A picturesque dawn flight above Melbourne, quickly turned to tragedy when this passenger in the brown jumper fell from the hot air balloon.
He was one of ten on board when the balloon launched at 7:00 A.M, chatting with the pilot about politics as they climbed.
Ten minutes later, at 1500 feet, the unimaginable -- families saw him fall, the pilot making an immediate mayday call.
Residents below in a state of disbelief.
"Saw what appeared to be a covered body in a driveway across the road and thought, just assumed it was a hit and run."
The man's body landed just meters from homes and peak hour traffic.
"I woke up and I couldn't turn the electricity on and thought it was just my house, and then came out the front and just saw all of this."
The pilot safely landed the balloon at Yarra Bend Park, its passengers traumatized, struggling to come to terms with what they'd seen.
"It would be very disturbing for most people. I can imagine."
The Australian Ballooning Federation says the baskets are specifically designed to prevent passengers from accidentally falling out.
Police have confirmed they're not treating the man's death as suspicious, and will now prepare a report for the coroner.