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  • It was at eleven forty-five that the first alarm reached the small local police station, in charge of Sergeant Wilson of the Sussex Constabulary.
  • 夜里十一点四十五分,第一次报警就传到当地这个小小的警察所了,这个警察所由来自苏塞克斯保安队的威尔逊警官主管。
  • Cecil Barker, much excited, had rushed up to the door and pealed furiously upon the bell.
  • 塞西尔·巴克非常激动地向警察所的门冲过去,拼命地敲起警钟。
  • A terrible tragedy had occurred at the Manor House, and John Douglas had been murdered. That was the breathless burden of his message.
  • 他上岂不接下平地报告:庄园里出了惨祸,约翰·道格拉斯被人杀害了。
  • He had hurried back to the house, followed within a few minutes by the police sergeant,
  • 他匆匆地赶回庄园,过了几分钟,警官也随后赶到了,
  • who arrived at the scene of the crime a little after twelve o'clock, after taking prompt steps to warn the county authorities that something serious was afoot.
  • 他是在向郡当局紧急报告发生了严重事件以后,于十二点多一点赶到犯罪现场的。
  • On reaching the Manor House, the sergeant had found the drawbridge down, the windows lighted up, and the whole household in a state of wild confusion and alarm.
  • 警官到达庄园时,发现吊桥已经放下,楼窗灯火通明,全家处于非常混乱和惊慌失措的状态。
  • The white-faced servants were huddling together in the hall, with the frightened butler wringing his hands in the doorway.
  • 面色苍白的仆人们彼此紧挨着站在大厅里,惊恐万状的管家搓着双手,站在门口。
  • Only Cecil Barker seemed to be master of himself and his emotions; he had opened the door which was nearest to the entrance and he hadbeckoned to the sergeant to follow him.
  • 只有塞西尔·巴克看来还比较镇静,他打开离入口最近的门,招呼警官跟他进来。
  • At that moment there arrived Dr. Wood, a brisk and capable general practitioner from the village.
  • 这时,本村活跃而有本领的开业医生伍德也到了。
  • The three men entered the fatal room together,
  • 三个人一起走进这间不幸的房屋,
  • while the horror-stricken butler followed at their heels, closing the door behind him to shut out the terrible scene from the maid servants.
  • 惊慌失措的管家也紧随他们走了进来,随手把门关上,不让那些女仆们看到这可怖的景象。
  • The dead man lay on his back, sprawling with outstretched limbs in the centre of the room.
  • 死者四肢摊开,仰卧在屋子中央。
  • He was clad only in a pink dressing gown, which covered his night clothes. There were carpet slippers on his bare feet.
  • 身上只穿一件桃红色晨衣,里面穿着夜服,赤脚穿着毡拖鞋。
  • The doctor knelt beside him and held down the hand lamp which had stood on the table.
  • 医生跪在他旁边,把桌上的油灯拿了下来。
  • One glance at the victim was enough to show the healer that his presence could be dispensed with.
  • 只看受害者一眼,就足以使医生明白,毫无救活的可能了。
  • The man had been horribly injured. Lying across his chest was a curious weapon, a shotgun with the barrel sawed off a foot in front of the triggers.
  • 受害者伤势惨重。胸前横着一件稀奇古怪的武器--一支火枪,枪管从扳机往前一英尺的地方锯断了。
  • It was clear that this had been fired at close range and that he had received the whole charge in the face, blowing his head almost to pieces.
  • 显然,射击距离非常近,而且全部火药都射到脸上,死者的头几乎被炸得粉碎。
  • The triggers had been wired together, so as to make the simultaneous discharge more destructive.
  • 两个扳机用铁丝缚在一起,为的是同时发射,以便构成更大的杀伤力。
  • The country policeman was unnerved and troubled by the tremendous responsibility which had come so suddenly upon him.
  • 这样重大的责任突然降到乡村警官身上,使他困惑不安,没有勇气承担。
  • "We will touch nothing until my superiors arrive," he said in a hushed voice, staring in horror at the dreadful head.
  • "在长官没来之前,我们什么也不要动,"他惊慌失措地凝视着那可怕的头颅,低声说道。


It was at eleven forty-five that the first alarm reached the small local police station, in charge of Sergeant Wilson of the Sussex Constabulary.

Cecil Barker, much excited, had rushed up to the door and pealed furiously upon the bell.
A terrible tragedy had occurred at the Manor House, and John Douglas had been murdered. That was the breathless burden of his message.
He had hurried back to the house, followed within a few minutes by the police sergeant,
who arrived at the scene of the crime a little after twelve o'clock, after taking prompt steps to warn the county authorities that something serious was afoot.
On reaching the Manor House, the sergeant had found the drawbridge down, the windows lighted up, and the whole household in a state of wild confusion and alarm.
The white-faced servants were huddling together in the hall, with the frightened butler wringing his hands in the doorway.
Only Cecil Barker seemed to be master of himself and his emotions; he had opened the door which was nearest to the entrance and he hadbeckoned to the sergeant to follow him.
At that moment there arrived Dr. Wood, a brisk and capable general practitioner from the village.


The three men entered the fatal room together,

while the horror-stricken butler followed at their heels, closing the door behind him to shut out the terrible scene from the maid servants.
The dead man lay on his back, sprawling with outstretched limbs in the centre of the room.
He was clad only in a pink dressing gown, which covered his night clothes. There were carpet slippers on his bare feet.
The doctor knelt beside him and held down the hand lamp which had stood on the table.
One glance at the victim was enough to show the healer that his presence could be dispensed with.
The man had been horribly injured. Lying across his chest was a curious weapon, a shotgun with the barrel sawed off a foot in front of the triggers.
It was clear that this had been fired at close range and that he had received the whole charge in the face, blowing his head almost to pieces.
The triggers had been wired together, so as to make the simultaneous discharge more destructive.
The country policeman was unnerved and troubled by the tremendous responsibility which had come so suddenly upon him.
"We will touch nothing until my superiors arrive," he said in a hushed voice, staring in horror at the dreadful head.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
troubled ['trʌbld]


adj. 动乱的,不安的;混乱的;困惑的

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排

prompt [prɔmpt]


adj. 迅速的,敏捷的,立刻的
vt. 激起

capable ['keipəbl]


adj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的

doorway ['dɔ:wei]


n. 门口

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

simultaneous [.saiməl'teinjəs]


adj. 同时发生的,同步的

sergeant ['sɑ:dʒənt]


n. 中士,巡佐,军士 (法庭或议会等地的)警卫官

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过





