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  • From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report.
  • 这里是美国之音慢速英语健康报道。
  • A top health expert warns that the whole world needs to help deal with what he calls the "first Ebola epidemic the world has known."
  • 一位高级医疗专家警告说,全世界需要帮助对付所谓“全世界迄今为止第一场埃博拉爆发”。
  • Tom Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, spoke to reporters at the C.D.C. headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • 汤姆·弗里登是美国疾病控制中心(CDC)主任,他在乔治亚州亚特兰大CDC总部接受记者采访。
  • He warns that the Ebola spread in West Africa will expand greatly over the next few weeks.
  • 他警告说,未来几周西非的埃博拉将快速蔓延,
  • He says a massive global effort is needed now to contain the disease.
  • 他说现在需要进行大规模的全球行动来遏制这场疫情。
  • Doctor Frieden just returned from a visit to the most affected countries: Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.
  • 弗里登博士刚从受灾严重的塞拉利昂、几内亚和利比里亚回来,
  • He says Ebola cases continue to increase quickly even though health care workers are working extremely hard against the spread.
  • 他说尽管医疗工作者在非常努力地对付其蔓延,埃博拉病例仍在快速增加。
  • Doctor Frieden says the number of Ebola cases is now more than 3,000. He adds that this number is expected to rise quickly in coming weeks.
  • 弗里登博士说,埃博拉病例现在已达到3000多个,他说未来几周这个数字有望快速增加。
  • He warns that there is a window of opportunity to stop Ebola. But he adds that window is closing.
  • 他警告说,现在有遏制埃博拉的机会,但他说这个机会即将消失。
  • "There is a window of opportunity to tamp this down, but that window is closing. We need action now to scale up the response."
  • “现在有控制这场疾病的机会,但这个机会正在消失,我们现在需要加大行动力度。”
  • The C.D.C. chief says the Ebola virus is spreading in two ways: from patients to care givers and through unsafe treatment of the dead.
  • 这位CDC主任说,埃博拉病毒以两种方式蔓延:病人传染给医疗工作者,以不安全的方式处理死者。
  • "It's spreading from just two roots;
  • “存在两个传染的源头,
  • people caring for other people in hospitals or homes and unsafe burial practices where people may come into contact with body fluids from somebody who's died from Ebola.
  • 医院或家里病人的照顾者,以及不安全的埋葬方式,这样人们就可能接触到埃博拉死者身体内流出的液体。
  • That is really the Achilles' heel (weakness) of this virus. We know how it spreads. We know how to stop it from spreading.
  • 这真是这种病毒的致命弱点,我们知道它是怎么蔓延的,知道如何阻止蔓延,
  • The challenge is to do that everywhere it's needed."
  • 其中的挑战是在所有需要的地方采取行动。”
  • Before leaving for Europe, President Obama videotaped a message for the people of West Africa.
  • 在前往欧洲之前,奥巴马通过视频向西非人传递了这样的信息:
  • "On behalf of the American people, I want you to know that our prayers are with those of you who have lost loved ones during this terrible outbreak of Ebola."
  • “我代表美国人民,希望你们明白,在这次可怕的埃博拉爆发中,我们会祈祷你们失去的亲人。”
  • Mr. Obama says he hoped to clear some of the misunderstanding about the spread of Ebola.
  • 奥巴马说,他希望澄清有关埃博拉蔓延的一些误解。
  • He says infection only comes through contact with an infected person or the body fluids of someone who has died of Ebola.
  • 他说传染只发生在接触感染患者,或是接触埃博拉死者的体液。
  • "That's why the disease is continuing to spread where patients are being cared for at home or during burials when family and friends lay their loved ones to rest."
  • “因为当患者在家中接受护理时会传播疾病,当家人和朋友埋葬亲人时也会传播。”
  • He says people can respect their traditions and honor the dead "without risking the lives of the living."
  • 他说人们可以“不冒着生命危险”的方式来遵守传统并哀悼死者。
  • Doctor Frieden warns that each day's delay in dealing with the Ebola spread makes it more difficult to stop.
  • 弗里登博士警告说,延迟对付埃博拉的蔓延会使得病毒更加难以遏制。
  • The CDC director says resources, technical experts and a worldwide, organized and unified plan are needed.
  • CDC主任说现在需要资源、技术专家,以及全球范围内有组织的统一安排,
  • He says Ebola is not only an African problem, but a world problem.
  • 他说埃博拉不仅是非洲的问题,更是全世界的问题。
  • The president of the medical aid group Doctors without Borders (MSF) made similar comments at the United Nations.
  • 医疗援助组织无国界医生组织主席在联合国发表类似的见解,
  • Joanne Liu said the world is losing the battle to contain Ebola. She spoke about the increasing chaos of the situation.
  • 乔安妮·刘说全世界正失去对付埃博拉的战场,她谈到局面正在变得越发混乱。
  • "Riots are breaking out, isolation centers are overwhelmed, and health workers on the front lines are becoming infected and are dying in shocking numbers.
  • “目前出现骚乱,隔离中心人满为患,第一线的医疗工作者受到感染,死亡数量令人震惊。
  • Others have fled in fear leaving people without care for even the most common illnesses (and) entire health systems have crumbled."
  • 其他人因为害怕而离开,导致患了最普通疾病的患者都没人照顾,整个医疗系统已经瘫痪。”
  • Ms. Liu said the centers have become places where people go to die alone.
  • 刘说医疗中心成了人们孤独死去的地方。
  • U.S. health officials have announced an agreement with a California-based drugmaker, Mapp Biopharmaceuticals.
  • 美国医疗官员宣布与总部在加州的制药公司马普生物制药公司达成的协议,
  • The deal calls for the company to speed development of the experimental Ebola medicine ZMapp. ZMapp has not been tested on humans.
  • 协议要求该公司加快对实验埃博拉药物ZMapp的开发,ZMapp现在还没有在人身上进行测试。
  • But, two American medical missionaries who got Ebola were treated with the drug and recovered.
  • 但是,已有两位患上埃博拉的美国医疗传教士已经服用这种药物并恢复,
  • One of them, Dr. Kent Brantly, told NBC television he did not know he would survive.
  • 其中一位肯特·布兰特利博士告诉NBC电视台他没有想到自己能活下来。
  • "I don't think they (attending physicians) ever said, ‘Kent, you are about to die.'But I felt like I was about to die.
  • “主治医生从未说过,‘肯特,你快不行了。’但我感觉自己即将死去,
  • And, I said to the nurse who was taking care of me, ‘I'm sick, I have no reserve and I don't know how long I can keep this up.'"
  • 我跟一位照顾我的护士说,‘我生病了,我活不了多久了,不知道自己能坚持多久。’”
  • Mr. Brantly was released from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.
  • 布兰特利博士从亚特兰大的埃默里大学医院出院,
  • He said he is in "tearful prayer" for yet another American doctor who has been infected with Ebola while working in Liberia.
  • 他说自己“含泪”为另一位在利比里亚工作期间感染埃博拉的美国医生祈祷,
  • The doctor of obstetrics, or childbirth, has separated himself from other people since the signs of the disease appeared.
  • 这位产科医生自出现疾病症状后就一直被隔离。
  • All three Americans work for the North Carolina-based Christian aid group SIM International. And that's the Health Report. I'm Anna Matteo.
  • 这三位美国人都就职于总部在北卡罗来纳州的基督教援助机构SIM International。这就是健康报道,我是安娜·马特奥。



From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report.


A top health expert warns that the whole world needs to help deal with what he calls the "first Ebola epidemic the world has known."


Tom Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, spoke to reporters at the C.D.C. headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. He warns that the Ebola spread in West Africa will expand greatly over the next few weeks. He says a massive global effort is needed now to contain the disease.


Doctor Frieden just returned from a visit to the most affected countries: Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. He says Ebola cases continue to increase quickly even though health care workers are working extremely hard against the spread.


Doctor Frieden says the number of Ebola cases is now more than 3,000. He adds that this number is expected to rise quickly in coming weeks.


He warns that there is a window of opportunity to stop Ebola. But he adds that window is closing.


"There is a window of opportunity to tamp this down, but that window is closing. We need action now to scale up the response."


The C.D.C. chief says the Ebola virus is spreading in two ways: from patients to care givers and through unsafe treatment of the dead.


"It's spreading from just two roots; people caring for other people in hospitals or homes and unsafe burial practices where people may come into contact with body fluids from somebody who's died from Ebola. That is really the Achilles' heel (weakness) of this virus. We know how it spreads. We know how to stop it from spreading. The challenge is to do that everywhere it's needed."


Before leaving for Europe, President Obama videotaped a message for the people of West Africa.


"On behalf of the American people, I want you to know that our prayers are with those of you who have lost loved ones during this terrible outbreak of Ebola."


Mr. Obama says he hoped to clear some of the misunderstanding about the spread of Ebola. He says infection only comes through contact with an infected person or the body fluids of someone who has died of Ebola.


"That's why the disease is continuing to spread where patients are being cared for at home or during burials when family and friends lay their loved ones to rest."


He says people can respect their traditions and honor the dead "without risking the lives of the living."


Doctor Frieden warns that each day's delay in dealing with the Ebola spread makes it more difficult to stop. The CDC director says resources, technical experts and a worldwide, organized and unified plan are needed. He says Ebola is not only an African problem, but a world problem.


The president of the medical aid group Doctors without Borders (MSF) made similar comments at the United Nations. Joanne Liu said the world is losing the battle to contain Ebola. She spoke about the increasing chaos of the situation.


"Riots are breaking out, isolation centers are overwhelmed, and health workers on the front lines are becoming infected and are dying in shocking numbers. Others have fled in fear leaving people without care for even the most common illnesses (and) entire health systems have crumbled."


Ms. Liu said the centers have become places where people go to die alone.


U.S. health officials have announced an agreement with a California-based drugmaker, Mapp Biopharmaceuticals. The deal calls for the company to speed development of the experimental Ebola medicine ZMapp. ZMapp has not been tested on humans.


But, two American medical missionaries who got Ebola were treated with the drug and recovered. One of them, Dr. Kent Brantly, told NBC television he did not know he would survive.


"I don't think they (attending physicians) ever said, ‘Kent, you are about to die.' But I felt like I was about to die. And, I said to the nurse who was taking care of me, ‘I'm sick, I have no reserve and I don't know how long I can keep this up.'"


Mr. Brantly was released from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. He said he is in "tearful prayer" for yet another American doctor who has been infected with Ebola while working in Liberia. The doctor of obstetrics, or childbirth, has separated himself from other people since the signs of the disease appeared.


All three Americans work for the North Carolina-based Christian aid group SIM International.


And that's the Health Report. I'm Anna Matteo.





重点单词   查看全部解释    
chaos ['keiɔs]


n. 混乱,无秩序,混沌



adj. 统一的;一致标准的 v. 统一;使一致(uni

misunderstanding ['misʌndə'stændiŋ]


n. 误会,误解

announced [ə'naunst]



organized ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

reserve [ri'zə:v]


n. 预备品,贮存,候补
n. 克制,含蓄

burial ['beriəl]


n. 埋葬,葬礼,坟墓

scale [skeil]


n. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围
v. 依比例决

survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

infection [in'fekʃən]


n. 传染,影响,传染病





