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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • “Now,” said she, “that this first meeting is over, I feel perfectly easy. I know my own strength, and I shall never be embarrassed again by his coming. I am glad he dines here on Tuesday. It will then be publicly seen that, on both sides, we meet only as common and indifferent acquaintance.”
  • “现在,”吉英说,“经过这一次的见面,我的心情完全平静啦,我知道我能应付得很好,再也不会为宾格莱的到来感到别扭了。我很高兴他星期二要在这儿吃饭,到那个时候,人们会发现,我和他不过作为关系很淡的普通朋友相见罢了。”
  • “Yes, very indifferent indeed,” said Elizabeth, laughingly. “Oh, Jane, take care.”
  • “是的,关系的确很淡,”伊丽莎白笑着说,“哦,吉英,还是当心点儿吧。”
  • “My dear Lizzy, you cannot think me so weak, as to be in danger now?”
  • “亲爱的丽萃,你可别认为我那么脆弱,到现在还会旧情复燃。”
  • “I think you are in very great danger of making him as much in love with you as ever.”
  • “我看你很有可能会让宾格莱再一往情深地爱上你的。”
  • They did not see the gentlemen again till Tuesday; and Mrs. Bennet, in the meanwhile, was giving way to all the happy schemes, which the good humour and common politeness of Bingley, in half an hour’s visit, had revived.
  • 到了星期二,她们再一次见到了这两位客人。班纳特太太因为上次看到宾格莱在半个小时的访问中,竟然兴致极高,礼貌又好,便又来了精神,打起诸多的如意算盘。
  • On Tuesday there was a large party assembled at Longbourn; and the two who were most anxiously expected, to the credit of their punctuality as sportsmen, were in very good time.
  • 星期二这天,浪博恩来了许多客人;那两位叫主人家殷切盼望的贵客很守信用,准时赶来赴饭局了。
  • When they repaired to the dining-room, Elizabeth eagerly watched to see whether Bingley would take the place, which, in all their former parties, had belonged to him, by her sister.
  • 当他们走进饭厅时,伊丽莎白留意注视着宾格莱,看他会不会坐到吉英身边。从前每逢有宴请,他都是坐在那个位子上的。
  • Her prudent mother, occupied by the same ideas, forbore to invite him to sit by herself.
  • 她的母亲事先也想到了这一层,很明智地没有把宾格莱让到她自己这边。
  • On entering the room, he seemed to hesitate; but Jane happened to look round, and happened to smile: it was decided. He placed himself by her.
  • 宾格莱刚一进来时似乎有些犹豫,可正巧这时吉英转过头朝他这边笑了笑,便把这事给决定了,他坐到了吉英身旁。









