Government, Private Groups Active in Stricken New Jersey Cities
One of the New Jersey communities most affected by superstorm Sandy was the small city of Hoboken, just across the Hudson River from New York City, home to many people who work in the city and enjoy Hoboken's more relaxed environment. Much of the city was flooded during the storm, as were tunnels connecting Hoboken to New York by rail. Help is pouring into the area from both government and private agencies, as VOA's Greg Flakus reports from Hoboken.
新泽西州一座名叫霍博肯的小城受飓风桑迪影响最为严重,这座小城挨着纽约市的哈德逊河,在这里居住着许多在纽约市工作的人们,霍博肯轻松的娱乐氛围也一直受到人们的欢迎VOA记者Greg Flakus从霍博肯发来的报道 。 。这座城市的大部分地区都被飓风造成的洪水淹没了,但霍博肯通往纽约的铁路还能运行 。来自政府的,私人团体的援助纷纷送到这座小城上,这是