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NEWS Plus慢速英语:嫦娥三号发射成功 民众天文热情高涨

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  • You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Paul James in Beijing.
  • 您正在收听NEWS Plus慢速英语,我是保罗·詹姆斯,从北京为您带来报道。
  • The success of Chinese lunar probe Chang'e-3 has created a surge of public enthusiasm for astronomy.
  • 中国嫦娥三号月球探测器的成功使公众对天文学的热情高涨。
  • On Dec 14, Chang'e-3 set down on the moon, making China the third country in the world to make a soft landing with a lunar probe.
  • 12月14日,嫦娥三号在月球着陆,标志着中国成为世界上第三个实现月球探测器软着陆的国家。
  • The probe carried a telescope, which scientists say can offer a unique view of the cosmos.
  • 嫦娥三号配有一架望远镜,科学家表示这架望远镜可以呈现宇宙的独特风景。
  • Ouyang Ziyuan, a senior adviser for China's lunar program, says
  • 中国登月计划高级顾问欧阳自远表示,
  • it is the dream of scientists to look into space from the moon,
  • 在月球上观测太空是科学家的梦想,
  • where observation is better because the moon has no pollution.
  • 因为月球没有污染,所以观测得更清楚。
  • This is the first moon-based astronomical telescope.
  • 这是首个天文月基光学望远镜。
  • Many countries are planning similar projects, but China was the first to do it.
  • 许多国家在计划着同样的项目,但是中国是第一个做到的国家。
  • In an observatory in Taiyuan, capital of northern China's Shanxi Province,
  • 在中国北部省份山西省省会太原市的天文观测台,
  • people queued up to look at the moon and search for the Chang'e-3 landing area.
  • 民众排着队观看月球并寻找嫦娥三号的着陆区。
  • Astronomer Yan Xiaodong explains it was impossible to see Chang'e-3 and Yutu rover with the 40-centimeter-diameter telescope at the observatory,
  • 天文学家严小东(音译)解释称,在天文台用直径为40厘米的望远镜是无法看到嫦娥三号和玉兔月球车的,
  • given that the probe and rover are 380,000 kilometers away.
  • 因为月球探测器和月球车距离地球有38万千米远。
  • But, the astronomer says, people will have fun with the observations and gain scientific knowledge from them.
  • 不过他也指出,人们可以在观测中获得乐趣并学到科学知识。
  • Meanwhile, three young men in Hubei province in central China used plastic tubes to make an astronomical telescope.
  • 同时,中国中部省份湖北省的三名青年用塑料管制作了一架天文望远镜。
  • With this telescope, which is 80 millimeters in diameter, they can see the moon's craters.?
  • 他们可以通过这架直径为80毫米的望远镜看到月球的火山坑。
  • These young men bought the plastic tubes in a building-materials market and the viewfinder was taken from a toy gun.
  • 这三名青年在建材城购买了塑料管,从一把玩具枪上取下了取景器。
  • They're planing to make more complicated telescopes for further observations.
  • 他们计划制造更复杂的望远镜供进一步观测使用。
  • Another amateur astronomer, 33-year-old Chen Tao from Suzhou in eastern China is building a private observatory in Tibet autonomous region.
  • 33岁的业余天文爱好者陈韬来自中国东部苏州,他在西藏自治区建造了一个私人天文台。
  • Construction of the observatory started in late November in Ngari prefecture in Tibet.
  • 这个天文台位于西藏阿里地区,于11月末开始动工。
  • Chen says, located on an altitude of 5,100 meters, the observatory on the Tibetan Plateau is able to operate more than 300 days a year.
  • 陈韬表示,这座建于海拔5100米的西藏高原,一年中可以观测的时间超过300天。
  • When it is completed, Chen will remote-control the devices and the observatory via computers at home in Suzhou.
  • 天文台建成后,陈韬将在苏州的家中通过电脑远程控制观测设备和天文台。



You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Paul James in Beijing.
The success of Chinese lunar probe Chang'e-3 has created a surge of public enthusiasm for astronomy.
On Dec 14, Chang'e-3 set down on the moon, making China the third country in the world to make a soft landing with a lunar probe.
The probe carried a telescope, which scientists say can offer a unique view of the cosmos.
Ouyang Ziyuan, a senior adviser for China's lunar program, says it is the dream of scientists to look into space from the moon, where observation is better because the moon has no pollution.
This is the first moon-based astronomical telescope. Many countries are planning similar projects, but China was the first to do it.
In an observatory in Taiyuan, capital of northern China's Shanxi Province, people queued up to look at the moon and search for the Chang'e-3 landing area.
Astronomer Yan Xiaodong explains it was impossible to see Chang'e-3 and Yutu rover with the 40-centimeter-diameter telescope at the observatory, given that the probe and rover are 380,000 kilometers away. But, the astronomer says, people will have fun with the observations and gain scientific knowledge from them.
Meanwhile, three young men in Hubei province in central China used plastic tubes to make an astronomical telescope. With this telescope, which is 80 millimeters in diameter, they can see the moon's craters.?
These young men bought the plastic tubes in a building-materials market and the viewfinder was taken from a toy gun. They're planing to make more complicated telescopes for further observations.
Another amateur astronomer, 33-year-old Chen Tao from Suzhou in eastern China is building a private observatory in Tibet autonomous region. Construction of the observatory started in late November in Ngari prefecture in Tibet.
Chen says, located on an altitude of 5,100 meters, the observatory on the Tibetan Plateau is able to operate more than 300 days a year. When it is completed, Chen will remote-control the devices and the observatory via computers at home in Suzhou.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
amateur ['æmətə:]


adj. 业余(爱好者)的
n. 业余爱好者,

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

observatory [əb'zə:və.tri]


n. 天文台,气象台,了望台

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

operate ['ɔpəreit]


v. 操作,运转,经营,动手术

observation [.ɔbzə'veiʃən]


n. 观察,观察力,评论
adj. 被设计用来

cosmos ['kɔzmɔs]


n. 宇宙

astronomer [ə'strɔnəmə]


n. 天文学家

diameter [dai'æmitə]


n. 直径

construction [kən'strʌkʃən]


n. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物





