For millions of students, it's back to school time, and many educators are worried students are heading back to another school year of fewer teachers.
"Fewer and fewer people going into the teaching profession, which is making the teaching shortage much much worse."
The American Federation of Teachers estimates 10 percent of the U.S. teaching force (roughly 300,000) have left their role for two years in a row.
Last school year, at least 40 states and U.S. territories including the District of Columbia reported ongoing teacher shortages,
with many vacancies in highly specialized STEM and special education subjects.
Among the top reasons for those departures, pandemic burnout, school safety and low pay.

But this year, as states and school districts are desperate to keep their classrooms staffed, their turning to unconventional alternatives.
In Houston, Texas, the school district now seeking to waive teacher certifications for certain roles in order to quickly hire more people.
The State of Michigan raising wages and reportedly accepting out-of-state teacher certifications if they meet certain criteria.
And now a Maryland school district, Prince George's County Public Schools, even thinking about implementing artificial intelligence in classrooms.
The goal, to excite and inspire students about AI and empower teachers to use it in their classrooms,
which experts say could relieve some of the burden off of teachers for time-consuming tasks like lesson planning.