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  • It's one of the underwater world's classic partnerships:
  • 这是水下世界中存在的传统伙伴关系:
  • clownfish and Nemo hides out in the anemone, which helps keep predatory fish at bay.
  • 小丑鱼尼莫藏身于海葵中躲避食肉鱼类。
  • But at the same time there are other fish species that will kind of nibble on the sea anemones, and the clownfish will actually go out and scare them away. Jeff Gore, a biophysicist at MIT.
  • “但与此同时其它鱼类也会一点一点啃食海葵,而这时小丑鱼就会蹿出来将它们吓走。”麻省理工学院的生物物理学家杰夫·格尔说道。
  • So in this case there's across-protection mutualism between these two species in which they help to avoid predation.
  • “因此在这种情况下这两个物种就形成了互惠共生关系。”
  • Such cross-protection is usually seen between two animals.
  • 这种互相保护的关系经常可以在两种动物间看到。
  • But Gore studies the same sort of mutualism in microbes.
  • 但格尔研究了微生物中的这种互惠共生关系。
  • He and his team demonstrated the first experimental example of that cross-protective relationship in drug-resistant microbes, using two strains of antibiotic-resistant E. coli bacteria:
  • 他和自己的团队对两种耐药性大肠杆菌进行了研究,通过首个试验例子展现出抗药性微生物之间的这种互惠共生关系:
  • one resistant to ampicillin, the other to chloramphenicol.
  • 一种菌株耐氨苄青霉素,而另一种则耐氯霉素。
  • The researchers grew the bacteria together in a test tube, in the presence of both antibiotics.
  • 研究人员在一个实验试管两种抗生素都存在的情况下将这两种菌株同时培养。
  • And rather than succumbing to the drugs, each bacterial strain deactivated one of the two antibiotics—thus protecting the other strain.
  • 结果表明,这两种菌株非但没有向抗生素屈服,而是每种菌株各自抵抗其中的一种,从而保护对方。
  • That activity led to a stable coexistence over time.
  • 这样的行为能使菌种稳定的共存。
  • Which Gore says could in theory give the bugs an opportunity to swap resistance genes, through what's called horizontal gene transfer—one bacterium donates genetic material to another.
  • 而格尔表示,理论上讲这种行为使得细菌互相交换抗性基因,这就是我们所说的水平基因转移,期间一种细菌将自己的遗传物质奉献给另一个。
  • Any such transfer could make either or both strains individually resistant to both types of antibiotics.
  • 任何这样的转移可以使两种菌株的其中一种或者两者对两种类型的抗生素产生抗性。
  • The findings are in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • 这项研究已在《国家科学研究进展》杂志上发表。
  • The same story might play out in our guts, too—but it's too early to translate it into medical guidance.
  • 这种同样的事情可能也在我们的肠道中上演,但把它变成医学指导方针可能为时过早。
  • It's always important to remember that just because we see a particular dynamic in the laboratory doesn't mean we should immediately go and change our clinical dosing practices.
  • 重要的一点是要牢记,因为我们只在实验室中见过的这种特别行为并不意味着我们就可以立即采用并改变医学指导方针。
  • But then those sorts of results are then used as a guide for the kinds of phenomena that clinicians may want to watch out for in their circumstances.
  • 但当临床医生想要在工作中进行观察时,这样的实验结果可以作为研究这种互惠共生的一种指导方针。
  • Cause the more we know about this bacterial buddy system, the better we may be at breaking it up if they team up against us.
  • 因为我们对细菌这样的体系了解的越多,在它们联合起来对付我们时,我们就越可能更好的消灭它们。



It's one of the underwater world's classic partnerships:clownfish and Nemo hides out in the anemone, which helps keep predatory fish at bay.
"But at the same time there are other fish species that will kind of nibble on the sea anemones, and the clownfish will actually go out and scare them away." Jeff Gore, a biophysicist at MIT.
"So in this case there's across-protection mutualism between these two species in which they help to avoid predation."
Such cross-protection is usually seen between two animals.
But Gore studies the same sort of mutualism in microbes.
He and his team demonstrated the first experimental example of that cross-protective relationship in drug-resistant microbes, using two strains of antibiotic-resistant E. coli bacteria:
one resistant to ampicillin, the other to chloramphenicol.
The researchers grew the bacteria together in a test tube, in the presence of both antibiotics.
And rather than succumbing to the drugs, each bacterial strain deactivated one of the two antibiotics—thus protecting the other strain.
That activity led to a stable coexistence over time.
Which Gore says could in theory give the bugs an opportunity to swap resistance genes, through what’s called horizontal gene transfer—one bacterium donates genetic material to another.
Any such transfer could make either or both strains individually resistant to both types of antibiotics.
The findings are in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The same story might play out in our guts, too—but it's too early to translate it into medical guidance.
"It's always important to remember that just because we see a particular dynamic in the laboratory doesn't mean we should immediately go and change our clinical dosing practices.
But then those sorts of results are then used as a guide for the kinds of phenomena that clinicians may want to watch out for in their circumstances."
Cause the more we know about this bacterial buddy system, the better we may be at breaking it up if they team up against us.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
coexistence [,kəuiɡ'zistəns]


n. 共存;并立;和平共处

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

confusion [kən'fju:ʒən]


n. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态

academy [ə'kædəmi]


n. 学院,学术,学会

bacteria [bæk'tiəriə]


n. (复数)细菌

prudence ['pru:dəns]


n. 审慎,慎重,精心明辨

guidance ['gaidəns]


n. 引导,指导

gene [dʒi:n]


n. 基因

transfer [træns'fə:]


n. 迁移,移动,换车
v. 转移,调转,调任

resistant [ri'zistənt]


adj. 抵抗的,反抗的
n. 抵抗者





