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NEWS Plus慢速英语:广东政协委员称学制过长导致剩男剩女 美国公布青少年健康调查结果

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  • Now the news continues.
  • 现在继续报道新闻。
  • Some Chinese lawmakers say getting students through school quicker may help reduce the number of singles in the country.
  • 一些中国立法者表示,缩短学制将有利于减少中国单身人群的数量。
  • Huang Yan-ru, senior official from southern China's Guangdong Province, submitted a proposal to lawmakers in the province
  • 中国南部广东省高级官员黄艳儒已向广东人大提交提案,
  • saying one of the major reasons for leftover men and women is their long period of education.
  • 认为学制太长是造成剩男剩女的主要原因。
  • Leftover here refers to urban educated people who remain single at 27 years of age or older.
  • 剩指超过27岁还未结婚的城市受教育人群。
  • Huang says the students begin their career late due to long-school years.
  • 黄艳儒表示,学制过长导致学生进入社会太晚。
  • This has hindered their chances of marriage and childbirth at a young age.
  • 使他们无法在年轻时结婚生育。
  • Huang is a member of China's top political advisory body, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Guangdong Province.
  • 黄艳儒是广东省政协委员,政协是中国最高政治咨询机构。
  • Specifically, Huang suggests shortening primary school education to five years,
  • 黄艳儒建议,将现行学制缩短为小学5年,
  • and junior and senior high schools to two years each.
  • 初中2年,高中2年。
  • Currently, Chinese primary school is six years while junior and senior high school are another three years each.
  • 目前中国的小学学制为6年,初中和高中为3年。
  • However, others say if students graduate early in school, it will increase the country's employment pressure.
  • 但是,其他人表示缩短学制会增加中国的就业压力。
  • Young teens in the United States aren't exactly embracing the government's Let's Move mantra.
  • 美国青少年似乎不太欢迎政府提出的让我们运动这一口号。
  • The latest fitness data suggest that only 1 in 4 U.S. kids aged 12 to 15 meet the recommendations
  • 最新数据表明,年龄在12岁至15岁之间的美国青少年中,
  • which is an hour or more of moderate to vigorous activity every day.
  • 仅有四分之一的人每天进行一个小时以上的中等至高强度运动。
  • The results are based on about 800 kids who self-reported their activity levels and had physical exams as part of the 2012 National Youth Fitness Survey.
  • 该结果依据《2012年全国青少年健康调查》对800名青少年运动强度与体格检查的研究而得出。
  • Government researchers won't call the results disappointing,
  • 虽然,政府研究员没有对该结果表示失望,
  • but lead author Tala Fakhouri of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there's room for improvement.
  • 但该调查负责人、疾病控制与预防中心的工作人员塔拉·法克哈瑞则称,还有提升空间。
  • The CDC released partial results Wednesday from the fitness survey, which involved kids aged 3 to 15.
  • 美国疾病与预防中心周三发布了这份调查的部分结果,介绍了3岁至15岁儿童的情况。
  • Other results from the same survey are pending and include fitness data based on more objective measures including treadmill tests.
  • 而依据跑步机测试等更客观衡量方式得出的健康数据等调查结果还需等待一段时间。
  • The official says the results provide useful information for initiatives that aim to increase kids' fitness,
  • 官员表示,调查结果能够为青少年健康倡导项目提供有用的信息支持,
  • including the Let's Move anti-obesity campaign launched by first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.
  • 目前,青少年运动倡导项目包括第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马2010年提出的动起来反肥胖计划。
  • Kids in the survey have reported on which physical activities they did most frequently outside of school gym class — basketball for boys and running for girls.
  • 调查显示,在学校体育课外,篮球和跑步分别是男生和女生最常选择的体育运动。



Now the news continues.
Some Chinese lawmakers say getting students through school quicker may help reduce the number of singles in the country.
Huang Yan-ru, senior official from southern China's Guangdong Province, submitted a proposal to lawmakers in the province saying one of the major reasons for "leftover" men and women is their long period of education.
"Leftover" here refers to urban educated people who remain single at 27 years of age or older.
Huang says the students begin their career late due to long-school years. This has hindered their chances of marriage and childbirth at a young age.
Huang is a member of China's top political advisory body, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Guangdong Province.
Specifically, Huang suggests shortening primary school education to five years, and junior and senior high schools to two years each.
Currently, Chinese primary school is six years while junior and senior high school are another three years each.
However, others say if students graduate early in school, it will increase the country's employment pressure.




Young teens in the United States aren't exactly embracing the government's Let's Move mantra.
The latest fitness data suggest that only 1 in 4 U.S. kids aged 12 to 15 meet the recommendations which is an hour or more of moderate to vigorous activity every day.
The results are based on about 800 kids who self-reported their activity levels and had physical exams as part of the 2012 National Youth Fitness Survey.
Government researchers won't call the results disappointing, but lead author Tala Fakhouri of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says "there's room for improvement."
The CDC released partial results Wednesday from the fitness survey, which involved kids aged 3 to 15. Other results from the same survey are pending and include fitness data based on more objective measures including treadmill tests.
The official says the results provide useful information for initiatives that aim to increase kids' fitness, including the Let's Move anti-obesity campaign launched by first lady Michelle Obama in 2010.
Kids in the survey have reported on which physical activities they did most frequently outside of school gym classbasketball for boys and running for girls.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

monetary ['mʌnə.teri]


adj. 货币的,金融的

fitness ['fitnis]


n. 适合度(生物学术语) n. 健康

vigorous ['vigərəs]


adj. 精力充沛的,元气旺盛的,有力的

entity ['entiti]


n. 存在,实体

prevention [pri'venʃən]


n. 阻止,妨碍,预防

improvement [im'pru:vmənt]


n. 改进,改善

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

objective [əb'dʒektiv]


adj. 客观的,目标的
n. 目标,目的;

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会





