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PBS高端访谈:洪水来袭 青年学习如何应对气候变化

来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Finally, a "NewsHour" Shares. Many coastal communities in the U.S. are feeling the effects of climate change, including Norfolk, Virginia.
  • 最后,来到我们的NewsHour分享环节。包括维吉尼亚州,诺福克在内的诸多美国沿海社区都感受到了气候变化所带来的影响。
  • From the "NewsHour"'s Student Reporting Labs Ariyail Banks and a team from Grandby High School shows us one program helping to raise awareness.
  • NewsHour学生报告实验室阿里亚尔·班克斯联合来自Grandby高中的一个团队,为我们展现这个项目如何帮助人们提高意识。
  • What is the name of that program that we do when we go into the community and we put the little things.
  • 这个项目叫什么名字?我们走进社区,我们把那个小东西放上。
  • What is the name of the program? Medallion Program.
  • 这个项目叫什么名字?奖章项目。
  • These students are part of the Southeast CARE Coalition, an environmental conservation organization in Southeast Newport News, Virginia.
  • Southeast CARE Coalition是维吉尼亚州纽波特纽斯东南部的一个环保组织,这些学生是该组织的成员。
  • Annual flood damages from coastal storms are expected to triple by 2060, according to a study by the Virginia coastal policy center.
  • 根据维吉尼亚州海岸政策中心的一项研究,预计到2060年,每年沿海风暴造成的洪水损失将增加为原来的3倍。
  • The Southeast CARE Coalition is teaching local schoolchildren adaptation and survival strategies to live with the rising water.
  • Southeast CARE Coalition正在为当地小学生教授海平面上涨后的生存策略。
  • We owe the children. Angela Harris is a community activist and one of the founders of the coalition.
  • 我们欠孩子们的,安吉拉·哈里斯是一个社区活动家,也是Southeast CARE Coalition的创始人之一。
  • It's our responsibility to get more involved and more engaged.
  • 这是我们的责任,更多地参与其中。
  • When you know the water coming, what you going to do?
  • 你知道水来了,打算怎么办?
  • Harris has worked to make community members aware of the threats that sea level rise and climate change pose.
  • 哈里斯希望社区成员意识到海平面上升和气候变化所带来的威胁,她一直致力于此。
  • She pioneered a program where youth work with city sanitation officials to clear drains clogged with litter and debris.
  • 她开创了一个计划,让年轻人和城市卫生官员一起清理垃圾废料。
  • They mark newly cleaned drained with medallions. This area, 28th Street, used to flood.
  • 排水渠清理完毕后,他们会贴上奖章,这个地区,第二十八街,曾经遭过洪水。
  • So you come off that interstate down Buxton Avenue, before you get to, you're in the water.
  • 所以你从巴克斯顿大道上的州际公路出发,在你到达目的地之前,你就在水里。
  • But one of the things that we found, a lot of the drains were just clogged up to the top.
  • 但我们发现了一个问题,很多排水沟从顶部开始就堵塞了。
  • The program teaches youth the effects of climate change and how to protect their community.
  • 这个项目将气候变化所产生的影响告诉给年轻人,并教给他们如何保护自己的社区。
  • Dr. Erica Holloman, a Marine Scientist, is the former coordinator for the coalition.
  • 埃里卡·霍洛曼博士是一位海洋科学家,曾是Southeast CARE Coalition的协调员。
  • Our Medallion program to learn about stormwater management, why it's important, and how to participate.
  • 我们的奖章项目,学习暴雨管理,为什么它很重要,又如何参与。
  • Sea level in the Tidewater region has risen 80 percent higher than the global average in the last 140 years, according to the World Resources Institute.
  • 根据世界资源研究所的数据,泰德沃特地区的海平面比过去140年的全球平均水平高出80%。
  • Part of our problem is that the land is sinking, as well as the water is rising, so it complicates and accentuates that rise.
  • 我们问题的一方面是土地正在下沉,同时水在上涨,这会加剧上涨。
  • Ray Toll is the director of coastal resilience research at Old Dominion University.
  • 雷·托尔是欧道明大学海岸恢复能力研究的负责人。
  • He studies the different effects of climate change on the region.
  • 他研究了气候变化对该地区的不同影响。
  • I look at this as a glass-half-full problem, in that there are opportunities here to come up with new solutions that is an integrated regional approach.
  • 我认为这是个半杯水的问题,因为我们有机会去提出新的解决方案,提出一种综合性的地域治理方法。
  • While the Virginia coast prepares for the future, some communities most at risk from flooding hope to be included at the table when discussing solutions.
  • 当维吉尼亚州沿海社区未雨绸缪时,一些面临洪水风险的社区也希望自己能够列席其间,共同讨论应对之策。
  • This Hampton Roads region is really second with regards to feeling the impacts of climate change after New Orleans.
  • 汉普顿路地区在感受气候变化对新奥尔良的影响上,算是第二次了。
  • Unlike Katrina, the Hampton Roads region has an opportunity to be proactive, instead of reactive.
  • 与卡特丽娜不同,汉普顿路地区有机会主动作为,而不是被动受累。
  • The largest challenge hasn't been on the side of getting community members involved, because we're living it.
  • 社区成员的参与并不是最大的挑战,因为我们就生活在其中。
  • We understand it. We know it. It's about ensuring that our voices are heard,
  • 我们懂得。我们了解,而是确保我们的声音能被听到,
  • ensuring that our voices are valued in a way that truly implements equitable policies that help those that are most impacted.
  • 确保我们的声音以真正公平的方式得到重视,来帮助那些受累最深的人。
  • For the "PBS NewsHour" Student Reporting Labs, I'm Ariyail Banks in Norfolk, Virginia.
  • NewsHour学生报告实验室,我是阿里亚尔·班克斯,诺福克报道。



JUDY WOODRUFF: Finally, a "NewsHour" Shares. Many coastal communities in the U.S. are feeling the effects of climate change, including Norfolk, Virginia.
From the "NewsHour"'s Student Reporting Labs Ariyail Banks and a team from Grandby High School shows us one program helping to raise awareness.
ANGELA HARRIS, Southeast CARE Coalition: What is the name of that program that we do when we go into the community and we put the little things.
What is the name of the program?
STUDENTS: Medallion Program.
ARIYAIL BANKS: These students are part of the Southeast CARE Coalition, an environmental conservation organization in Southeast Newport News, Virginia.
Annual flood damages from coastal storms are expected to triple by 2060, according to a study by the Virginia coastal policy center.
The Southeast CARE Coalition is teaching local schoolchildren adaptation and survival strategies to live with the rising water.
ANGELA HARRIS: We owe the children.
ARIYAIL BANKS: Angela Harris is a community activist and one of the founders of the coalition.
ANGELA HARRIS: It's our responsibility to get more involved and more engaged.
When you know the water coming, what you going to do?
ARIYAIL BANKS: Harris has worked to make community members aware of the threats that sea level rise and climate change pose.
She pioneered a program where youth work with city sanitation officials to clear drains clogged with litter and debris.
They mark newly cleaned drained with medallions.
ANGELA HARRIS: This area, 28th Street, used to flood.




So you come off that interstate down Buxton Avenue, before you get to, you're in the water.
But one of the things that we found, a lot of the drains were just clogged up to the top.
ARIYAIL BANKS: The program teaches youth the effects of climate change and how to protect their community.
Dr. Erica Holloman, a Marine Scientist, is the former coordinator for the coalition.
DR.ERICA HOLLOMAN, Marine Scientist: Our Medallion program to learn about stormwater management, why it's important, and how to participate.
ARIYAIL BANKS: Sea level in the Tidewater region has risen 80 percent higher than the global average in the last 140 years, according to the World Resources Institute.
RAY TOLL, Old Dominion University: Part of our problem is that the land is sinking, as well as the water is rising, so it complicates and accentuates that rise.
ARIYAIL BANKS: Ray Toll is the director of coastal resilience research at Old Dominion University.
He studies the different effects of climate change on the region.
RAY TOLL: I look at this as a glass-half-full problem, in that there are opportunities here to come up with new solutions that is an integrated regional approach.
ARIYAIL BANKS: While the Virginia coast prepares for the future, some communities most at risk from flooding hope to be included at the table when discussing solutions.
DR.ERICA HOLLOMAN: This Hampton Roads region is really second with regards to feeling the impacts of climate change after New Orleans.
Unlike Katrina, the Hampton Roads region has an opportunity to be proactive, instead of reactive.
The largest challenge hasn't been on the side of getting community members involved, because we're living it.
We understand it. We know it.
It's about ensuring that our voices are heard, ensuring that our voices are valued in a way that truly implements equitable policies that help those that are most impacted.
ARIYAIL BANKS: For the "PBS NewsHour" Student Reporting Labs, I'm Ariyail Banks in Norfolk, Virginia.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

exacerbate [ig'zæsəbeit]


vt. 加重(使 ... 恶化,激怒)

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制

awareness [ə'wɛənis]


n. 认识,意识,了解

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

sanitation [.sæni'teiʃən]


n. 环境卫生(卫生设备,下水道设备)

conservation [.kɔnsə:'veiʃən]


n. 保存,防止流失,守恒,保护自然资源

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动





