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  • From VOA Learning English, this is Words and Their Stories.
  • VOA学英语,这里是《词汇掌故》。
  • Each week we report on words and expressions commonly used in American English.
  • 每周我们都会聊聊单词和短语在美语中的常用方法。
  • We explain their meanings, their roots and how they are currently used.
  • 我们解释它们的意思,来源以及一般用法。
  • Today we talk a word that comes to English through the Irish. That word is boycott.
  • 今天我们来谈谈一个来自爱尔兰的单词。这个单词就是“联合抵制”。
  • Boycott can be used as both a noun and a verb.
  • “Boycott”既能用作名词,也能用作动词。
  • As a verb, boycott means to refuse to do something as a form of protest.
  • 作动词使,“boycott”意思是以抗议的形式拒绝做某事。
  • People who boycott something are often looking for social, economic or political change.
  • 人们抗议某事一般是寻求社会,经济或者政治上的改变。
  • As a noun, the word boycott has a somewhat different meaning.
  • 作为名词,“boycott”多少有些不一样的意思。
  • People stop using goods or services during a boycott until changes are made.
  • 除非做出改变,否则人们在抵制运动期间会一直拒绝使用商品或者接受服务。
  • In fact, that is just how the word entered the English language. It began with a man's name.
  • 实际上,这正是这个单词进入英语体系的方式。这个单词源于一个人的名字。
  • In the mid-1800s, a young man named Charles Boycott (1832-1897) served in the British army.
  • 在18世纪中期,一个叫做查尔斯·博伊科特(1832-1897)的年轻人为英国陆军服役。
  • After retiring, he worked as a land agent for the owner of a large country estate in Ireland.
  • 退伍之后,他在爱尔兰做大庄园主的地产经纪人。
  • At that time, Ireland was under British rule.
  • 那时,爱尔兰处在英国的统治下。
  • It was Boycott's job to collect money from tenant farmers who grew crops on the estate.
  • 博伊科特的职责是从在庄园种植庄稼的佃农那儿收取租金。
  • The farmers demanded lower rents. Boycott refused.
  • 佃农要求降低租金,博伊科特拒绝了。
  • Not only did he refuse to lower their rents, he evicted some farmers, meaning he kicked them out of their homes.
  • 他不但拒绝降低佃农的租金,他还驱逐了一些佃农,这意味着博伊科特把佃农们赶出了他们的家。
  • All these issues – evictions, high rents and absentee landlords -- caused a dispute between Boycott and the local community.
  • 所有这些问题--驱逐,高租金,外居地主,引起了一场博伊科特和当地社区之间的纠纷。
  • In particular, Boycott clashed with a man named Michael Davitt.
  • 特别是,博伊科特和一个叫迈克尔·达维特的人起了冲突。
  • In 1879, Davitt founded a group called the Land League.
  • 1879年,达维特建立了一个叫做土地联盟的群体。
  • The league organized Irish resistance to absent and abusive landlords.
  • 这个群体组织爱尔兰人抵抗外居地主和虐待人的地主,
  • It sought to help tenant farmers by securing fair rents and other rights of occupancy.
  • 保障佃农的合理租金和其他居住权。
  • Davitt suggested to the farmers that instead of attacking Captain Boycott,
  • 达维特建议佃农们与其袭击查尔斯·博伊科特,
  • they should simply refuse to do business with him.
  • 不如简单地拒绝和他做生意。
  • This form of protest proved very effective. Boycott's workers and servants refused to carry out his orders.
  • 结果证实这种形式的抗议非常奏效。博伊科特的工人和仆人拒绝执行他的命令
  • The crops in his fields went bad -- they rotted on the vine -- because nobody would harvest them.
  • 导致博伊科特地里的庄稼都坏了,因为没人采摘,它们烂在了藤上。
  • Reports even say some businesses would not take his money.
  • 报道甚至说一些商家拒绝和他做生意。
  • The community turned their back on the Boycott family and they were forced to move.
  • 社区背离了博伊科特家,他们家被迫搬离了这个地方。
  • By the end of 1880, some British newspapers began using Boycott's name
  • 1880年底,一些英国的报纸开始用博伊科特的名字
  • when reporting on a protest of unfair methods or actions. The usage quickly spread.
  • 来报告与不公平的方法或者行动有关的抗议活动。这种用法很快就传播开来了。
  • The term boycott crossed the Atlantic Ocean and landed in American newspapers.
  • “boycott”这个词穿越大西洋出现在了美国的报纸上。
  • By the late 1880s, The New York Times was reporting on boycotts.
  • 到19世纪80年代末,《纽约时报》一直在报道联合抵抗的新闻。
  • The word was generally used to describe labor protests against businesses.
  • 这个单词逐渐被用来形容劳工抗议商业行为。
  • These days, consumers are able to use their buying power to boycott businesses they consider unethical or abusive.
  • 现在,消费者能利用他们的购买力来抗议他们认为不道德或者有侮辱性质的商业行为。
  • Companies found to be mistreating their employees, breaking labor deals or polluting the environment
  • 被发现有虐待员工,违反劳动协议或者污染环境的行为的企业,
  • can quickly find themselves in the middle of a boycott.
  • 会很快发现自己已经成为抵制对象了。
  • The origin of the word "boycott" serves as a reminder: treat people fairly.
  • 单词"boycott" 的由来提醒我们:要公平对待任何人,
  • Otherwise, your last name may become a word people use when they protest.
  • 否则你的姓氏可能会成为人们用来表达抗议的单词。
  • And that brings us to the end of Words and Their Stories.
  • 又接近我们《词汇掌故》栏目的尾声了。
  • If you did not like this subject, please do not boycott the program, and leave your suggestions in the Comments section.
  • 如果你们不喜欢今天这个主题,请不要“抵制”我们节目,你可以区评论区留下你的建议。
  • I'm Anna Matteo. Have a great day!
  • 我是安娜·马特奥。祝你有美好的一天!


From VOA Learning English, this is Words and Their Stories.

Each week we report on words and expressions commonly used in American English. We explain their meanings, their roots and how they are currently used.

Today we talk a word that comes to English through the Irish. That word is boycott.

Boycott can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a verb, boycott means to refuse to do something as a form of protest. People who boycott something are often looking for social, economic or political change.

As a noun, the word boycott has a somewhat different meaning. People stop using goods or services during a boycott until changes are made.

In fact, that is just how the word entered the English language. It began with a man's name.


In the mid-1800s, a young man named Charles Boycott (1832-1897) served in the British army. After retiring, he worked as a land agent for the owner of a large country estate in Ireland.

At that time, Ireland was under British rule. It was Boycott's job to collect money from tenant farmers who grew crops on the estate.

The farmers demanded lower rents. Boycott refused. Not only did he refuse to lower their rents, he evicted some farmers, meaning he kicked them out of their homes.

All these issuesevictions, high rents and absentee landlords -- caused a dispute between Boycott and the local community. In particular, Boycott clashed with a man named Michael Davitt.

In 1879, Davitt founded a group called the Land League. The league organized Irish resistance to absent and abusive landlords. It sought to help tenant farmers by securing fair rents and other rights of occupancy.

Davitt suggested to the farmers that instead of attacking Captain Boycott, they should simply refuse to do business with him.

This form of protest proved very effective. Boycott's workers and servants refused to carry out his orders. The crops in his fields went bad -- they rotted on the vine -- because nobody would harvest them. Reports even say some businesses would not take his money. The community turned their back on the Boycott family and they were forced to move.

By the end of 1880, some British newspapers began using Boycott's name when reporting on a protest of unfair methods or actions. The usage quickly spread.

The term boycott crossed the Atlantic Ocean and landed in American newspapers. By the late 1880s, The New York Times was reporting on boycotts. The word was generally used to describe labor protests against businesses.

These days, consumers are able to use their buying power to boycott businesses they consider unethical or abusive. Companies found to be mistreating their employees, breaking labor deals or polluting the environment can quickly find themselves in the middle of a boycott.

The origin of the word "boycott" serves as a reminder: treat people fairly. Otherwise, your last name may become a word people use when they protest.

And that brings us to the end of Words and Their Stories. If you did not like this subject, please do not boycott the program, and leave your suggestions in the Comments section.

I'm Anna Matteo. Have a great day!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

vine [vain]


n. 攀爬植物,藤,蔓

dispute [di'spju:t]


v. 争论,争议,辩驳,质疑
n. 争论,争吵

clash [klæʃ]


n. 冲突,撞击声,抵触
vt. 冲突,抵触,

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

refuse [ri'fju:z]


v. 拒绝
n. 垃圾,废物

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

resistance [ri'zistəns]


n. 抵抗力,反抗,反抗行动;阻力,电阻;反对

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界





