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来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • It is winter. It is dark before 5:00, and there are so many rabbit holes beckoning to you on your computer screen and to your smartphone.
  • 冬天来了,每天不到5点,天就黑了。你们的电脑屏幕和智能手机上都有很多新世界有待探寻。
  • And yet there's an alternative. Many of you will recognize Peter Sagal as the voice and the host of NPR's Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!
  • 但其实还有一个选择——很多人都认识彼得·萨加尔,他是国家公共电台《等等!千万别告诉我》节目的当家花旦。
  • Tonight, he shares his Humble Opinion on the joys of running.
  • 今晚,他将分享自己对于跑步的乐趣的看法。
  • This is a strange thing to say from the other side of the screen that you happen to be staring at, but go outside right now.
  • 其实我感觉有点不适应,毕竟以前跟大家说话的时候是隔着屏幕的,但现在,我跳脱出来成了另一个角色。
  • OK. Wait until I'm done. So use these three minutes to find your shoes and get a coat if you need one.
  • 好的,在步入正题之前,请大家稍作耐心,给我3分钟的时间,你们也好找找鞋子和衣服御寒。
  • We spend our time now starring at screens for our work, our entertainment, our news.
  • 现在,无论是工作、娱乐还是关注新闻,我们都免不了花些时间在屏幕上。
  • When, for whatever reason we can't look at a screen, we put in headphones and listen to something, music, a podcast,
  • 在由于某种原因不能看屏幕的时候,我们会戴上耳机,听音乐或者播客。
  • to while away the otherwise unbearable time our eyes have to be focused on something else, like the road we're driving down.
  • 在无法忍耐的时候,我们的眼睛要看其他东西来转移注意力,比如我们正在驱车前行的道路。
  • There are people who fall asleep with their earphones in listening to a podcast in order to drift off.
  • 有的人在戴上耳机听播客的时候会迷迷糊糊睡去。
  • Sometimes, it's my podcast, or so they tell me, and I don't exactly know how to feel about that.
  • 有时候,听的是我的播客,至少有人跟我这样说过。我不知道对此该作何感受。
  • What that means is, we hardly spend a minute of our waking life without input, somebody else's thoughts inundating our own. Why?
  • 综上所述,我们清醒着的时候,总是要有外界的输入才甘心,一定要让别人的思想淹没我们自己的思绪。为什么会这样?
  • What is it about our own thoughts that are so unbearable that we can't stand to spend a minute alone with them?
  • 我们自己的思绪就有这样不堪吗?不堪到我们甚至无法跟它单独相处哪怕一分钟。
  • There is only one way to find out. Turn it all off and go outside, run, if you feel up to it, or maybe even if you don't.
  • 只有一条出路。关掉所有输入,走出去,去跑步,不管当下的你是否有这种冲动。
  • This is the primary reason I advocate running for everyone who is physically capable.
  • 我倡导凡是能跑步的人都要去跑步的一个主要原因是:
  • Yes, you might lose weight and gain fitness and feel more alert and awake and even enjoy nature's best antidepressant, endorphins.
  • 没错,那就是能减肥又能健身,整个人更加灵动精神,这是大自然赐予我们的快乐法门,让我们产生内啡肽。
  • But that is really not the most important reason to run.
  • 但这也并非最重要的原因。
  • What running really is, is a way to leave this digital dystopia behind, if only for a little while and a few miles.
  • 跑步可以让我们将数码世界的非乌托邦抛诸脑后,哪怕一小会儿,哪怕几英里。
  • Humans evolved over millions of years, shaped by our environment, which historically didn't include Bluetooth earbuds.
  • 人类进化了数百万年的时间,环境塑造了我们。根据历史记载,塑造我们的环境并不包括蓝牙耳机。
  • Why did some ancient ancestor of ours in Central Africa first stand on her back legs?
  • 我们远古的中非祖先为什么会用后腿站立呢?
  • It was to look around. It was to pay attention. It was to stop crawling, and to walk, and to run.
  • 这样是为了多看看周围,多留心环境。这是为了不再爬行,这样就能走路,能奔跑了。
  • And when you emulate her today, when you turn off the fire hose of input we use to drown our own thoughts,
  • 如果我们能效仿前人,关掉淹没我们思绪的各种输入,
  • when you simply move with nothing in your ears but air,
  • 在走路的时候不带耳机,
  • you are returning step by step to what we were meant to do and meant to be. Go.
  • 就是在逐渐回归本真。现在就行动吧!
  • Advice to live by.
  • 感谢您的生活小建议。



JUDY WOODRUFF: It's winter. It's dark before 5:00, and there are so many rabbit holes beckoning to you on your computer screen and to your smartphone. And yet there's an alternative. Many of you will recognize Peter Sagal as the voice and the host of NPR's Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! Tonight, he shares his Humble Opinion on the joys of running.




PETER SAGAL, NPR: This is a strange thing to say from the other side of the screen that you happen to be staring at, but go outside right now. OK. Wait until I'm done. So use these three minutes to find your shoes and get a coat if you need one. We spend our time now starring at screens for our work, our entertainment, our news. When, for whatever reason we can't look at a screen, we put in headphones and listen to something, music, a podcast, to while away the otherwise unbearable time our eyes have to be focused on something else, like the road we're driving down. There are people who fall asleep with their earphones in listening to a podcast in order to drift off. Sometimes, it's my podcast, or so they tell me, and I don't exactly know how to feel about that. What that means is, we hardly spend a minute of our waking life without input, somebody else's thoughts inundating our own. Why? What is it about our own thoughts that are so unbearable that we can't stand to spend a minute alone with them? There is only one way to find out. Turn it all off and go outside, run, if you feel up to it, or maybe even if you don't. This is the primary reason I advocate running for everyone who is physically capable. Yes, you might lose weight and gain fitness and feel more alert and awake and even enjoy nature's best antidepressant, endorphins. But that is really not the most important reason to run. What running really is, is a way to leave this digital dystopia behind, if only for a little while and a few miles. Humans evolved over millions of years, shaped by our environment, which historically didn't include Bluetooth earbuds. Why did some ancient ancestor of ours in Central Africa first stand on her back legs? It was to look around. It was to pay attention. It was to stop crawling, and to walk, and to run. And when you emulate her today, when you turn off the fire hose of input we use to drown our own thoughts, when you simply move with nothing in your ears but air, you are returning step by step to what we were meant to do and meant to be. Go.


JUDY WOODRUFF: Advice to live by.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
capable ['keipəbl]


adj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的

alert [ə'lə:t]


adj. 警觉的,灵敏的
n. 警戒,警报

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

ancestor ['ænsistə]


n. 祖宗,祖先,原种

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

emulate ['emjuleit]


vt. 效法,尽力赶上,仿真 [计算机] 仿真

humble ['hʌmbl]


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的
vt. 使

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

harsh [hɑ:ʃ]


adj. 粗糙的,使人不舒服的,刺耳的,严厉的,大约的

entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐





