And this research has sent frog way throughout the public. Many people shared their views with CGTN. And the reactions are mixed.
A: I don't approve of this. I believe in Darwin's theory of natural selection. For innate changes in people I don't feel science has developed thoroughly enough. The security of this technology is currently unknown and will require a lot of verification to win over more believers. The babies are safe against AIDS. But what about the other side effects or diseases?
B: I think this is a good thing. The purpose of this experiment is to fight AIDS not to change other genes. Aids used to be impossible to cure and it's a good thing to block the source of the disease at infant stage.
C: If as scientists have said it has only changed the pathogenic genes of AIDS without changing other genes. Then this is a scientific breakthrough.
D: For genetic modification as long it is not human or food-related.
I'm okay with it. Life and death are part of nature and artificial intervention is unscientific in the long run.
F: The gene is innate and should not be interfered with by humans. If a genetically modified person produces offspring. There will be uncertain factors. I don't know what those will be later in life. But all of this violates ethics.
G: Someone has been used as an experimental product since she was a child. This is cruel. It could be very tragic also.