President Joe Biden needed a helping hand in New Hampshire. Congressman Ro Khanna was happy to campaign for him.
He stepped up for Biden, Michigan and Nevada too, and has been holding listening sessions for young Democrats.
Well, I think the support will be there, but we have work to do. One, young people, the economy hasn't been working for them.
They don't want just the macroeconomic studies and statistics of the unemployment rate.
Khanna remembers when he was in school he played Biden in a mock debate.
He was the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and as a mock Congress, I still remember in 12th grade, going 11th or 12th grade, and I didn't know how to tie a tie.
But it was a volunteer opportunity with a future leader that would end up giving him his start in politics.
In 2008 when he became president I sent that in, along with recommendations from a few of the Bay Area members of Congress and I got a job.
2008 年,当拜登参与总统竞选时,我将这份申请连同一些湾区国会议员的推荐信一同递交,然后我就找到了一份工作。
So I tell young folks, you want to work for the president? Really easy. Just figure out when you're in college who's going to be president in 15 years and go knock on doors for them.
He went on to run for Congress himself, failing his first two tries before winning his Silicon Valley congressional seat in 2016.
He's become one of the most influential progressives on Capital Hill and the Biden campaign is taking notice.
The president needs a broad coalition and they're sending me to college campuses. I was in UNLV and now they're sending me to three or four places in Wisconsin with students.
Khanna isn't ruling out a future White House bid of his own. Would you ever consider running for president one day?
Who knows? But right now I'm here to support president Biden and certainly I haven't even talked to my family about my next steps. And I'm running for reelection about in Congress.
He's building a vast network. He could activate if he runs for higher office. Although this cycle, he says he's only trying to steer wayward Democrats back toward the president.