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- Her brother, whose eye she feared to meet, scarcely recollected her interest in the affair, and the very circumstance which had been designed to turn his thoughts from Elizabeth, seemed to have fixed them on her more, and more cheerfully.
- 她害怕看到她哥哥的眼睛,事实上她哥哥倒没有留意她也牵涉在这件事情里面。彬格莱小姐这次本来已经安排好神机妙算,要使得达西回心转意,不再眷恋伊丽莎白,结果反而使他对伊丽莎白更加念念难忘,更加有情意。
- Their visit did not continue long after the question and answer above-mentioned;
- 这一问一答以后,客人们没有隔多久就告辞了。
- and while Mr. Darcy was attending them to their carriage, Miss Bingley was venting her feelings in criticisms on Elizabeth's person, behaviour, and dress.
- 当达西先生送她们上马车的时候,彬格莱小姐便趁机在他妹妹面前大发牢骚,把伊丽莎白的人品、举止和服装都一一批评到了。
- But Georgiana would not join her.
- 乔治安娜可并没有接嘴。
- Her brother's recommendation was enough to ensure her favour: his judgment could not err,
- 因为她哥哥既然那么推崇伊丽莎白,她当然便也对她有了好感。哥哥的看法决不会错;
- and he had spoken in such terms of Elizabeth as to leave Georgiana without the power of finding her otherwise than lovely and amiable.
- 他把伊丽莎白捧得叫乔治安娜只觉得她又亲切又可爱。
- When Darcy returned to the saloon, Miss Bingley could not help repeating to him some part of what she had been saying to his sister.
- 达西回到客厅里来的时候,彬格莱小姐又把刚才跟他妹妹说的话,重新又说了一遍给他听。


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