NY Residents Struggling to Recover from Superstorm Sandy
Nearly a week after Hurricane Sandy slammed into New York City, power, mass transportation and clean water have been restored to most of Manhattan and much of the borough of Brooklyn. But elsewhere in New York, hundreds of thousands of people continue to suffer without electricity, heat and other essential services. VOA's Adam Phillips visited the Rockaway section of Queens, where storm victims are asking not "when" but "whether" their community will recover.
飓风桑迪过境已经一周了,纽约市曼哈顿岛和布鲁克林区的大部分地区的电力,交通和清洁水源储备都在恢复中VOA记者Adam Phillips采访了皇后区的Rockaway section,这里的人们并不关心他们的家园什么时候能恢复正常,而是关心他们的家园是否能够恢复 。 。但纽约的其他地区,成百上千的人们仍然在经受断电,无供暖和其他重要服务缺失的折磨 。