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- No; hatred had vanished long ago, and she had almost as long been ashamed of ever feeling a dislike against him that could be so called.
- 决不会的;恨早就消了。如果说她当真一度讨厌过他,她也早就为当初这种心情感到惭愧。
- The respect created by the conviction of his valuable qualities, though at first unwillingly admitted, had for some time ceased to be repugnant to her feelings;
- 她既然认为他具有许多高尚的品质,自然就尊敬起他来,尽管她开头还不大愿意承认,事实上早就因为尊敬他而不觉得他有丝毫讨厌的地方了。
- and it was now heightened into somewhat of a friendlier nature by the testimony so highly in his favour, and bringing forward his disposition in so amiable a light, which yesterday had produced.
- 她现在又听到大家都说他的好话,昨天她又亲眼看到了种种情形,看出他原来是个性格很柔顺的人,于是尊敬之外又添了几分亲切。
- But above all, above respect and esteem, there was a motive within her of good will which could not be overlooked.
- 但是问题的关键还不在于她对他尊敬和器重,而在于她还存着一片好心好意,这一点可不能忽略。
- It was gratitude.
- 她对他颇有几分感激之心。
- Gratitude, not merely for having once loved her, but for loving her still well enough to forgive all the petulance and acrimony of her manner in rejecting him, and all the unjust accusations accompanying her rejection.
- 她所以感激他,不仅因为他曾经爱过她,而且因为当初她虽然那么意气用事,斩钉截铁地拒绝过他,错怪过他,如今他却决不计较,反而依旧爱她。
- He who, she had been persuaded, would avoid her as his greatest enemy, seemed, on this accidental meeting, most eager to preserve the acquaintance, and without any indelicate display of regard, or any peculiarity of manner, where their two selves only were concerned, was soliciting the good opinion of her friends, and bent on making her known to his sister.
- 她本以为他会恨她入骨,决不会再理睬她,可是这一次邂逅而遇,他却好像急不待缓地要跟她重修旧好。提到他们俩人本身方面的事情,他虽然旧情难忘,可是语气神态之间,却没有粗鄙怪癖的表现,只是竭力想要获得她亲友们的好感,而且真心诚意地要介绍她和他的妹妹认识。


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