Eurozone finance ministers met in Cyprus to discuss the euro crisis Friday, under less pressure from international markets than usual. Spain's borrowing costs fell this week, while election results from the Netherlands were resoundingly pro-EU. But in the epicenter of the crisis — Greec — there are few signs of an end to economic and social misery. Henry Ridgwell reports for VOA from London.
周五,欧元区各国财长在塞浦路斯(地中海东部一岛)会谈讨论欧元危机,这次的会议比以往的都轻松有序VOA消息,Henry Ridgwell,伦敦报道 。 。西班牙的借款费用下降,荷兰的选举结果是亲欧盟 。但在危机的中心——希腊,不管是经济危机还是社会苦难都没有结束的标志 。
n. 痛苦,悲惨的境遇,苦难