It is barely 250 years since western science first began to comprehend the true age of the Earth.[qh]
。This growing awareness of time's immensity transformed European assumptions about humanity's centrality to the story of the planet so profoundly that the historian Tom Griffiths has compared the significance of the discovery of deep time to the Copernican and Darwinian revolutions.[qh]
。A fuller appreciation of the scale and significance of the deep ocean requires a similar shift in our understanding of life on our planet.[qh]
。While, as creatures of the light and air, it is easy to assume our planet is defined by terrestrial environments, in fact the opposite is true.[qh]
。The deep ocean is the largest environment on Earth, making up 95% of the ocean biosphere and, depending on how you measure it, close to 90% of the livable space on the planet.[qh]
。Along with the growing evidence of the scale of human impacts on the deep ocean, this makes it clear it is no longer possible to treat the deep as somehow separate from human activity.[qh]
。Nor is it possible to regard it as simply a new frontier to be exploited, as deep-sea mining projects envisage.[qh]
。Instead, just as the discovery of deep time altered the way western culture understood humanity's place in the larger story of Earth's history,[qh]
recognising that the deep is intimately entwined with the rest of the planet demands a shift in our understanding of the true scale and complexity of our planet's biosphere,[qh]
and by extension, the fact that the future of not just human life, but all life on Earth, is inextricably connected to the deep.[qh]