She is a nosegay of all virtues, as truth, mercy, constancy, gentleness, courage and the rest. I say what I know.
Her kindness to me alone, who can in no way reward her, would make an admirable history. But you shall know and love her hereafter. Meanwhile, what is your errand in the Deep Lands?"
And before Puddleglum could stop her, Jill blurted out, "Please we are trying to find Prince Rilian of Narnia."
And then she realised what a frightful risk she had taken; these people might be enemies. But the Knight showed no interest.
"Rilian? Narnia?" he said carelessly. "Narnia? What land is that? I have never heard the name. It must be a thousand leagues from those parts of the Overworld that I know.
But it was a strange fantasy that brought you seeking this—how do you call him?—Billian? Trillian? in my Lady's realm. Indeed, to my certain knowledge, there is no such man here."
He laughed very loudly at this, and Jill thought to herself, "I wonder is that what's wrong with his face? Is he a bit silly?"
"We had been told to look for a message on the stones of the City Ruinous," said Scrubb. "And we saw the words UNDER ME." The Knight laughed even more heartily than before.
“有人告诉我们到废城的石头上寻找信息。”斯库波说,“然后我们就看到了UNDER ME(在下面)。”骑士听他们如此说笑得更厉害了。
"You were the more deceived," he said. "Those words meant nothing to your purpose. Had you but asked my Lady, she could have given you better counsel.
For those words are all that is left of a longer script, which in ancient times, as she well remembers, expressed this verse:
Though under Earth and throneless now I be, Yet, while I lived, all Earth was under me.
From which it is plain that some great king of the ancient giants, who lies buried there, caused this boast to be cut in the stone over his sepulchre;
though the breaking up of some stones, and the carrying away of others for new buildings, and the filling up of the cuts with rubble, has left only two words that can still be read.
由于石块崩碎,为了盖其他建筑物而挪动的石料,以及废墟的填埋,其他单词都被遮住了,只剩下UNDER ME两个单词。
Is it not the merriest jest in the world that you should have thought they were written to you?"
This was like cold water down the back to Scrubb and Jill; for it seemed to them very likely that the words had nothing to do with their quest at all, and that they had been taken in by a mere accident.
"Don't you mind him," said Puddleglum. "There are no accidents. Our guide is Aslan; and he was there when the giant King caused the letters to be cut, and he knew already all things that would come of them; including this."
"This guide of yours must be a long liver, friend," said the Knight with another of his laughs. Jill began to find them a little irritating.
"And it seems to me, Sir," answered Puddleglum. "That this Lady of yours must be a long liver too, if she remembers the verse as it was when they first cut it."
"Very shrewd, Frog-face," said the Knight, clapping Puddleglum on the shoulder and laughing again. "And you have hit the truth. She is of divine race, and knows neither age nor death.
I am the more thankful to her for all her infinite bounty to such a poor mortal wretch as I.
For you must know, Sirs, I am a man under most strange afflictions, and none but the Queen's grace would have had patience with me. Patience, said I? But it goes far beyond that.
She has promised me a great kingdom in Overland, and, when I am king, her own most gracious hand in marriage. But the tale is too long for you to hear fasting and standing.
Hi there, some of you! Bring wine and Updwellers' food for my guests. Please you, be seated, gentlemen. Little maiden, sit in this chair. You shall hear it all."