hong Hanbo, with Made Island Operation Center, says the locals were a priority for them from the beginning.
"When we were designing the capacity of the reservoir, we also thought about supplying water for the locals. I think the changes are mainly in two aspects. First, the locals can get clean drinking water because the water supplied to them is purified and disinfected. Second, because there are a line of water pipes attached to the pipeline, some villagers can get drinking water at home by joining a hose."
Towns and villages in other states along the route of the Oil and Gas Pipeline Project have also seen significant changes in the past few years.
The village of Thin Ta Ya in Mandalay State, which is over 500 km away from Made Island, used to get by without electricity.
With the help of the Oil and Gas Pipeline Project, the villagers will soon experience a different life through electricity.

Kyaw Shwe is the chair of the Electricity Supply Committee set up by the villagers.
"In late May, 2018, the workers with the project transported the equipment to our village. Almost all the villagers were very excited, cheering for being able to have electricity supply soon. Of course, when people who didn't know what was going on came to ask me, I would tell them it is the brightness that the Oil and Gas Pipeline Project sends us and the Project will further promote the development of other projects in our village."
A primary school in the village of Zi Pwa in Magway State, just a few kilometers away from the oil and gas pipeline, is also one of the beneficiaries.
The students will soon be taking classes in a bright classroom inside a brand new building, which has been financed through the Oil and Gas Pipeline Project.
Tin San is a teacher at the school.
"There are over 80 students in our school but the previous classroom was too small to accommodate them, so some of them had to have classes outside. The children simply couldn't do it when it was raining. Luckily, the person in charge of the Oil and Gas Pipeline came to ask about our problems and decided to help us build a new teaching building after getting to know what a hard time the children were having."
The China-Myanmar Oil and Gas Pipeline Project includes 242 aid projects in Myanmar, with other areas of support including education, medical care, road construction and telecommunication.
Donations have also been made to regions hit by natural disasters.
Initiated in 2010, the oil pipeline was put into operation in April of 2017.
For CRI, I'm Zhou Fang.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力

convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

route [ru:t]


n. 路线,(固定)线路,途径
vt. 为 .

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

construction [kən'strʌkʃən]


n. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物

promote [prə'məut]


vt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销

pipeline ['paip.lain]


n. 管道,管线

weakness ['wi:knis]


n. 软弱

priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先


关键字: 讲解 CRI 缅甸 油气管道




