At the same time, other scientists are trying to find viruses that hide in nature, like in wild bats or monkeys. There are probably plenty of potentially deadly pandemics out there.
Virus hunters take samples back to the lab to learn whether the newly discovered viruses are likely to spread in humans and catalogue the danger.
When a biologist discovers a new virus, they usually publish its genetic data to the public. Journals are eager to share descriptions of potentially dangerous viruses.
Other labs go further and make viruses more dangerous. They combine and mutate different viruses to understand which mutations make them more likely to spread between humans or make them deadlier than their original forms.
And again, these results are shared freely. All while synthetic DNA and equipment to rebuild these viruses are sold online to anyone without any or very little tracking.
As the tools of biotechnology get ever cheaper and easy to use and the data on dangerous viruses keeps multiplying,
it is only a matter of time before a well-meaning scientist shares blueprints for the equivalent nuclear bomb of viruses, a superbug that will cause millions of deaths – and someone uses it.
Maybe because they have bad intentions, maybe because they are irresponsible or sloppy.
We are creating an environment in which it is increasingly easy for anyone to create a weaponized virus in their backyard. This is scary.
The world would be plunged into an unending crisis as new pandemics pop up year after year or all at once –
killing large parts of the world's population, doing unimaginable damage to civilisation as a whole, and possibly undoing centuries of progress.
It's not the first time we've faced a challenge like this and we are not helpless – think of nuclear technology.
Something extremely powerful and dangerous with huge upsides and downsides.
Nuclear energy was born from weapon programs, so its creators were always aware of the potential for their knowledge to be abused.
From the very beginning it was clear that knowledge in this field and access to the technology needed to be handled with utmost care.
So a lot of effort has gone into making sure no radioactive material disappears from sight or that countries don't try to hide weapons development behind energy programs.
The result hasn't been perfect, but considering the 411 nuclear power stations running today, we've been very successful.
Likewise, no researcher would think to share data on how to turn common laboratory equipment into bomb-making machines on the internet.
There is no reason we could not handle the really dangerous aspects of biotechnology in a similar way!
Experts have come up with three sort of bullet points: First we need to delay the next deadly pandemic by getting a grip on how we treat dangerous viruses.
Their genetic data should be treated as an infohazard: information that poses a danger to society if it is shared without care.
In other words, not just anyone should be able to order dangerous DNA online.
And if you do, you should be tracked, so it becomes much harder for the wrong people to access the really spicy stuff.
The next step is detecting the danger by becoming aware which viruses are present among us and are spreading explosively between humans.
This could be as easy as having labs in population centres maintain virus detectors that monitor what is going on in the micro world.
If we suddenly see certain microorganisms show up a lot in a short time, we can react quickly and start counter measures.
Which is the final step: Destroy. We basically need to build a machine that is ready to destroy any pandemic threat before it has a chance to take over.
We can do this with new tools that are being developed right now, like nanofilters that pull dangers out of the air we breathe or specialized UV lamps that just kill any virus before it has a chance to jump from person to person.
And of course, we need to get better at getting new vaccines faster than ever before in history.
If we do these three things, the chances are really good that we can avoid a catastrophic pandemic in the future.
Biotechnology, like any exciting and powerful technology, is neither inherently good or bad. It has the potential to be both in breathtaking ways.
We have the chance to a future where we get to truly control biology - our biology, the biology of the plants and animals around us – and the biology of the microworld.
So let's use it to create a future where we triumph over pandemics and diseases for good.