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经典名著:《森林王子》The Jungle Book


森林王子(The Jungle Book)简介:
Saved from the jaws of the evil tiger Shere Khan, young Mowgli is adopted by a wolf pack and taught the law of the jungle by lovable old Baloo the bear and Bhageera the panther. The adventures of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi the snake-fighting mongoose, little Toomai and the elephant’s secret dance, and Kotick the white seal are all part of Mowgli’s extraordinary journey with his animal friends. 荣获诺贝尔文学奖的大师吉普林的杰作。妙趣横生的动物故事,最为世人所推崇的奇幻文学精品,百年不衰的探险小说经典。 本书作者罗德亚德·吉普林(rudyard kipling,1865-1936),英国小说家、诗人。1907年,他以“观察入微、想象独特,气魄雄劲,叙事卓越见长”而获得诺贝尔文学奖。《森林王子》一书就是他杰出才能的最佳体现。该书刚刚问世就在世界各地赢得了读者的好评。

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关键字: 经典名著 森林王子
