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来源:可可英语 编辑:Sunny   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • This is the VOA Learning English Education Report.
  • 这里是美国之音慢速英语教育报道。
  • Eighteen people in central Kenya are taking the country's secondary education test, called the KCSE.
  • 在肯尼亚中部有18人在参加该国名为KCSE的初中教育考试,
  • Even under normal conditions, this examination can make a student nervous.
  • 即使在正常的情况下,这种考试也会让学生紧张。
  • But these 18 students may feel especially fearful. They are serving sentences in a top-security prison.
  • 不过这18个学生可能会感到尤其害怕,他们是戒备森严的监狱里的服刑人员。
  • And if they do well on the test, they might get to leave the prison.
  • 如果他们考试成绩不错,可能会出狱。
  • During the test the inmates sit at school desks at Naivasha Prison.
  • 考试期间,囚犯们坐在纳瓦沙监狱的课桌前,
  • These prisoners have writing tools and plastic devices used in mathematics.
  • 他们有书写工具和数学中需要的塑料文具。
  • The classroom looks like any other except that the students are wearing prison uniforms.
  • 这个教室和别的教室没什么两样,除了学生穿着囚服外。
  • David Noah Okwemba has just finished the examination for history and biology.
  • 戴维·诺亚刚完成历史和生物考试,
  • He says he wants people to know that the prisoners are no longer criminals. Instead, he says they are students.
  • 他说他想让人们知道,囚犯不再是罪犯了,而是学生。
  • Prisoners who perform well can have their sentences amended. They may be released early to go to university or find employment.
  • 成绩不错的囚犯可以减刑,可以提前获释去上大学或找工作。
  • Patrick Mwenda is head officer at Naivasha prison.
  • 帕特里克是纳瓦沙监狱的最高负责人,
  • He says Naivasha works with the high courts to consider the cases of prisoners who get high marks.
  • 他说该监狱和高级法院会合作考虑得高分囚犯的案件。
  • Mr. Mwenda says nine prisoners have been released since 2008 as a result of their schooling and tests.
  • 帕特里克说自从2008年以来,已有9名囚犯因学业和考试成绩获释,
  • So far, the releases have gone only to prisoners sentenced to short terms.
  • 到目前为止,只有短期刑期的囚犯获释。
  • Only one other possibility for freedom exists for those facing life in prison and those who have used up all their legal appeals.
  • 对于那些长期徒刑和上诉权已经使用完的囚犯来说,他们只有一种机会获释。
  • Kenya's Power of Mercy committee advises about pardons for prisoners. Officials set up the committee in 2011.
  • 肯尼亚宽恕力量委员会提供有关赦免囚犯的建议,官方2011年成立了该委员会。
  • Mr. Mwenda admits the difficulties of getting a pardon.
  • Mwenda承认很难得到赦免,
  • But he says the prison urges students with longer sentences to build skills.
  • 但他说监狱鼓励长期徒刑的学生学习技能,
  • He says doing this would help them have a good record to show the committee.
  • 他说这样就可以有机会向委员会展示其好成绩。
  • Inmate Prince Winsor Mosii does not approve of the whole system.
  • 囚犯Mosii不认可这整个体系。
  • "The Power of Mercy is not actually helpful. It is there, but it is not helping in setting us at liberty (freeing us), even if you have performed."
  • “宽恕力量委员会事实上起不到帮助,它的确存在着,但它不能帮助我们获释,即使我们表现良好。”
  • Prince Winsor Mosii took his KCSE exam last year. But he says he does not see much reason to get an education if he is to remain in prison.
  • Mosii去年参加了KCSE考试,但他说如果一直坐牢,他看不出有什么理由要接受教育。
  • "It is of no good to get or to acquire something of great value, skills, and not put it into action."
  • “没有什么好处,得不到太大的价值或技能,无法付诸实践。”
  • More than half of the 3,000 inmates at the Naivasha prison are involved in the school program.
  • 纳瓦沙监狱的3000名囚犯中,已有一半以上的人参加了这个学校项目,
  • The inmates themselves choose the subjects and decide the content of the studies.
  • 由囚犯自己选择科目并决定学习内容。
  • And that's the VOA Learning English Education Report for today. I'm Jeri Watson.
  • 这就是美国之音慢速英语教育报道,我是杰瑞·沃森。



This is the VOA Learning English Education Report.


Eighteen people in central Kenya are taking the country's secondary education test, called the KCSE. Even under normal conditions, this examination can make a student nervous. But these 18 students may feel especially fearful. They are serving sentences in a top-security prison. And if they do well on the test, they might get to leave the prison.


During the test the inmates sit at school desks at Naivasha Prison. These prisoners have writing tools and plastic devices used in mathematics. The classroom looks like any other except that the students are wearing prison uniforms.


David Noah Okwemba has just finished the examination for history and biology. He says he wants people to know that the prisoners are no longer criminals. Instead, he says they are students.


Prisoners who perform well can have their sentences amended. They may be released early to go to university or find employment.


Patrick Mwenda is head officer at Naivasha prison. He says Naivasha works with the high courts to consider the cases of prisoners who get high marks.


Mr. Mwenda says nine prisoners have been released since 2008 as a result of their schooling and tests. So far, the releases have gone only to prisoners sentenced to short terms.


Only one other possibility for freedom exists for those facing life in prison and those who have used up all their legal appeals. Kenya's Power of Mercy committee advises about pardons for prisoners. Officials set up the committee in 2011.


Mr. Mwenda admits the difficulties of getting a pardon. But he says the prison urges students with longer sentences to build skills. He says doing this would help them have a good record to show the committee.


Inmate Prince Winsor Mosii does not approve of the whole system.


"The Power of Mercy is not actually helpful. It is there, but it is not helping in setting us at liberty (freeing us), even if you have performed."


Prince Winsor Mosii took his KCSE exam last year. But he says he does not see much reason to get an education if he is to remain in prison.


"It is of no good to get or to acquire something of great value, skills, and not put it into action."


More than half of the 3,000 inmates at the Naivasha prison are involved in the school program. The inmates themselves choose the subjects and decide the content of the studies.


And that's the VOA Learning English Education Report for today. I'm Jeri Watson.





重点单词   查看全部解释    
mercy ['mə:si]


n. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的

pardon ['pɑ:dn]


n. 原谅,赦免
vt. 宽恕,原谅

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

fearful ['fiəfəl]


adj. 担心的,可怕的

amend [ə'mend]


v. 修正,改进

constitution [.kɔnsti'tju:ʃən]


n. 组织,宪法,体格





