I have in front of me a market conundrum in the form of two glasses.
Both look pretty much identical, but they come with two very different prices. One cost about $1.30. The other costs less than a penny. You may have guessed it, but I'm talking about bottled water versus tap water.
We've done a lot of stories on the economics of water and how tap water is surprisingly cheap.
At the same time, water utilities often don't have enough revenue to patch up their aging infrastructure.
So if customers are willing to spend so much on bottled water and water providers need more cash, why don't they just charge more?
This is THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY. I'm Darian Woods. And joining us today to answer that very question is Stephen Bisaha from the Gulf States Newsroom.
这里是THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY。我是Darian Woods。今天加入我们来回答这个问题的是来自海湾国家新闻编辑室的Stephen Bisaha。
Hey, thanks for having me. And yes, we're a family of public radio stations in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi.
And today, we talk about why it's so hard to raise rates while still making sure everyone has access to what's considered an essential human right - clean drinking water.
We also hear about how a plan to solve that in Mississippi led to a threat to cut off hundreds of thousands of people from food stamps.
To find an answer to our water pricing contradiction, we called up Manny Teodoro. He's a professor of public affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and kind of a water influencer.
为了找到解决水价矛盾的答案,我们打电话给了曼尼·特奥多罗(Manny Teodoro)。他是威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的公共事务教授,也是水资源影响者。
I think my wife got tired of listening to me grouse about things, so she said, you should write a blog with all these great ideas you've got for applied stuff in the world. So I started writing this blog.
That was back in 2018, and Manny quickly realized that this was a much better way of sharing his ideas than complaining to his wife, or even writing peer-reviewed papers.
So the fun thing is while I don't have a following in the hundreds of thousands or millions or anything, what I do have is an audience of people who are very specialized.
Like the heads of water providers who could actually put his ideas into action.
Now, when it comes to our water question, it's important to acknowledge that water utilities do actually raise rates. In fact, the rates for water are rising faster than inflation. But Manny says water in the U.S. is still really cheap.
Water might account for 1%, maybe 2% of your household budget. The problem is that's not true for everyone. For people with low income, water eats up something like 7% of their budget.
And that's what's stopping many utilities from really raising rates. Charging more would hurt the customers who can't afford it.
The challenge for utilities is, how do you help the low-income folks afford this essential service?
The solution here might seem really simple, right? Just give a discount to the people who make less.
And Manny says that's exactly what a lot of water providers tried to do. The trouble is, utilities don't actually know who's making less.
And to find out means verifying someone's income and a lot of paperwork for everyone, so most customers never bother signing up.
They're going to make a rational decision - is it worth me spending maybe hours collecting all this information, submitting it,
for the chance that I might get a $20- or $30-a-month break on my utility bill, for the chance that I might, and then I'll have to renew it again next year? They're just going to decide it's not worth it.
Manny says participation rates for these discount programs are low. Getting just 30% of people who are eligible to sign up is considered a success.
But that still means a majority of the people these programs were meant to help are left out. So Manny came up with his own idea for how to sign up a lot more people.
Rather than trying to build an entire new income qualification program and all of the administrative processes, procedures, costs and burdens that come with that, what if we leveraged existing programs?
Which is a fancy way of saying, just copy someone else's notes.
Basically, there are already government agencies doing the hard work of vetting people for different welfare programs.
So utilities should just get their hands on those records and automatically give a discount to whoever's already been approved.
You don't need to hire a whole bunch of staff people, and it's simple for the participant. They don't have any more paperwork to fill out.
And if you're going to copy someone else's homework, why not go to the best kid in class? Manny says that means turning to SNAP. Officially, that's the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
And unofficially, we're talking food stamps. Manny picked SNAP because participation rates are very high - like 80% nationally. Manny put this idea in one of his blog posts. And then, months later...
I saw an AP story about Jackson's new water rates. And I'm reading this and I'm going, wow, that looks really familiar. They copied the homework about copying the homework.
Yeah. The head of Jackson, Mississippi's water provider was listening and copying. Last year, Ted Henifin was trying to figure out a way to keep bills down for low-income customers.
密西西比州杰克逊市供水公司的负责人正在倾听和模仿。去年,泰德·海尼芬(Ted Henifin)试图找到一种方法来降低低收入客户的水费。
And he read Manny's blog and thought, let's give it a shot. Here he is announcing the plan.
We really think it's a better way to deal with water bills across the country. And giving Manny his flowers.
There's a professor out of University of Wisconsin. Manny Teodoro has been studying this at length.
Now, Jackson's water troubles are like an extreme version of the rest of the country. In 2022, the city went nearly seven weeks without safe-to-drink tap water because its main treatment plant failed.
JXN Water's version of Manny's plan includes raising rates to cover its debt and infrastructure repairs. But most customers on SNAP would automatically get a $30 discount, so their bills would be cheaper.
JXN Water版本的曼尼计划包括提高费率以偿还债务和基础设施维修。但大多数SNAP客户将自动获得30美元的折扣,他们的账单会更便宜。
So this was it - a real-world version of Manny's plan set for prime time.
Well, that was the plan, anyway, but that plan ran into a big roadblock - the federal government - specifically, the Department of Agriculture and the DOJ. They said a water utility should not have free access to whoever's on SNAP.
So we called Manny Teodoro back up, and he seemed to be taking it about as well as expected. Lawyers, man. No comment. Don't want to get in trouble with any lawyers.
Now, the Department of Justice said it would be happy to work with JXN Water for a version of the plan where people could opt in to sharing their SNAP status, rather than the original automatic version.
现在,司法部表示很乐意与JXN Water合作,制定一个计划版本,人们可以选择分享他们的SNAP状态,而不是原来的自动版本。
But Manny says having people opt in instead of getting the discount automatically means needing to advertise the benefit and then still getting people to do that pesky paperwork.
The fight over this plan has really escalated. The Department of Agriculture threatened to cut off the entire state of Mississippi from SNAP. Manny says this is a profoundly troubling threat.
The idea that a federal agency would cut off benefits to an entire state is really disturbing - and honestly, perplexing.
The Justice Department said it wouldn't comment while there's still litigation going on.
But in court filings, it said giving this information to a private water utility would violate people's privacy, and betraying that trust could lead to fewer people signing up.
We wanted to ask people in Jackson - who this water plan was meant to help - what they thought. And that's how I met Howard Lewis.
我们想问问杰克逊的居民,这个供水计划旨在帮助谁,他们是怎么想的。这就是我认识霍华德·刘易斯(Howard Lewis)的方式。
Good morning. How you doing? I'm fine this morning. And you? Lewis.
Howard was waiting at a food bank, so it seems like he needed help, but here's the thing - he's not enrolled in SNAP.
You see, how much you get from SNAP depends on how much you make, and it might not be worth the paperwork.
If I get SNAP-ped, what good is it going to do me? Because it seems like you might get a water discount, too.
Water discount? Shucks. No, that discount is kind of, like I said, unfair. It'd be unfair. Do - help everybody. Don't be, you know, just some people.
The thing is, participation in SNAP can vary a lot state to state. Mississippi has one of the lowest. Only about 60% of people eligible in the state actually get SNAP.
So relying on SNAP to decide who deserves help covering their water bill in Jackson means leaving out a lot of people who need help. And Manny acknowledges that.
That's a reasonable concern. My response would always be, OK, compared to what? You know, what's the alternative?
A federal judge supported JXN Water's position. The Department of Justice is appealing.
一名联邦法官支持JXN Water的立场。司法部正在上诉。
In the meantime, customers can still get that discount by proving they're on SNAP - not exactly paperwork, but still more work than Manny or JXN Water wants customers doing to make their water bills affordable.
与此同时,客户仍然可以通过证明自己参加了SNAP计划来获得折扣,虽然这不完全是文书工作,但仍然比曼尼或JXN Water希望客户为降低水费所做的工作要多。