"I am afraid that this is a bad business, Watson," said my companion as he returned after accompanying Mr. Grant Munro to the door.
"What do you make of it?"
"It had an ugly sound," I answered.
"Yes. There's blackmail in it, or I am much mistaken."
"And who is the blackmailer?"
"Well, it must be the creature who lives in the only comfortable room in the place and has her photograph above his fireplace.
Upon my word, Watson, there is something very attractive about that livid face at the window, and I would not have missed the case for worlds."
"You have a theory?"
"Yes, a provisional one. But I shall be surprised if it does not turn out to be correct. This woman's first husband is in that cottage."
"Why do you think so?"
"How else can we explain her frenzied anxiety that her second one should not enter it?
The facts, as I read them, are something like this: This woman was married in America.
Her husband developed some hateful qualities, or shall we say he contracted some loathsome disease and became a leper or an imbecile?
She flies from him at last, returns to England, changes her name, and starts her life, as she thinks, afresh.
She has been married three years and believes that her position is quite secure,
having shown her husband the death certificate of some man whose name she has assumed,
when suddenly her whereabouts is discovered by her first husband, or, we may suppose, by some unscrupulous woman who has attached herself to the invalid.

They write to the wife and threaten to come and expose her. She asks for a hundred pounds and endeavours to buy them off.
They come in spite of it, and when the husband mentions casually to the wife that there are newcomers in the cottage,
she knows in some way that they are her pursuers.
She waits until her husband is asleep, and then she rushes down to endeavour to persuade them to leaveher in peace.
Having no success, she goes again next morning, and her husband meets her, as he has told us, as she comes out.
She promises him then not to go there again, but two days afterwards the hope of getting rid of those dreadful neighbours was too strong for her,
and she made another attempt, taking down with her the photograph which had probably been demanded from her.
In the midst of this interview the maid rushed in to say that the master had come home,
on which the wife, knowing that he would come straight down to the cottage,
hurried the inmates out at the back door, into the grove of fir-trees, probably, which was mentioned as standing near.
In this way he found the place deserted. I shall be very much surprised, however, if it is still so when he reconnoitres it this evening.
What do you think of my theory?"
"It is all surmise."
"But at least it covers all the facts.
When new facts come to our knowledge which cannot be covered by it, it will be time enough to reconsider it.
We can do nothing more until we have a message from our friend at Norbury."
But we had not a very long time to wait for that. It came just as we had finished our tea.
The cottage is still tenanted, it said. Have seen the face again at the window.
Will meet the seven-o'clock train and will take no steps until you arrive.