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  • The door had opened suddenly, and a young fellow came swaggering in with the air of one who is the master.
  • 这时门突然打开了,一个年轻的家伙以主子的架式大摇大摆地走进来。
  • He was a handsome, dashing young man of about the same age and build as McMurdo himself.
  • 这是一个面目清秀、衣着华丽的年轻人,年龄和体形同麦克默多差不多。
  • Under his broad-brimmed black felt hat, which he had not troubled to remove,
  • 戴着一顶大沿黑毡帽,进门连帽子也不劳神摘掉,
  • a handsome face with fierce, domineering eyes and a curved hawk-bill of a nose looked savagely at the pair who sat by the stove.
  • 那张漂亮的面孔,长着一双凶狠而又盛起凌人的眼睛和弯曲的鹰钩鼻子,粗暴无礼地瞪着坐在火炉旁的这对青年男女。
  • Ettie had jumped to her feet full of confusion and alarm.
  • 伊蒂马上跳起来,不知所措,惊恐不安。
  • "I'm glad to see you, Mr. Baldwin," said she. "You're earlier than I had thought. Come and sit down."
  • "我很高兴看到你,鲍德温先生,"她说道,"你来得比我想的要早一些。过来坐吧。"
  • Baldwin stood with his hands on his hips looking at McMurdo. "Who is this?" he asked curtly.
  • 鲍德温双手叉腰站在那里看着麦克默多。"这是谁?"他粗率无礼地问道。
  • "It's a friend of mine, Mr. Baldwin, a new boarder here. Mr. McMurdo, may I introduce you to Mr. Baldwin?"
  • "鲍德温先生,这是我的朋友,新房客麦克默多先生,我可以把你介绍给鲍德温先生吗?"
  • The young men nodded in surly fashion to each other.
  • 两个年轻人相互敌视似地点点头。
  • "Maybe Miss Ettie has told you how it is with us?" said Baldwin.
  • "也许伊蒂小姐已经把我俩的事告诉你了?"鲍德温说道。
  • "I didn't understand that there was any relation between you."
  • "我不知道你俩有什么关系。"
  • "Didn't you? Well, you can understand it now. You can take it from me that this young lady is mine, and you'll find it a very fine evening for a walk."
  • "你不知道吗?好,现在你该明白了。我可以告诉你,这个姑娘是我的,你看今晚天气很好,散步去。"
  • "Thank you, I am in no humour for a walk."
  • "谢谢你,我没有心思去散步。"
  • "Aren't you?" The man's savage eyes were blazing with anger. "Maybe you are in a humour for a fight, Mr. Boarder!"
  • "你不走吗?"那人一双暴眼皮得冒出火来,"也许你有决斗的心思吧,房客先生?"
  • "That I am!" cried McMurdo, springing to his feet. "You never said a more welcome word."
  • "这个我有,"麦克默多一跃而起,大声喊道,"你这话最受欢迎不过了!"
  • "For God's sake, Jack! Oh, for God's sake!" cried poor, distracted Ettie. "Oh, Jack, Jack, he will hurt you!"
  • "看在上帝面上,杰克!唉,看在上帝面上!"可怜的伊蒂心慌意乱地喊道,"唉,杰克,杰克,他会杀害你的!"
  • "Oh, it's Jack, is it?" said Baldwin with an oath. "You've come to that already, have you?"
  • "啊,叫他'杰克',是吗?"鲍德温咒骂道,"你们已经这样亲热了吗?是不?"
  • "Oh, Ted, be reasonable -- be kind! For my sake, Ted, if ever you loved me, be big-hearted and forgiving!"
  • "噢,特德,理智点吧,仁慈点吧!看在我的面上,特德,假如你爱我,发发善心饶恕他吧!"
  • "I think, Ettie, that if you were to leave us alone we could get this thing settled," said McMurdo quietly.
  • "我想,伊蒂,如果你让我们两个人单独留下来,我们可以解决这件事的,"麦克默多平静地说道。
  • "Or maybe, Mr. Baldwin, you will take a turn down the street with me. It's a fine evening, and there's some open ground beyond the next block."
  • "要不然,鲍德温先生,你可以和我一起到街上去,今天夜色很好,附近街区有许多空旷的场地。"
  • "I'll get even with you without needing to dirty my hands," said his enemy. "You'll wish you had never set foot in this house before I am through with you!"
  • "我甚至用不着脏了我的两只手,就可以干掉你,"他的敌手说道,"在我结果你以前,你会懊悔不该到这宅子里来的。"
  • "No time like the present," cried McMurdo. "I'll choose my own time, mister. You can leave the time to me. See here!"
  • "没有比现在更适合的时候了,"麦克默多喊道。"我要选择我自己的时间,先生。你等着瞧吧。请你看看这里!"
  • He suddenly rolled up his sleeve and showed upon his forearm a peculiar sign which appeared to have been branded there.
  • 鲍德温突然挽起袖子,指了指前臂上烙出的一个怪标记:
  • It was a circle with a triangle within it.
  • 一个圆圈里面套个三角形。
  • "D'you know what that means?"
  • "你知道这是什么意思吗?"
  • "I neither know nor care!"
  • "我不知道,也不屑于知道!"
  • "Well, you will know, I'll promise you that. You won't be much older, either. Perhaps Miss Ettie can tell you something about it.
  • "好,你会知道的,我敢担保。你也不会活得太久了。也许伊蒂小姐能够告诉你这些事。
  • As to you, Ettie, you'll come back to me on your knees -- d'ye hear, girl? -- on your knees -- and then I'll tell you what your punishment may be.
  • 说到你,伊蒂,你要跪着来见我,听见了吗?丫头!双膝跪下!那时我会告诉你应受怎样的惩罚。
  • You've sowed -- and by the Lord, I'll see that you reap!"
  • 你既然种了瓜,我要看你自食其果!"
  • He glanced at them both in fury. Then he turned upon his heel, and an instant later the outer doorhad banged behind him.
  • 他狂怒地瞪了他们两个一眼,转身就走,转眼间大门砰地一声在他身后关上了。


The door had opened suddenly, and a young fellow came swaggering in with the air of one who is the master.

He was a handsome, dashing young man of about the same age and build as McMurdo himself.
Under his broad-brimmed black felt hat, which he had not troubled to remove,
a handsome face with fierce, domineering eyes and a curved hawk-bill of a nose looked savagely at the pair who sat by the stove.
Ettie had jumped to her feet full of confusion and alarm.
"I'm glad to see you, Mr. Baldwin," said she. "You're earlier than I had thought. Come and sit down."
Baldwin stood with his hands on his hips looking at McMurdo. "Who is this?" he asked curtly.
"It's a friend of mine, Mr. Baldwin, a new boarder here. Mr. McMurdo, may I introduce you to Mr. Baldwin?"
The young men nodded in surly fashion to each other.
"Maybe Miss Ettie has told you how it is with us?" said Baldwin.
"I didn't understand that there was any relation between you."
"Didn't you? Well, you can understand it now. You can take it from me that this young lady is mine, and you'll find it a very fine evening for a walk."
"Thank you, I am in no humour for a walk."
"Aren't you?" The man's savage eyes were blazing with anger. "Maybe you are in a humour for a fight, Mr. Boarder!"
"That I am!" cried McMurdo, springing to his feet. "You never said a more welcome word."


"For God's sake, Jack! Oh, for God's sake!" cried poor, distracted Ettie. "Oh, Jack, Jack, he will hurt you!"

"Oh, it's Jack, is it?" said Baldwin with an oath. "You've come to that already, have you?"
"Oh, Ted, be reasonable -- be kind! For my sake, Ted, if ever you loved me, be big-hearted and forgiving!"
"I think, Ettie, that if you were to leave us alone we could get this thing settled," said McMurdo quietly.
"Or maybe, Mr. Baldwin, you will take a turn down the street with me. It's a fine evening, and there's some open ground beyond the next block."
"I'll get even with you without needing to dirty my hands," said his enemy. "You'll wish you had never set foot in this house before I am through with you!"
"No time like the present," cried McMurdo. "I'll choose my own time, mister. You can leave the time to me. See here!"
He suddenly rolled up his sleeve and showed upon his forearm a peculiar sign which appeared to have been branded there.
It was a circle with a triangle within it.
"D'you know what that means?"
"I neither know nor care!"
"Well, you will know, I'll promise you that. You won't be much older, either. Perhaps Miss Ettie can tell you something about it.
As to you, Ettie, you'll come back to me on your knees -- d'ye hear, girl? -- on your knees -- and then I'll tell you what your punishment may be.
You've sowed -- and by the Lord, I'll see that you reap!"
He glanced at them both in fury. Then he turned upon his heel, and an instant later the outer doorhad banged behind him.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
remove [ri'mu:v]


v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁
n. 去除

confusion [kən'fju:ʒən]


n. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态



adj. 弯曲的;弄弯的 n. 倒弧角 vt. 弯曲(c

reasonable ['ri:znəbl]


adj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的

troubled ['trʌbld]


adj. 动乱的,不安的;混乱的;困惑的

oath [əuθ]


n. 誓言,誓约,咒骂语

savage ['sævidʒ]


adj. 野性的,凶猛的,粗鲁的,荒野的

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

stove [stəuv]


n. 炉子,火炉窑;烘房;【主英】温室


  • 第60期:此人(6) 2024-03-08
  • 第61期:身主(1) 2024-03-09
  • 第62期:身主(2) 2024-03-10
  • 第63期:身主(3) 2024-03-11
  • 第64期:身主(4) 2024-03-12
  • 上一篇:第64期:身主(4)



