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BBC News with Julie Candler.


Hillary Clinton is expected to formally announce later that she is running for the US presidency. It won’t of course be the first time she sought the democratic nomination, and if she wins, it will be the first time she’s lived in the White House. The Clintons dominated US politics in the 1990s but ended up mired in scandal. So it will be welcome news to them that a new show opened off-Broadway this week or simply Clinton: The Musical. Our New York correspondent went along to find out more.


I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie.


Hillary’s crowning moment might finally be at hand.


So hi, I’m Duke LaFoon. And I play “Billy” Clinton.


Hi, I’m Kerry Butler. And I play Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Of course, you are playing somebody who might be the next president.


It’s fun and I’ve never played somebody who is like a real-life person. And it’s almost easier anyway because I know exactly how she acted from her biography.


Do you feel more or less sympathetic towards her now that you are playing her than you did before you tookup the role.


Much more sympathetic. I can just see how beaten down she was by the press and how strong she stayed. Thatdoes give you compassion for all the characters, too, I think. And I’ve never fell for Monica Lewinsky until the show. And then through the show I can see “Oh, she was a kid in love.”


Was it a bit over the top?


Oh, it was over the top in a great way. It was wonderful.


I think it gave us an opportunity to laugh at the truth. I don’t know if we’ve had an opportunity to really do that. You know, the late night shows get to it. But this is the musical theatre. It’s … You can take it to a whole different level.


I’d probably be sitting watching them the whole show to see how they were reacting to it.


Composer and lyricist of the show Paul Hodge, an Australian who currently lives in London ponders the possibility of a Clinton in the audience off-Broadway. He was ten when Lewinsky scandal broke. Does he think the ultimate nineties’ power couple would have survived the storm if social media had been around?


I think they probably would have survived. They’ve survived for so long now. I think the world today, everything moves fast. And the new cycle is faster. And politicians all over the world are trying to deal with the kind of pace of the media and how do they deal with that and connect to voters.






