[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第161期
Observable as a tendency of our culture is a withdrawal of_____ psychoanalysis: we no longer feel that it can solve our_____problems.2015-01-29 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第160期
The state is a network of exchanged benefits and beliefs,_____between rulers and citizens based on those laws2015-01-28 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第159期
In scientific inquiry, it becomes a matter of duty to expose a _____ hypothesis to every possible kind of_____.2015-01-27 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第158期
Freud derived psychoanalytic knowledge of childhood indirectly: he _____ childhood processes from adult_____.2015-01-26 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第157期
Clearly refuting sceptic, researchers have_____not only that gravitational radiation exists but that it also does exactly what theory_____it should do.2015-01-25 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第156期
A leading chemist believes that many scientists have difficulty with stereochemistry because much of the relevant2015-01-24 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 浅谈GRE考试填空的考察目的
考生在进行新GRE填空复习时可能会有这样的疑问:填空的考察目的是什么?为什么要进行这样的填空考试?小编接下来就为考生浅谈GRE考试填空的考察目的。2015-01-23 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 有关GRE考试填空的解题技巧解析
很多考生都希望能够得到GRE填空题的解题技巧,一点一点复习新GRE填空的知识也的确需要较长的时间,掌握一些解题方法能更方便地应对填空考试。2015-01-23 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第155期
Many industries are so_____by the impact of government sanctions, equipment failure, and foreign competition2015-01-23 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第154期
Experienced and proficient, Susan is a good,_____trumpeter, her music is often more satisfying than Carol’s brilliant but_____playing.2015-01-22 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 解析GRE考试填空的整体结构
接下来天道小编为大家解析GRE考试填空的整体结构。或许大家还并不清楚新GRE填空中都有些什么结构,大家都应该听过GRE填空题的题目结构设定2015-01-21 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 分析句子结构解答GRE考试填空问题
GRE填空题基本上都是以句子的形式进行问答,这就要求考生要会分析句子结构,也是新GRE填空唯一比较难的地方。小编接下来就为考生讲解一下通过分析句子结构解答GRE考试填空问题的方法。2015-01-21 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第153期
Jones was unable to recognize the contradictions in his attitudes that were obvious to everyone else;2015-01-21 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第152期
Numerous historical examples illustrate both the overriding influence that scientists’_____have on their2015-01-20 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 快速突破GRE考试的填空部分
接下来天道小编为考生讲解如何快速突破GRE考试的填空部分,新GRE填空随着整体考试的变动,难度是逐渐上升,GRE填空题不再像以前那么简单了2015-01-19 编辑:mike 标签: