I think we just need to remember what's important. No matter what the the outcome is like, we're not each other's enemy. We're all just trying to make the best decision for ourselves, for our families.
My hope is that normalcy is regardless of who you voted for, it doesn't mean that we don't care about each other. We just have to find ways to try and make bridges.
I was standing in line in front of someone today and the things they were saying they were cursing and it's not necessary. We're supposed to love one another. I'm a Christian.
Before this election, they were at each other's throat and I'm not happy with that. I mean that's not the the American way.
I feel that we're going to be divided for a little bit before we come back together.
One of the most beautiful sites I saw was children with their parents casting their votes together, utilizing their right to vote in a way. It's community building and is uniting US in some sort of way.
At the end of the day, we're all people, we're all struggling in this economy. We're all working towards building better futures.
The one thing that we do agree on is we want this country to flourish.
I feel like we all should come together as far as like voting and to make a change.
I'm just ready to stop seeing these ads 24/7. They everywhere they're from text messages, emails, calls. I love it but they again it's like okay I get it, I get it.
It feels like the divide is a little too big right now. I do think one candidate could push us over the edge to a little bit more unity.
I'm hopeful about it but if it's on the side of humanity, then hopefully humanity still try to do their best.
You need to worry less about you know the day to-day, just live our lives like normal.
Anytime there's an election. There's lessons to be learned and hopefully we as a nation can learn from those and move forward.