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福克斯新闻:世界最长寿老人在纽约去世 享年116岁

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  • Her name was Susannah Mushatt Jones and she was 116-years-old.
  • 她是苏珊娜·穆沙特·琼斯,这位吉尼斯世界纪录认证的世界最长寿老人在美国纽约去世,终年116岁。
  • She died at a senior home in Brooklyn, that according to Robert Young with the Gerontology Research Group.
  • 老年学研究组织的高级顾问罗伯特·杨称,她是在布鲁克林的一间敬老院中去世。
  • Born in a small farm town in Alabama in 1899, Jones was one of 11 siblings and attended a special school for young black girls.
  • 琼斯于1899年出生于美国亚拉巴马州的一个小镇,她有10个兄弟姐妹,年轻时上过黑人女校。
  • She was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest person.
  • 琼斯是获吉尼斯认证的全球最高寿老人。
  • Young says Emma Morano of Italy, who also is 116-years-old and just a few months younger than Jones, is now the unofficial oldest person in the world.
  • 杨表示琼斯去世后,比她小几个月的116岁意大利老妪埃玛·莫拉诺或将成为最长寿在世老人。
  • In New York, Gary Baumgarten, FOX News.
  • 福克斯新闻,加里·巴格特恩报道。

Her name was Susannah Mushatt Jones and she was 116-years-old.
She died at a senior home in Brooklyn, that according to Robert Young with the Gerontology Research Group.
Born in a small farm town in Alabama in 1899, Jones was one of 11 siblings and attended a special school for young black girls.
She was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest person.
Young says Emma Morano of Italy, who also is 116-years-old and just a few months younger than Jones, is now the unofficial oldest person in the world.
In New York, Gary Baumgarten, FOX News.






