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  • Ask anyone what sound a frog makes and they'll probably say ribbit.
  • 如果你问别人青蛙的叫声是什么样,得到的答案可能会是呱呱声。
  • But there's only one frog that makes that sound:
  • 但只有一种青蛙会发出这样的叫声,
  • the Pacific chorus frog.
  • 那就是太平洋合唱哇。
  • It may have become the go-to frog call because it just happens to live near sound artists in Hollywood.
  • 由于碰巧居住在好莱坞的声音艺术家附近,因此这种青蛙的叫声就显得非常独特。
  • Herpetologists have long known that frog calls are more diverse than just ribbit.
  • 爬虫学家很早以前就已知晓青蛙的叫声不只呱呱,而且又多种多样的叫声。
  • But their communications are more diverse than just calls—they also signal each other by sight.
  • 但青蛙的交流方式除了叫声外还有多种形式—它们彼此之间也会通过发送信号进行交流。
  • Say you're a male of a species called the Brazilian torrent frog.
  • 假如你是一只雄性巴西湍蛙。
  • And you live alongside a fast-flowing stream in the Amazon jungle.
  • 而且你在亚马逊丛林激流边生活。
  • You happily chirp away, advertising your availability to whatever female torrent frogs are around.
  • 你对周围生活的雌性快乐的发出吸引的叫声。
  • But when another male comes too close, your chirps give way to peeps and squeals.
  • 但当其它雄性逐渐靠近,你的叫声马上变为唧唧尖叫。
  • So you wave your red and brown arm in front of your cream-colored face.
  • 这时你就在自己的奶白色脸前挥舞红褐色的手臂。
  • The ensuing color contrast turns your body into a warning light.
  • 这种鲜明的对比色会将你的身体变成警示色。
  • The intruder gets the hint and hops away to bother someone else.
  • 收到这种讯号的入侵者就会跳走去打扰别人。
  • Brazilian zoologist Fabio P. de Sa witnessed Brazilian torrent frogs using eighteen different visual displays, five of which had never been seen before in other frogs.
  • 巴西动物学家法比奥·德萨就曾亲眼目睹巴西湍蛙使用18种不同的可视信息,而其中5种在其它青蛙中从未出现过。
  • He and colleagues published their findings in the journal PLOS ONE.
  • 他和同事们在《公共科学图书馆》杂志上发表了这项研究结果。
  • The frog semaphore system probably developed because streams are noisy places.
  • 由于河流湍急,青蛙的信号系统可能会因此进化。
  • Instead of shouting over the sound of rushing water, these frogs communicate by jumping, head bobbing, arm waving or even wagging their toes.
  • 这些青蛙不再用嘹亮的歌声喊过湍急的河流,而是通过跳跃,晃动头部,摆动手臂或甚至摇摆脚趾等方式交流。
  • The set of signals is the most sophisticated ever documented for a frog, but de Sa thinks that other frogs could have similarly complex repertoires, if only researchers would take the time to look.
  • 这种信号是蛙类研究中有记载以来最为复杂的方式,但德萨认为只要研究人员们肯花时间观察就会发现其它种类的青蛙或许有着同样复杂的行为方式。
  • One thing is certain: it's not easy being green, but it's simple to be seen.
  • 而能够确认的一件事情是,变绿不易,但不难被发现。

Ask anyone what sound a frog makes and they'll probably say ribbit.
But there's only one frog that makes that sound:the Pacific chorus frog.
It may have become the go-to frog call because it just happens to live near sound artists in Hollywood.
Herpetologists have long known that frog calls are more diverse than just ribbit.
But their communications are more diverse than just calls—they also signal each other by sight.
Say you're a male of a species called the Brazilian torrent frog.
And you live alongside a fast-flowing stream in the Amazon jungle.
You happily chirp away, advertising your availability to whatever female torrent frogs are around.
But when another male comes too close, your chirps give way to peeps and squeals.
So you wave your red and brown arm in front of your cream-colored face.
The ensuing color contrast turns your body into a warning light.
The intruder gets the hint and hops away to bother someone else.
Brazilian zoologist Fabio P. de Sa witnessed Brazilian torrent frogs using eighteen different visual displays, five of which had never been seen before in other frogs.
He and colleagues published their findings in the journal PLOS ONE.
The frog semaphore system probably developed because streams are noisy places.
Instead of shouting over the sound of rushing water, these frogs communicate by jumping, head bobbing, arm waving or even wagging their toes.
The set of signals is the most sophisticated ever documented for a frog, but de Sa thinks that other frogs could have similarly complex repertoires, if only researchers would take the time to look.
One thing is certain: it's not easy being green, but it's simple to be seen.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

availability [ə.veilə'biliti]


n. 有效,有用,有益;可得到的人(或物)

bother ['bɔðə]


v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心
n. 烦扰,

diverse [dai'və:s]


adj. 不同的,多种多样的

pacific [pə'sifik]


n. 太平洋
adj. 太平洋的

stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,

unsaid [,ʌn'sed]


adj. 未说出口的;未用语言表达出来的 v. 取消;撤

complex ['kɔmpleks]


adj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的
n. 复合体

communicate [kə'mju:nikeit]


v. 交流,传达,沟通





