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第28期 “At the end of the day”别理解成“在晚上”

编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • In this episode, I am going to teach you a very common and useful phrase. This is a phrase that you have probably heard before.
  • 在本期节目中,我将教您一个非常常见且有用的短语。这个短语您可能以前就听过。
  • You will often hear this phrase in natural, casual conversation. The phrase is "At the end of the day." At the end of the day. At, the, end, of, the, day. At the end of the day.
  • 在自然、随意的对话中,您经常会听到这个短语。这个短语是“At the end of the day”。
  • What does "At the end of the day" mean? How do we use it? "At the end of the day" does not mean "at night" or "at the end of a work day."
  • “At the end of the day”是什么意思?我们如何使用它?“At the end of the day”并不意味着“晚上”或“工作日结束时”。
  • Instead, "At the end of the day" means "in the end, or after we have considered all of the important things."
  • 相反,“At the end of the day”的意思是“最后,或者在我们考虑了所有重要的事情之后”。
  • It is a way of wrapping up or concluding a discussion or an argument and saying, "This is the one thing that really matters the most."
  • 这是一种结束讨论或争论的方式,并说“这是最重要的一件事”。
  • Let me give you an example of a situation where somebody might use "At the end of the day," and I think you will understand this expression better.
  • 让我举一个例子,说明有人可能会使用“At the end of the day”,我想你会更好地理解这个表达。
  • Let's say that you and your coworkers are talking about your job. You're talking about things that you don't like about your job.
  • 假设你和你的同事正在谈论你的工作。你在谈论你不喜欢工作的事情。
  • And you are all suggesting different things that might make the job better. You all have ideas about how to improve your job.
  • 你们都提出了不同的建议,这些建议可能会让工作变得更好。你们都有关于如何改善工作的想法。
  • But then, at the end of the conversation, you say this: "Of course, the boss does not want to make any of these changes. And at the end of the day, the boss makes the decisions."
  • 但是,在谈话结束时,你说:“当然,老板不想做任何这些改变。at the end of the day,老板做决定。”
  • At the end of the day, the boss makes the decisions. What you are saying is, "Yes, I understand all of this. I've listened to all of this. I've considered everything.
  • 你的意思是:“是的,我理解这一切。我听了所有这些。我考虑了所有事情。
  • But we can't forget this main point: the boss makes the decisions. That is the important truth that we cannot ignore." At the end of the day, the boss makes the decisions.
  • 但我们不能忘记这个要点:老板做决定。这是我们不能忽视的重要事实。”
  • That is "At the end of the day," a common and useful expression that I think you should know.
  • 以上就是“At the end of the day”的用法,一个常见且有用的表达,我认为你应该知道。


In this episode, I am going to teach you a very common and useful phrase. This is a phrase that you have probably heard before.


You will often hear this phrase in natural, casual conversation. The phrase is "At the end of the day." At the end of the day. At, the, end, of, the, day. At the end of the day.

在自然、随意的对话中,您经常会听到这个短语。这个短语是“At the end of the day”。

What does "At the end of the day" mean? How do we use it? "At the end of the day" does not mean "at night" or "at the end of a work day."

“At the end of the day”是什么意思?我们如何使用它?“At the end of the day”并不意味着“晚上”或“工作日结束时”。

Instead, "At the end of the day" means "in the end, or after we have considered all of the important things."

相反,“At the end of the day”的意思是“最后,或者在我们考虑了所有重要的事情之后”。

It is a way of wrapping up or concluding a discussion or an argument and saying, "This is the one thing that really matters the most."


Let me give you an example of a situation where somebody might use "At the end of the day," and I think you will understand this expression better.

让我举一个例子,说明有人可能会使用“At the end of the day”,我想你会更好地理解这个表达。

Let's say that you and your coworkers are talking about your job. You're talking about things that you don't like about your job.


And you are all suggesting different things that might make the job better. You all have ideas about how to improve your job.


But then, at the end of the conversation, you say this: "Of course, the boss does not want to make any of these changes. And at the end of the day, the boss makes the decisions."

但是,在谈话结束时,你说:“当然,老板不想做任何这些改变。at the end of the day,老板做决定。”

At the end of the day, the boss makes the decisions. What you are saying is, "Yes, I understand all of this. I've listened to all of this. I've considered everything.


But we can't forget this main point: the boss makes the decisions. That is the important truth that we cannot ignore." At the end of the day, the boss makes the decisions.


That is "At the end of the day," a common and useful expression that I think you should know.

以上就是“At the end of the day”的用法,一个常见且有用的表达,我认为你应该知道。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ignore [ig'nɔ:]


vt. 不顾,不理,忽视

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





