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  • "I should have gone to the City that day, but I was too disturbed in my mind to be able to pay attention to business matters.
  • "第二天我本应到城里去,但我心中异常烦恼,也顾不得照顾生意了。
  • My wife seemed to be as upset as myself,
  • 我妻子似乎也和我一样心神不安,
  • and I could see from the little questioning glances which she kept shooting at me that she understood that I disbelieved her statement,
  • 她始终注意着我的脸色,我从她那疑虑的目光看去,她已经知道我不相信她讲的话,
  • and that she was at her wit's end what to do.
  • 现在也是六神无主不知如何是好。
  • We hardly exchanged a word during breakfast, and immediately afterwards I went out for a walk that I might think the matter out in the fresh morning air.
  • 早餐时我们一句话也没有交谈,然后我立即出去散步,以便能在清晨新鲜空气中思考这件事。
  • I went as far as the Crystal Palace, spent an hour in the grounds, and was back in Norbury by one o'clock.
  • 我一直走到克里斯特尔宫,在那里度过了一个小时,回到诺伯里时已经一点钟了。
  • It happened that my way took mepast the cottage, and I stopped for an instant to look at the windows
  • 我正巧路过那所小别墅,便停下脚步望望那些窗户,
  • and to see if I could catch a glimpse of the strange face which had looked out at me on the day before.
  • 看看是否能见到昨天看我的那张面孔。
  • As I stood there, imagine my surprise, Mr. Holmes, when the door suddenly opened and my wife walked out.
  • 福尔摩斯先生,你想象我是多么惊奇,原来我正站在那里时,小别墅的门突然打开了,我妻子走了出来。
  • I was struck dumb with astonishment at the sight of her, but my emotions were nothing to those which showed themselves upon her face when our eyes met.
  • 我一见到她,竟惊呆得说不出话来,可是当我们目光相遇时,我妻子显得比我更加激动。
  • She seemed for an instant to wish to shrink back inside the house again;
  • 一霎时,她似乎想再退回到那所别墅中去,
  • and then, seeing how useless all concealment must be, she came forward, with a very white face and frightened eyes which belied the smile upon her lips.
  • 后来,看到再隐藏也没有什么用了,便走上前来,面色异常苍白,目光惊惧,与她嘴辱上强露出的微笑,显然是毫不相称的
  • 'Ah, Jack,' she said, 'I have just been in to see if I can be of any assistance to our new neighbours.
  • '啊,杰克,'她说道,'我刚才来看看是不是能给新邻居帮点忙。
  • Why do you look at me like that, Jack? You are not angry with me?'
  • 你为什么这样看着我?杰克,你不会和我生气吧?'
  • 'So,' said I, 'this is where you went during the night.'
  • '那么,'我说道,'这就是你昨夜来过的地方了。'
  • 'What do you mean?' she cried.
  • '你这是什么意思?'她喊道。
  • 'You came here. I am sure of it. Who are these people that you should visit them at such an hour?'
  • '我完全可以肯定,你昨夜到这里来了。这都是些什么人?你竟然在深更半夜来看他们?'
  • 'I have not been here before.'
  • '以前我没到这里来过。'
  • 'How can you tell me what you know is false?' I cried.
  • '你怎能竟然对我说起假话来?'我大声喊道。
  • 'Your very voice changes as you speak. When have I ever had a secret from you?
  • '你说话时声音都变了。我什么时候有事瞒过你?
  • I shall enter that cottage, and I shall probe the matter to the bottom.'
  • 我要进去,把这件事弄个一清二楚。'
  • 'No, no, Jack, for God's sake!' she gasped in uncontrollable emotion.
  • '不,不,杰克,看在上帝的面上!不要进去。'她激动得控制不住自己,气喘吁吁地说道。
  • Then, as I approached the door, she seized my sleeve and pulled me back with convulsive strength.
  • 等我走到门口时,她一把扯住我的袖子,一股蛮劲把我拉回去。
  • 'I implore you not to do this, Jack,' she cried.
  • '我恳求你不要这样做,杰克,'她高声喊道。
  • 'I swear that I will tellyou everything some day, but nothing but misery can come of it if you enter that cottage.'
  • '我保证过几天把一切全都告诉你,如果你进到别墅里去,除了自找苦吃以外,没有别的好处。'
  • Then, as I tried to shake her off, she clung to me in a frenzy of entreaty.
  • 后来,我从她手中挣脱开,她紧紧把我缠住,疯狂地哀求着。
  • 'Trust me, Jack!' she cried. 'Trust me only this once. You will never have cause to regret it.
  • '请你相信我,杰克!'她叫喊道,'就相信我这一次。你决不会因此而感到后悔的。
  • You know that I would not have a secret from you if it were not for your own sake. Our whole lives are at stake in this.
  • 你知道,要不是为了你好,我决不会对你隐瞒什么的。这关系到我们的整个生活。
  • If you come home with me all will be well. If you force your way into that cottage all is over between us.'
  • 如果你和我一起回家,一切都会很好的,如果你硬要进别墅去,那么我们之间的一切就全完了。'
  • There was such earnestness, such despair, in her manner that her words arrested me, and I stood irresolute before the door.
  • 她的态度如此诚恳,又如此绝望,她的话劝阻了我,使我犹豫不决地站在门前。
  • 'I will trust you on one condition, and on one condition only,' said I at last.
  • '要让我相信你,必须有一个条件,而且只有一个条件,'我终于说道。
  • 'It is that this mystery comes to an end from now.
  • '那就是从现在起必须停止这种秘密活动。
  • You are at liberty to preserve your secret, but you must promise me that there shall be no more nightly visits, no more doings which are kept from my knowledge.
  • 你有权保留你的秘密,但你必须答应我夜里不再出来,不再做什么事情不让我知道。
  • I am willing to forget those which are past if you will promise that there shall be no more in the future.'
  • 如果你答应我,将来不会再有这样的事情,我就忘掉过去的一切。'
  • 'I was sure that you would trust me,' she cried with a great sigh of relief.
  • '我知道你会相信我的,'她非常宽慰地松了口气,高声喊道。
  • 'It shall be just as you wish. Come away -- oh, come away up to the house.'
  • '完全可以照你的愿望办。走吧,啊,离开这儿回家去吧。'
  • Still pulling at my sleeve, she led me away from the cottage.
  • 她仍然拉着我的衣袖,把我从小别墅引开。
  • As we went I glanced back, and there was that yellow livid face watching us out of the upper window.
  • 我走时向后看了看,看到上面窗上,有一张铅灰色的面孔正向我们张望。
  • What link could there be between that creature and my wife?
  • 我妻子和这个怪人之间有什么关系呢?
  • Or how could the coarse, rough woman whom I had seen the day before be connected with her?
  • 头天我看到的那个粗野而又丑陋的女人和她又有什么瓜葛呢?
  • It was a strange puzzle, and yet I knew that my mind could never know ease again until I had solved it.
  • 这是一个奇怪的谜,我知道,在我解开这个疑团之前,我的心情是永远不会平静的。


"I had sat for about twenty minutes turning the thing over in my mind and trying to find some possible explanation.

The more I thought, the more extraordinary and inexplicable did it appear.
I was still puzzling over it when I heard the door gently close again, and her footsteps coming up the stairs.
'Where in the world have you been, Effie?' I asked as she entered.
She gave a violent start and a kind of gasping cry when I spoke,
and that cry and start troubled me more than all the rest, for there was something indescribably guilty about them.
My wife had always been a woman of a frank, open nature,
and it gave me a chill to see her slinking into her own room and crying out and wincing when her own husband spoke to her.


'You awake, Jack!' she cried with a nervous laugh. 'Why, I thought that nothing could awake you.'

'Where have you been?' I asked, more sternly.
'I don't wonder that you are surprised,' said she, and I could see that her fingers were trembling as she undid the fastenings of her mantle.
'Why, I never remember having done such a thing in my life before.
The fact is that I felt as though I were choking and had a perfect longing for a breath of fresh air.
I really think that I should have fainted if I had not gone out. I stood at the door for a few minutes, and now I am quite myself again.'
All the time that she was telling me this story she never once looked in my direction, and her voice was quite unlike her usual tones.
It was evident to me that she was saying what was false.
I said nothing in reply, but turned my face to the wall, sick at heart, with my mind filled with a thousand venomous doubts and suspicions.
What was it that my wife was concealing from me? Where had she been during that strange expedition?
I felt that I should have no peace until I knew, and yet I shrank from asking her again after once she had told me what was false.
All the rest of the night I tossed and tumbled, framing theory after theory, each more unlikely than the last."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
longing ['lɔŋiŋ]


n. 渴望,憧憬 adj. 渴望的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

unlikely [ʌn'laikli]


adj. 不太可能的

frank [fræŋk]


adj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的
vt. 免费

explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

troubled ['trʌbld]


adj. 动乱的,不安的;混乱的;困惑的

puzzling ['pʌzliŋ]


adj. 令人迷惑的,茫然不知所措的,莫名其妙的

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

inexplicable [in'eksplikəbl]


adj. 无法说明的,无法解释的,费解的

framing ['reimiŋ]


n. 取景;[计]组帧;设计;框架 v. 制定;构造;装


  • 第5期:芒罗先生到访(2) 2023-10-20
  • 第6期:芒罗先生到访(3) 2023-10-21
  • 第7期:小别墅疑云(1) 2023-10-22
  • 第8期:小别墅疑云(2) 2023-10-23
  • 第9期:小别墅疑云(3) 2023-10-24
  • 发布评论我来说2句



