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- Neither had anything occurred in the intelligence of their Lambton friends that could materially lessen its weight.
- 何况根据蓝白屯的朋友们跟他们讲的情形来看,也觉得这位管家奶奶的话没有什么不可靠的地方。
- They had nothing to accuse him of but pride;
- 达西除了傲慢之外,人家指摘不出他有任何错处。
- pride he probably had, and if not, it would certainly be imputed by the inhabitants of a small market-town where the family did not visit.
- 说到傲慢,他也许果真有些傲慢,纵使他并不傲慢,那么,那个小镇上的居民们见他全家终年足迹不至,自然也要说他傲慢。
- It was acknowledged, however, that he was a liberal man, and did much good among the poor.
- 不过大家都公认他是个很大方的人,济苦救贫,慷慨解囊。
- With respect to Wickham, the travellers soon found that he was not held there in much estimation; for though the chief of his concerns with the son of his patron were imperfectly understood, it was yet a well known fact that on his quitting Derbyshire he had left many debts behind him, which Mr. Darcy afterwards discharged.
- 再说韦翰,他们立刻就发觉他在这个地方并不十分受人器重;虽然大家不大明了他和他恩人的独生子之间的主要关系,可是大家都知道他离开德比郡时曾经欠下了多少债务,后来都是达西先生替他偿还的。
- As for Elizabeth, her thoughts were at Pemberley this evening more than the last;
- 伊丽莎白这个晚上一心一意只想到彭伯里,比昨天晚上还要想得厉害。
- and the evening, though as it passed it seemed long, was not long enough to determine her feelings towards one in that mansion;
- 这虽然是一个漫漫的长夜,可是她还是觉得不够长,因为彭伯里大厦里那个人弄得她心里千头万绪,
- and she lay awake two whole hours endeavouring to make them out.
- 她在床上整整躺了两个钟头睡不着觉,左思右想,还弄不明白对他究竟是爱是憎。
- She certainly did not hate him.
- 她当然不会恨他。


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