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  • This is the VOA Learning English Education Report.
  • 这里是美国之音慢速英语教育报道。
  • 500 young African leaders are taking part in a US government program at American universities this summer.
  • 今年夏天,500名非洲领袖在美国大学参加了美国政府的一个项目,
  • They would study Civic Leadership, Public Management and Business. Fauzia Abdikadir of Kenya is among the young people.
  • 他们将学习民事领导、公共管理和商业。来自肯尼亚的阿布迪卡迪是年轻人中的一位。
  • Ms. Abdikadir spoke to VOA about her goals and the goals of her group in Kenya — the Northern Organization for Social Empowerment.
  • 阿布迪卡迪向美国之音谈到自己的目标和她在肯尼亚的北方社会赋权组织的目标,
  • She says she wants to improve health care and development in the northeastern part of the country.
  • 她说希望改善本国东北部的医疗和发展。
  • Ms. Abdikadir comes from a family of travelling animal herders in Garissa.
  • 阿布迪卡迪来自加里萨一个游牧家庭,
  • Garissa has failed to develop as fast as the rest of the country. Ms. Abdikadir hopes the Northern Organization can change that.
  • 加里萨未能像该国其他地方那样快速发展。阿布迪卡迪希望北方社会赋权组织能改变这一现状。
  • "We are being taught how to transform the societies with what we have.
  • “我们学习如何利用目前的条件来改造社会,
  • They say what we have is the energy, the zeal, the enthusiasm and the brains of coming up with new ideas
  • 他们说我们拥有能量、热情、激情和创新的头脑,
  • in order to save the society from poverty, illiteracy, gender-based violence and so many social vices," said Abdikadir.
  • 可以用来将社会从贫困、文盲、性别暴力和诸多社会罪恶中拯救出来。”
  • The people of northeastern Kenya have depended for centuries on their animals.
  • 数世纪以来,肯尼亚东北部的人一直靠动物生活。
  • Families move from one place to another in search of water and places to feed the animals.
  • 这些家庭随水草迁徙来喂养动物,
  • This traditional life — always on the move limits education and health care.
  • 这种总是移动的传统生活限制了教育和医疗。
  • Most people walk more than 10 kilometers to reach schools, or a health center.
  • 大多数人要行走10多公里去上学或去医疗中心。
  • Ms. Abdikadir said she wants to make agriculture another way of life in her community.
  • 阿布迪卡迪说她想在自己的社区创造另一种农业生活方式,
  • She believes settling permanently and planting crops would provide a better future for young people.
  • 她认为永久定居并种植作物能给年轻人提供更好的生活。
  • "Specifically, where I come from we are not so much into agriculture yet we have very fertile land, we have very good opportunities to practice agriculture.
  • “具体来说,我的家乡不是很农业化,但我们有肥沃的土地,我们有很好的机会来发展农业。
  • The other thing is the youth empowerment, we need to empower the youth," Abdikadir said.
  • 另一个就是青年人的赋权,我们需要赋权青年人。”
  • Ms. Abdikadir said there are two kinds of young people — those from rural areas and those from cities.
  • 阿布迪卡迪说有两种青年人,来自农村地区的和来自城市的。
  • She said only the city people can make use of what limited resources that exist.
  • 她说只有城市人才能利用现存的有限资源。
  • In the United States, Ms. Abdikadir said she and the other young people receive six weeks of training, they will also work for two months in the civil leadership field.
  • 阿布迪卡迪说在美国,她和其他青年人接受了6周的培训,他们还将在民事领导领域工作两月。
  • The program seeks to guide Africa's educators, business people and activists of the future.
  • 该项目希望指导非洲未来的教育者、商界人士和活动家。
  • The Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders is part of President Obama's Young African Leaders Initiative. Those attending are between ages 25 and 35.
  • 华盛顿非洲青年领袖奖学金是奥巴马总统的非洲领袖倡议项目的一部分,参加者年龄在25到35岁,
  • They will receive money to support their plans and organizations after they complete the program.
  • 项目结束后他们将获得资金,来支持他们的计划和组织。
  • And that's the VOA Learning English Education Report. You can read more about education on our website
  • 这就是美国之音慢速英语教育报道,登陆learningenglish.voanews.com获得更多教育报道,
  • You can follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, iTunes, Twitter and on our YouTube channel all at VOA Learning English. I'm Jerilyn Watson.
  • 你还可以在脸书、领英、iTunes、推特和YouTube尚关注我们,我是杰瑞琳·沃森。



This is the VOA Learning English Education Report.


500 young African leaders are taking part in a US government program at American universities this summer. They would study Civic Leadership, Public Management and Business. Fauzia Abdikadir of Kenya is among the young people.


Ms. Abdikadir spoke to VOA about her goals and the goals of her group in Kenyathe Northern Organization for Social Empowerment. She says she wants to improve health care and development in the northeastern part of the country.


Ms. Abdikadir comes from a family of travelling animal herders in Garissa. Garissa has failed to develop as fast as the rest of the country. Ms. Abdikadir hopes the Northern Organization can change that.


"We are being taught how to transform the societies with what we have. They say what we have is the energy, the zeal, the enthusiasm and the brains of coming up with new ideas in order to save the society from poverty, illiteracy, gender-based violence and so many social vices," said Abdikadir.


The people of northeastern Kenya have depended for centuries on their animals. Families move from one place to another in search of water and places to feed the animals. This traditional lifealways on the move limits education and health care. Most people walk more than 10 kilometers to reach schools, or a health center.


Ms. Abdikadir said she wants to make agriculture another way of life in her community. She believes settling permanently and planting crops would provide a better future for young people.


"Specifically, where I come from we are not so much into agriculture yet we have very fertile land, we have very good opportunities to practice agriculture. The other thing is the youth empowerment, we need to empower the youth," Abdikadir said.


Ms. Abdikadir said there are two kinds of young peoplethose from rural areas and those from cities. She said only the city people can make use of what limited resources that exist.


In the United States, Ms. Abdikadir said she and the other young people receive six weeks of training, they will also work for two months in the civil leadership field. The program seeks to guide Africa's educators, business people and activists of the future.


The Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders is part of President Obama's Young African Leaders Initiative. Those attending are between ages 25 and 35. They will receive money to support their plans and organizations after they complete the program.


And that's the VOA Learning English Education Report. You can read more about education on our website You can follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, iTunes, Twitter and on our YouTube channel all at VOA Learning English. I'm Jerilyn Watson.





重点单词   查看全部解释    
fellowship ['feləuʃip]


n. 友谊,团体,会员资格,奖学金

fertile ['fə:tail]


adj. 肥沃的,富饶的,能繁殖的,多产的,(创造力)丰

immense [i'mens]


adj. 巨大的,广大的,非常好的

transform [træns'fɔ:m]


vt. 转换,变形
vi. 改变

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

rural ['ru:rəl]


adj. 农村的

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

illiteracy [i'litərəsi]


n. 文盲

empower [im'pauə]


vt. 授与权力,增加自主权





