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  • Finally tonight: remembering the work and the life of a longtime correspondent for "NewsHour."
  • 今晚最后:让我们来追忆一名长期供职于“新闻一小时”的记者,记住她的工作与生活。
  • And the question people are now asking is, what will the long-term impact on their community be?
  • 人们现在问的问题是,这对他们的社区会产生怎样长期的影响?
  • Elizabeth Brackett once said she wouldn't take no for an answer.
  • 伊丽莎白·布拉克特曾经说过,她不达目的誓不罢休。
  • And it was a trait that came to define much of her 40-year career in journalism,
  • 这是她在新闻界40年从业生涯中的一个特点,
  • including more than 25 years as a special correspondent based in the Midwest for the "NewsHour."
  • 其中包括她作为一名“新闻一小时”中西部特派记者的25年多时间。
  • These three acres of corn are all that Boyer has left of the 800 acres he planted this year. He's completely wiped out.
  • 博耶今年种植的800英亩庄稼,只剩下这3英亩了,他完全崩溃了。
  • Whether she was covering the impact of devastating floods in Iowa, the space shuttle Challenger disaster,
  • 朱迪·伍德拉夫:无论她是在报道爱荷华州毁灭性的大洪水,还是挑战者号航天飞机的遇难,
  • or families fleeing after Hurricane Katrina, Elizabeth's reports stood out in the way she captured the voices of those affected.
  • 亦或逃离卡特丽娜飓风后的家庭,伊丽莎白进行报道的突出特点在于她总在捕捉那些受到波及的人们,他们的声音。
  • We have been walking since yesterday.
  • 从昨天开始我们一直在走路。
  • We have had people that have been walking for three days. Everybody's out on the bridge.
  • 我们已经有人走了三天,每个人都在桥上。
  • Nobody gave us nothing. We haven't eaten in three days. She was competitive.
  • 没有人给予我们任何东西,我们三天没吃东西了,她乐于竞争。
  • And as one of her producers at the "NewsHour," Merrill Schwerin,
  • 在“新闻一小时”栏目,作为她的制片人之一,美林·施韦林说:
  • put it, "She always pushed for more, more interviews, more phone calls, more perspective."
  • 她总是去推动更多,进行更多的采访,接打更多的电话,提供更多的视角。
  • Elizabeth wanted to be at the front of a breaking story,
  • 伊丽莎白想在破碎的故事面前冲锋陷阵,
  • as was the case when she covered the heated battles over an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas.
  • 就像她在堪萨斯威奇塔的一个堕胎诊所进行的激烈战斗一样。
  • Three hours after patients had gotten into the clinic, those who had not been arrested from Operation Rescue were still on the street.
  • 病人们进入那个诊所后三小时,未被Operation Rescue带走的人仍在街上。
  • Elizabeth was a true Chicagoan at heart.
  • 伊丽莎白是一个真正的芝加哥人。
  • She worked for several TV stations, most notably with our colleagues at WTTW for two decades,
  • 她曾为几家电视台工作,特别是在WTTW,那里有她一起共事了20年的同事们,
  • where she was a correspondent and host for "Chicago Tonight."
  • 那时她担任“芝加哥今晚”的记者和主持人。
  • She often focused on education and the deadly toll of gun violence.
  • 她经常关注教育以及枪支暴力问题。
  • But she loved politics as well, and Illinois was a great place to focus on that.
  • 但她也热爱政治,伊利诺斯州是关注政治的好地方。
  • She reported extensively on the downfall of former Governor Rod Blagojevich. And she wrote a book about it.
  • 她对前州长罗德·布拉戈耶维奇的垮台进行了广泛的报道。还为此写了一本书。
  • The calls for impeachment are growing.
  • 弹劾的呼声越来越高。
  • There is now a bill introduced into the Illinois legislature calling for impeachment, in the House.
  • 现在有一项法案提交给伊利诺斯州议会,要求弹劾。
  • She received numerous awards during her career, including national and regional Emmys, as well as a Peabody Award.
  • 她在职业生涯中获奖无数,包括国家及区域艾美奖,以及皮博迪奖。
  • She retired, so to speak, in 2014, but still was reporting 10 stories a year for WTTW.
  • 可以说,2014年,她退休后,每年仍为WTTW报道10个新闻事件。
  • Well, after all that worry, it didn't rain. And I really had a great week.
  • 嗯,之前这么多的担心,结果一切顺利。我度过了美好的一周。
  • Remarkably, she completed her first triathlon at age 50 and went on to win five global titles in her age group.
  • 50岁时,她出色地完成了第一场铁人三项赛,并在她的年龄组获得了五项全球冠军。
  • Elizabeth died Sunday after an apparent bicycle accident on the lakefront path in her beloved hometown of Chicago.
  • 星期日,伊丽莎白在她心爱的家乡芝加哥的湖边小路上发生了车祸。
  • She was 76 years old. And we are heartbroken.
  • 享年76岁。我们悲痛万分。
  • And, online, we have more remembrances of Elizabeth from producer Merrill Schwerin, who, together, they worked on dozens of stories.
  • 在网上有来自制片人美林·施韦林关于伊丽莎白的更多回忆,他们此前曾有过广泛的合作。
  • That and more is on our Web site,
  • 更多内容请见我们的网站,。



JUDY WOODRUFF: Finally tonight: remembering the work and the life of a longtime correspondent for "NewsHour."
ELIZABETH BRACKETT, Journalist: And the question people are now asking is, what will the long-term impact on their community be?
JUDY WOODRUFF: Elizabeth Brackett once said she wouldn't take no for an answer. And it was a trait that came to define much of her 40-year career in journalism, including more than 25 years as a special correspondent based in the Midwest for the "NewsHour."
ELIZABETH BRACKETT: These three acres of corn are all that Boyer has left of the 800 acres he planted this year. He's completely wiped out.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Whether she was covering the impact of devastating floods in Iowa, the space shuttle Challenger disaster, or families fleeing after Hurricane Katrina, Elizabeth's reports stood out in the way she captured the voices of those affected.




WOMAN: We have been walking since yesterday. We have had people that have been walking for three days. Everybody's out on the bridge. Nobody gave us nothing. We haven't eaten in three days.
JUDY WOODRUFF: She was competitive. And as one of her producers at the "NewsHour," Merrill Schwerin, put it, "She always pushed for more, more interviews, more phone calls, more perspective." Elizabeth wanted to be at the front of a breaking story, as was the case when she covered the heated battles over an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas.
ELIZABETH BRACKETT: Three hours after patients had gotten into the clinic, those who had not been arrested from Operation Rescue were still on the street.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Elizabeth was a true Chicagoan at heart. She worked for several TV stations, most notably with our colleagues at WTTW for two decades, where she was a correspondent and host for "Chicago Tonight." She often focused on education and the deadly toll of gun violence.
But she loved politics as well, and Illinois was a great place to focus on that. She reported extensively on the downfall of former Governor Rod Blagojevich. And she wrote a book about it.
ELIZABETH BRACKETT: The calls for impeachment are growing. There is now a bill introduced into the Illinois legislature calling for impeachment, in the House.
JUDY WOODRUFF: She received numerous awards during her career, including national and regional Emmys, as well as a Peabody Award. She retired, so to speak, in 2014, but still was reporting 10 stories a year for WTTW.
ELIZABETH BRACKETT: Well, after all that worry, it didn't rain. And I really had a great week.
JUDY WOODRUFF: Remarkably, she completed her first triathlon at age 50 and went on to win five global titles in her age group. Elizabeth died Sunday after an apparent bicycle accident on the lakefront path in her beloved hometown of Chicago. She was 76 years old. And we are heartbroken. And, online, we have more remembrances of Elizabeth from producer Merrill Schwerin, who, together, they worked on dozens of stories. That and more is on our Web site,



重点单词   查看全部解释    
global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

corn [kɔ:n]


n. 谷物,小麦,玉米
v. 形成(颗粒状),

extensively [ik'stensivli]


adv. 广泛地,广阔地

resignation [.rezig'neiʃən]


n. 辞职,辞呈,顺从

hurricane ['hʌrikən]


n. 飓风,飓风般猛烈的东西

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

legislature ['ledʒisleitʃə]


n. 立法机关

devastating ['devəsteitiŋ]


adj. 毁灭性的,令人震惊的,强有力的

perspective [pə'spektiv]


n. 远景,看法,透视
adj. 透视的





