Companies in the UK face a multibillion-dollar bill after a court ruled that overtime should be a factor in the calculation of holiday pay. This means the more overtime a worker does, the higher his or her holiday pay should be. An employment tribunal said it was wrong for companies just to consider basic working hours when determining holiday pay. It ruled that thousands of companies must recalculate their holiday pay. Tens of thousands of workers can now make claims from their employers backdated to as long ago as 1998. The tribunal also stipulated that voluntary overtime and time spent being on stand-by for emergency call-outs should be included when calculating holiday pay.
Over 15 per cent of British workers do overtime. The British government has said the new change in employment law is unacceptable and "ludicrous". It said: "We do not believe voluntary overtime should be included in holiday pay and are concerned about the potential impact on employers." An organisation of British companies said the cost to businesses will be "unbearable" and may have serious implications for Britain's economy. A labour union was pleased with the tribunal's announcement. It said: "This ruling not only secures justice for our members who were short-changed, but means employers have got to get their house in order." It said it would fight for workers to "receive their full entitlement".1.How much of a bill could British companies face for holiday pay?
15%以上的英国工人都加班。英国政府表示, 就业法的新改变让人难以接受,很荒谬。政府表示,我们认为自愿加班不应该被包括在假日工资之内,而且担忧这对雇主造成的潜在影响。英国公司的一个组织表示,企业将无法承受这一巨额成本,可能会对英国的经济产生严重影响。一个工会组织对这一声明感到满意。组织称,这一裁决不仅维护了我们组织中吃亏的成员的权益,这也意味着雇主不得不让员工准时上下班。这一组织表示,它会为员工争取全部津贴而努力。