Kenya on Saturday marked a new milestone in space exploration by launching the first satellite dubbed "Taifa 1" into space after three botched attempts linked to bad weather. Developed by nine Kenyan engineers, the observation satellite blasted off aboard SpaceX's Falcon-9 full-thrust rocket from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E), at Vandenberg Space Force Base in the United States of America. The launch of Taifa 1 was described by the Kenya Space Agency as a historic milestone, amid efforts to harness space science to tackle present-day ecological challenges like the climate crisis. Taifa is a Swahili word meaning "nation" in English.
1.a new milestone in 某方面的一个新的里程碑 exploration 太空探索
3.observation satellite 观测卫星
4.a historic milestone 一个历史性的里程碑
5.tackle present-day ecological challenges 解决当今社会的生态挑战
The satellite will also collect agricultural data, monitor wildfires and aid local efforts to combat food insecurity while strengthening disaster management, noted Kenya Space Agency. Its launch after three failed attempts last week linked to unfavorable upper-level wind conditions according to Kenya Space Agency is expected to revitalize the push for space exploration in Africa.
6.collect agricultural data 收集农业数据
7.monitor wildfires 监测野火
8.combat food insecurity 解决粮食不安全的问题
9.strengthen disaster management 加强灾害管理